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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Yes, you've missed something.


Osbourne and the Remainers warned that there would be a massive rise in unemployment and a UK economic meltdown if we merely voted to Leave.


Never mind actually leaving the EU. Just voting to Leave would deliver an immense economic shock, so these Remainer 'experts' solemnly informed us.


Emergency budget after emergency budget (slashing public services and raising taxes). A £30 billion black hole in the public finances to be dealt with in the immediate days after the vote Leave result.


Remainers are simply incompetent when it comes to predicting economic crisis.


nothing new there then

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So more people out of work, and those in work are poorer than a year ago...


In reality, the Leave vote has been very good for most sections of society, but especially for Minorities and women in particular.


Nearly 500,000 more people from a Black and Minority Ethnic background (BAME) have gained employment since 2015, the majority after the Referendum result of June 2016.


The gender employment rate gap between women and men is now at a near-record low, just 8.9% difference.


Brexit is proving to be very good for disadvantaged people. Perhaps this is why affluent middle-class liberals hate it so much?

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Some highlights:-


Jeremy Corbyn will set out Labour’s new position on Brexit with a major speech at the start of next week. Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Smith said yesterday Corbyn’s Brexit position is “deepening and evolving” and that he personally backed staying in the single market and customs union.


Has Brussels rejected Britain’s new position before it has even been agreed?


Britain’s new chief trade negotiator, Crawford Falconer, is threatening to quit.


Amnesty’s annual report on human rights around the world concludes protections in the U.K. will be “significantly” reduced due to the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, due to its failure to retain the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.


The FT reckons Unilever is poised to pick Holland over Britain for its new unified headquarters despite a lengthy charm offensive led by Business Secretary Greg Clark.

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In reality, the Leave vote has been very good for most sections of society, but especially for Minorities and women in particular.


Nearly 500,000 more people from a Black and Minority Ethnic background (BAME) have gained employment since 2015, the majority after the Referendum result of June 2016.


The gender employment rate gap between women and men is now at a near-record low, just 8.9% difference.


Brexit is proving to be very good for disadvantaged people. Perhaps this is why affluent middle-class liberals hate it so much?


Attributing things that are entirely unrelated to brexit and the continuation of long term trends to it.


Minorities have most definitely not benefited from brexit, massively increased race related crime for example is not to their benefit.

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Why? Will it change the fact that although some in the Eurozone have had a minuscule unemployment rate reduction of 0.1% the average rate of unemployment is still around double ours. The only one that seems to be less is Germany @3.6% with France @9.2%, Italy @11.1%, Spain @16.7% and Greece @20.5%.


---------- Post added 21-02-2018 at 21:23 ----------



What about it? See above.


---------- Post added 21-02-2018 at 21:24 ----------



Yes it is.


It’s an indicator of economic performance. The UK has had it good in the EU for years and now is in the doldrums.

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In reality, the Leave vote has been very good for most sections of society, but especially for Minorities and women in particular.


Nearly 500,000 more people from a Black and Minority Ethnic background (BAME) have gained employment since 2015, the majority after the Referendum result of June 2016.


The gender employment rate gap between women and men is now at a near-record low, just 8.9% difference.


Brexit is proving to be very good for disadvantaged people. Perhaps this is why affluent middle-class liberals hate it so much?


What are you saying then?

Middle class liberals are against disadvantaged people getting jobs?

Middle class liberals are just against disadvantaged people?

Middle class people are against women?

Women are disadvantaged people?

Middle class liberals are against people from a black and minority ethnic background?

The EU is responsible for a gender employment rate gap?

The EU is responsible for how middle class liberals think and act?

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What are you saying then?

Middle class liberals are against disadvantaged people getting jobs?

Middle class liberals are just against disadvantaged people?

Middle class people are against women?

Women are disadvantaged people?

Middle class liberals are against people from a black and minority ethnic background?

The EU is responsible for a gender employment rate gap?

The EU is responsible for how middle class liberals think and act?

or Carboot is against middleclass liberals and the EU :hihi:

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So the nett EU immigration figures have fallen.

Is this another triumph for Brexit or an indicator of how we are going to lose much needed staff in our hospital,workers in services and agriculture.

Just a note to the “very few” Brexit supporters who are xenophobic,this reduction has nothing whatsoever to do with illegal migrants or better control of our borders.

It’s just that our fellow Europeans fear for their future well being in what was Great Britain.

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So the nett EU immigration figures have fallen.

Is this another triumph for Brexit or an indicator of how we are going to lose much needed staff in our hospital,workers in services and agriculture.

Just a note to the “very few” Brexit supporters who are xenophobic,this reduction has nothing whatsoever to do with illegal migrants or better control of our borders.

It’s just that our fellow Europeans fear for their future well being in what was Great Britain.


There is no 'Brexodus'.


EU nationals leave, EU Nationals arrive.


The number of EU nationals applying for British citizenship has nearly doubled since the Brexit vote.




The number of EU nationals applying for British citizenship has increased by 80% since the Brexit vote as thousands of EU citizens flee the corrupt and failing political and economic union.


---------- Post added 22-02-2018 at 12:48 ----------


It’s just that our fellow Europeans fear for their future well being in what was Great Britain.


If that were true (its not) then why do so many EU nationals, record numbers of them in fact, want to live in a non-EU UK rather than any EU member state?


Brexit is for the people. The EU is for the Elite.

Edited by Car Boot
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