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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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And is the government in the process of implementing the Brexit that you voted for?

Its the most depressing sequence of events from Cameron’s referendum decision onwards that has done nothing but additional harm to the Tories and in due course to the country and it’s population.

I might have to live with it,but support it....never.


On 23 June 2016 the British people voted in their largest numbers ever to leave the European Union. Two consecutive UK Governments have made it quite clear that it is their duty to implement the will of the people and leave the EU. There will be no second referendum. The losing side will not be getting a 'neverendum' until they get the result they prefer, simply because they lost.


Sooner or later Brexit deniers will just have to accept that there is not going to be another referendum, and get used to us leaving the EU. Hopefully one day they will respect the democratic outcome of the vote and be able to get on with their lives.

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On 23 June 2016 the British people voted in their largest numbers ever to leave the European Union. Two consecutive UK Governments have made it quite clear that it is their duty to implement the will of the people and leave the EU. There will be no second referendum. The losing side will not be getting a 'neverendum' until they get the result they prefer, simply because they lost.


Sooner or later Brexit deniers will just have to accept that there is not going to be another referendum, and get used to us leaving the EU. Hopefully one day they will respect the democratic outcome of the vote and be able to get on with their lives.

WILL the government leave the EU as you wanted and voted for, or will it be fudged? ;)

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In the post war years,if we had had a referendum on the death penalty,I have no doubt that there would have been a vote in favour.

Thankfully,no government was stupid enough to offer this to the general public in a binding referendum.

My main anger is directed at the factions in the Conservative ranks,and Cameron who was unable to control them.

It’s all going to get very messy,and I wish that all this energy had been directed at shaping the EU from within.

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The very expensive Government leaflet (which Leave voters are still paying for) sent to every household in the UK before the vote stated:


The EU referendum is a once in a generation decision.


It also informed us:


This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide.



well that government no longer exists, and as we all know the referendum was not legally binding. So the current government cannot be bound by whatever promises Mr Cameron may have made in leaflets his previous government printed.

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The worst thing that you can do with a bad decision is to stick with it or risk losing face.

This applies to domestic and business life,and should do in politics.

I do not like the thought of a hard deal,or a no deal.

The best that I can hope for is an extremely soft Brexit ,which I would imagine is unpalatable to some posters.

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So what?


As leaving the EU looks more and more like a very bad idea with every week that passes, why shouldn't people be allowed to have a re think of the whole idea?


Because it's a big waste of public money. Because there is no democratic imperative.


Many Remain supporters do not care a jot about democracy or respecting democratically derived outcomes but instead seek to replace the will of the people with an opposite, updated will of the people made in their own image.


The referendum in June 2016 was held on the basis that a single vote majority would decide the outcome. We all knew this. Nobody objected at the time. David Cameron spent over £9 million on leaflets which were sent to every household in the UK which clearly explained that it was a once in a generation vote.


No Remainers objected to this. No Remainers complained. They fully accepted before the vote that it was a once only decision. It's only after they lost that they changed their minds...

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Because it's a big waste of public money. Because there is no democratic imperative.


Many Remain supporters do not care a jot about democracy or respecting democratically derived outcomes but instead seek to replace the will of the people with an opposite, updated will of the people made in their own image.


The referendum in June 2016 was held on the basis that a single vote majority would decide the outcome. We all knew this. Nobody objected at the time. David Cameron spent over £9 million on leaflets which were sent to every household in the UK which clearly explained that it was a once in a generation vote.


No Remainers objected to this. No Remainers complained. They fully accepted before the vote that it was a once only decision. It's only after they lost that they changed their minds...

Care to answer my question from above?

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Because it's a big waste of public money. Because there is no democratic imperative.


That's a ludicrous thing to say. A second referendum would cost millions at the very worst. Brexit has already cost the UK economy 30 billion and counting and no one knows how bad the eventual economic damage will be. It is a huge decision that is being made without the backing of the majority of the population so there is an absolutely democratic imperative for the process to be reviewed.

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Now we get this from Michael O'Leary:


Ryanair is threatening to ground its planes to persuade voters to “rethink” Brexit.


Michael O’Leary, the budget airline’s chief executive, said he wants to “create an opportunity” by making people realise they are “no longer going to have cheap holidays.”


Is this because Ryanair are going to lose money?



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