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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The stuff that is going to the EU is going there because people here don’t eat it. That will stop when it becomes more expensive due to tariffs- fewer fishermen again.


Of course it wont stop as people who eat fish will still pay for it regardless especially vegetarians, and despite fish prices rising steadily over the years that has not stopped people from buying fish. BTW in 2016 the main exports from the UK were for farmed Salmon, Mackerel, Herring and Shellfish with the main imports being for Tuna, Cod, Shrimps and Prawns. We also import most of our favourite eaten fish, Cod, Haddock, Tuna, Shrimps and Prawns from non EU sources.


Its also another situation where the people in the UK fishing industries voted overwhelmingly in the referendum to leave.

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It’s symptomatic of the basic equation Brexiters seem to have in their heads


Leave EU = Everything better


Fantasy is now colliding with reality


If the posters on here are representative of the Brexit supporters ,reality is not in their vocabulary.

I cannot believe that anything that has been advanced so far by Theresa May accords with their vision of the future.

She has said that it will be damaging to parts of our economy,and under a Tory Government this undoubtedly means that it will have a greater impact on the lower middle classes downwards.

Johnson,Mogg,IDS will not have these concerns as they play their hands in the political game.

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Of course it wont stop as people who eat fish will still pay for it regardless especially vegetarians, and despite fish prices rising steadily over the years that has not stopped people from buying fish.

If anybody was wondering whether you are serious or just a troll, you've just removed any doubt.

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If the posters on here are representative of the Brexit supporters ,reality is not in their vocabulary.


I might suggest the same of the Brexit deniers on here, who peddle impending doom (which continually and unhelpfully fails to materialise) while carefully ignoring secretive trade deals the EU has made, without any public scrutiny, which seek to privatise public services, threaten our food safety and weaken workers rights.

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I might suggest the same of the Brexit deniers on here, who peddle impending doom (which continually and unhelpfully fails to materialise) while carefully ignoring secretive trade deals the EU has made, without any public scrutiny, which seek to privatise public services, threaten our food safety and weaken workers rights.


There is also this and given another thread may amuse you: :)



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I might suggest the same of the Brexit deniers on here, who peddle impending doom (which continually and unhelpfully fails to materialise) while carefully ignoring secretive trade deals the EU has made, without any public scrutiny, which seek to privatise public services, threaten our food safety and weaken workers rights.


The same kind of secretive trade deal talks that the UK wants to conduct with the US?







Trade policy should be subject to the most rigorous parliamentary procedures. That is why the upcoming trade bill is a crucial piece of legislation. As it stands, however, the bill makes no mention of consultation or scrutiny, and gives no powers to Parliament to influence or monitor trade policy.


No minister should be able to whisk through Parliament agreements that are negotiated behind closed doors. And that is how Liam Fox seems to prefer to do them: just before Christmas we found out that his department has colluded with its American counterpart to keep all information on US-UK trade talks confidential for four years after their conclusion. Our democracy will be diminished if the Government is allowed to get away with this constitutional outrage.

Edited by chalga
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Thank you. I hadn't seen that.


The EU wishes to change the rules regarding television advertising, to enable more adverts to be shown during prime time.


At the same time it wants to force Netflix and Amazon to make 20 per cent of their films in Europe, and to give national governments the right to impose financial levies on Netflix and Amazon to pay for the promotion of 'European identity' (EU identity).


You couldn't make it up.

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Thank you. I hadn't seen that.


The EU wishes to change the rules regarding television advertising, to enable more adverts to be shown during prime time.


At the same time it wants to force Netflix and Amazon to make 20 per cent of their films in Europe, and to give national governments the right to impose financial levies on Netflix and Amazon to pay for the promotion of 'European identity' (EU identity).


You couldn't make it up.

isnt that a good thing? or wouldve been if we wernt leaving the EU, some of the top shows are now made in Ireland, Game of thrones being one, more money spent this way instead of america. Also wasnt the british government doing more initiatives to get more shows and films made over here?

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Thank you. I hadn't seen that.


The EU wishes to change the rules regarding television advertising, to enable more adverts to be shown during prime time.


At the same time it wants to force Netflix and Amazon to make 20 per cent of their films in Europe, and to give national governments the right to impose financial levies on Netflix and Amazon to pay for the promotion of 'European identity' (EU identity).


You couldn't make it up.


I thought you were complaining that the EU took away the rights of national governments,now you are complaining that the EU are giving national governments rights,you couldn't make it up.

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