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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Too late for banking. A lot of finance companies are just shifting operations anyway. Working with them every day


Yup. I'm doing similar - getting the kit ready to go. I've given up count there most be a couple of hundred providers I know of, with anywhere from 5 partner IFA firms up to the big retail and investment banks.


It's a total muck storm here and even if we reversed Brexit I bet many of them will still move over, just in case we change our minds again.

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Yup. I'm doing similar - getting the kit ready to go. I've given up count there most be a couple of hundred providers I know of, with anywhere from 5 partner IFA firms up to the big retail and investment banks.


It's a total muck storm here and even if we reversed Brexit I bet many of them will still move over, just in case we change our minds again.


They’ve lost patience in the last 3-4 months. They all asked for clarity months ago when planning for 2018-19 financial year started. They didn’t get it. They still haven’t got it.

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Out of the EU it'll be a dead duck. Frankfurt is gobbling up people and companies..... dark sites, all the kit there - just in case...


Once passporting is lost, or even known to be lost at some point in the future it'll flip so fast it'll be more or less instant.


Frankfurt would have "gobbled up people and companies" already before now if it could.

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A slim majority, built on lies and stupidity.


A majority never-the-less, and as in a normal GE lies and stupidity know no bounds when it comes to politics.(and politicians)


Back to the old "we don't know, but we'll leap of the bridge to find out" idiocy.

Despite the fact that we can already see damage being caused.


Yep! You cant have it all ways.


Oh, this has happened before has it?


I said we would recover as we have in the past meaning the problems such as the 2008 banking crisis.


Well, either you didn't read anything, or you read propaganda. There was no way to avoid it.


Yes there was. I didn't read it because I don't buy newspapers and have mentioned this many times in the past, I also don't watch TV, so much for your try with the propaganda angle.


Absolutely not, I'm convinced that a majority of the leave voters did so for frankly idiotic reasons.


Absolutely yes! You are only convinced of that because they voted differently to you and have that "how dare they attitude."


All these things to some extent are true, it's not a case of insulting, it's just descriptive, and goes to explain why the result should be roundly ignored.


Is that that reason you stated that it was the poorly educated that in the main voted leave because you felt it true. As in any general election the public voters, however they are educated, make their choices and those choices should be respected despite what you feel you are convinced of. What we have at the moment is attempts to slur and discredit them by people who feel they are better suited to make the decisions. Its easy to see that in action on this thread as the main remainers here that are doing this are, I'm convinced, ;) on the whole people with University degrees who feel superior to the rest.


---------- Post added 15-02-2018 at 19:43 ----------


Out of the EU it'll be a dead duck. Frankfurt is gobbling up people and companies..... dark sites, all the kit there - just in case...


Once passporting is lost, or even known to be lost at some point in the future it'll flip so fast it'll be more or less instant.


The problem with that is the EU and it members know full well that the if anyone knows and does banking well and be successful then its the City in the UK. As Alan Hartley has stated the UK will remain the global hub for trading and currency clearing and will still be a major player.

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I am one of the firm remainers and I would welcome an about turn.

However,if that’s not to be I really would like to be cheered up,if not convinced by a few advantages that will be enjoyed by us after a Hard Brexit,which was what was voted for.

I am just not getting any vision from our leaders,though I suspect that it will be a soft exit if they are to keep the cart on the wheels.

What if,perish the thought,we just walk away.

What benefits do you hope for.

All I’m getting so far is reassurance that it won’t be as bad as many fear,which for me is not sufficient reason to leave.

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A majority never-the-less, and as in a normal GE lies and stupidity know no bounds when it comes to politics.(and politicians)


“If a democracy cannot change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy”.


David Davis (2012)


Or has he now changed his mind about that?!!?

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The great ‘Made in Britain’ delusion



Revealingly, EU trade partners like Canada and Japan are signaling a willingness to roll over the terms of their deals with the U.K. post Brexit. This is hardly out of the goodness of their hearts. They realize that they would be able to export tariff-free to the U.K. under those terms, while Britain would fall foul of rules of origin requirements.


“It’s not surprising when third countries tell the U.K. that they are happy to copy and paste EU trade deals,” said a European diplomat close to the Brexit talks. “It’s very smart for them because they keep their market access … [while] U.K. companies would struggle to fulfill rules of origin requirements for their exports.”

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Well, I for one am looking forward to "being in opposition". We put up with the straight banana stories and general europhobia penned by the likes of Johnson when he was a mere journalist, for decades.


Now the shoe is on the other foot.


I say this for the benefit of anyone who believes that the "remoaners" shoudl get over it and cease their protest - we "lost", as if there could be any winners from such an asinine exercise, and now we are leaving the EU, leavers can look forward to choruses of 'I told you so' and 'Well, we should join the EU' at every step.


Every time the wheels fall off - and they will - we will be there to remind you what dolts you are.

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I will look forward to reposting this again and again to remind you what dolts you are. :)


You need to wake up and realise that neither "we" nor the EU trade with anyone. Businesses trade.


Business will continue to trade and the trade patterns simply cannot be untied and that is why the EU and the UK will reach a mutually beneficial post Brexit arrangement because the EU27 do not want to materially affect their national economies.


Quit with the Brussels ideology induced Stockholm Syndrome and get with the realpolitik.

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