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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Yes I agree, but our own government should manage them and give UK fishermen priority when allocating quotas.

That won't increase employment for UK fishermen much if they don't stop allocating 98.5% of the quota to relatively few large boats. But again, that's another problem that is down to the UK government not the EU.

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But fish STILL NEED managing, theres not that many to go catching willy nilly.


Trouble was the EU had laws that meant boats were having to throw dead fish back because it exceeded their quota. That was a total waste of resources and with the number of trawlers having to to it must have been one of the most stupid rules the EU ever dreamt up. I wonder how many tones of fish were wasted over the years.

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I assume you mean back home and not down in to the town?

erm yeah i meant when ive been to the pavillion to see the bands, ive caught the taxi from the rank in town before, that was horrendous, specially on a sunday night, 1 taxi to do a queue of hundreds, we were there about 6 hours and all the trendy arseholes trying to start fights, orrible.

So now i book it before i go and tell em to meet me at the whalebones

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There are no surprises here. The EU has the best hand and is also the banker.


It isn't a case of revenge or punishment, it's simply a case of standard business practice.


Pragmatism will hopefully rule and the EU will do a deal with us, it will however be a deal which suits the EU.


The other 27 members of the worlds wealthiest and most successful Trade Bloc tend to be in agreement that it's a good thing to be in the club.


They will have no problem agreeing a deal which suits them, if it also suits us then that's a bonus, for us.


On the other hand, if we are looking for a deal which benefits us and is to the detriment of the other 27 members why would they give it to us?


It isn't a case of negotiating from a position of equal strength, it's simply a fact that we will have to take what we are offered, hopefully we have some products/services that other members are prepared to offer concessions in order to continue to receive.


The BBC's political editor Laura Kuennsberg is being a little hyperbolic in saying " The row won't happen because it seems the UK has already given in ".


It was obvious to anyone able to look at the situation logically, and without jingoistic nonsense clouding their judgement that we are in no position to demand anything.


Certain things will ( hopefully ) work out in our favour, but the majority of the negotiations will work out in favour of the EU.


That's they way the world works however unfairly it may seem.


When Britain was the top dog we took full advantage, why do we now think it should be different?


This was posted back in June last year and is as true today as it was then. I cannot see why any Brexiteers should be looking forward to an improved U.K. economy.

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This was posted back in June last year and is as true today as it was then. I cannot see why any Brexiteers should be looking forward to an improved U.K. economy.

Indeed, its delusional to think we have anything to offer that the 27 dont already have, and we are NOT great

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If you lived of worked near the coast and your community relied or once relied on the fishing industry, then you would expert after Brexit that the United Kingdom fishing industry would have much higher quotas etc then before Brexit resulting in more local jobs, especially if you voted to leave the EU.


Much higher quotas to fish where exactly?


What if Scotland leaves the U.K. and joins the EU?

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