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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The same kind of secretive trade deal talks that the UK wants to conduct with the US?







Trade policy should be subject to the most rigorous parliamentary procedures. That is why the upcoming trade bill is a crucial piece of legislation. As it stands, however, the bill makes no mention of consultation or scrutiny, and gives no powers to Parliament to influence or monitor trade policy.


No minister should be able to whisk through Parliament agreements that are negotiated behind closed doors. And that is how Liam Fox seems to prefer to do them: just before Christmas we found out that his department has colluded with its American counterpart to keep all information on US-UK trade talks confidential for four years after their conclusion. Our democracy will be diminished if the Government is allowed to get away with this constitutional outrage.


We can sack the government at the next general election. And hurt the ruling party at local elections.

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I might suggest the same of the Brexit deniers on here, who peddle impending doom (which continually and unhelpfully fails to materialise) while carefully ignoring secretive trade deals the EU has made, without any public scrutiny, which seek to privatise public services, threaten our food safety and weaken workers rights.


Brexit has not happened yet

How much public scrutiny has there ever been about trade deals?

Have we any public services left that could be privatised after the Thatcher years?

The one right that workers need is the right to work for a living wage.How is this enhanced with job losses in manufacturing,engineering,services and increasingly probably in finance?

If you believe in threats to food safety I would say that this is more probable as we seek trade deals outside the EU,including steroid filled meat and chlorine washed chicken from the US of A.

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Brexit has not happened yet

How much public scrutiny has there ever been about trade deals?

Have we any public services left that could be privatised after the Thatcher years?

The one right that workers need is the right to work for a living wage.How is this enhanced with job losses in manufacturing,engineering,services and increasingly probably in finance?

If you believe in threats to food safety I would say that this is more probable as we seek trade deals outside the EU,including steroid filled meat and chlorine washed chicken from the US of A.




Well said fella..;) I agree.;)

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We can sack the government at the next general election. And hurt the ruling party at local elections.


That doesn't alter the fact that the electorate cannot make an informed decision on what is being discussed,by being able to vote in the way that they either agree or disagree with what the trade talks are about,and the government can withold that information and make it more beneficial for them to get elected by witholding that information,which makes it anti democratic for them to be secret.

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The stuff that is going to the EU is going there because people here don’t eat it. That will stop when it becomes more expensive due to tariffs- fewer fishermen again. That lack of a degree is showing Peter, not thought the argument through, have you?


If people here don't eat and it's going to the EU it gives us a clue who's emptying the fish stocks, that degree isn't helping is it.

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If people here don't eat and it's going to the EU it gives us a clue who's emptying the fish stocks, that degree isn't helping is it.


i thought it was going there because the EU is a trading block and we trade :suspect:

NOT cos we dont eat it, we eat plenty of fish

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i thought it was going there because the EU is a trading block and we trade :suspect:

NOT cos we dont eat it, we eat plenty of fish


NOT what he's on about Mel...The Fishing right's for BRITISH Fishermen should be in BRITISH Waters. Keep it.


Sod the french.

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Don’t like being put right, do you? Are you the sort of person that would go home after class telling his buddies how daft the teacher is for failing you?


Now how about that legislation or indeed evidence that Grimsby getting a fishing fleet is going to fix the UK? Same question of dear old retep.


How can you put me right, when I already knew I was wrong ? I posted it in jest as a reply to post 7048 . Have you had a sense of humour bypass ? Lighten up :)

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i thought it was going there because the EU is a trading block and we trade :suspect:

NOT cos we dont eat it, we eat plenty of fish


The fish that is exported by us to the EU is not the sort that many in the UK eat, and as explained previously the fish we mainly eat is not supplied by EU countries.

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