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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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But I seem to remember you posting that you quit, are you now saying you were one of the workers that were made redundant?

quit? sure youve got the right person? ive never quit, i got 7 grand in redundancy LOL, then 3 months later they asked me to go back for up to 6 weeks.....i was there another 6 months till they told me they no longer needed me again...then a month later took mi mate on for a couple of months, hes just finished his stint i believe) I think the second time as it was 6 months dont they have to think whether to get rid or make you full time again?

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No not denying it, just pointing out that in the first clip you posted from the BBC it was not said even though you stated it was. You see there is a big difference to linking what I said in that post to another clip that you posted when it does mention brexit. In the normal SF tradition it is up to to to back up your claim with evidence which you failed to do in that post, because of that you then accused me of calling you a liar and had to post a new clip. I am not the one who should check on the story for accuracy as it was you that posted the clip.




Once again I dont think you made a mistake, I know you did and anyone else reading the post will come to the same conclusion. Again where in that clip from the BBC in post 7313 does it state "sign the brexit papers? I'm not talking about other clips as I have already acknowledged brexit was mentioned in subsequent clips.


Also I am not denying a link between brexit and racism as you claim as it would be impossible to do so without relevant data which is not available, something Vince Cable has just found out to his cost.


For someone who make the excuse after posting that; "I didn't want to post the whole video because it was disgusting in many respects".. You are certainly making up for it now by posting 2 others as well.


So let’s get back on topic.


Move on from failing the test, although I’m sure you were happy when you thought you had grounds for denial. For a time at least.


I’m glad you now acknowledge that they chanted it, and there is a connection between racism and Brexit. Job done.


---------- Post added 12-03-2018 at 15:25 ----------


"How has the Brexit vote affected the economy? November verdict"




And the bit at the bottom which may upset you,


"And another thing we’ve learned this month … English citizens are happier since the Brexit vote"


You still haven’t answered the question.

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The democratic British electorate rejected 'Project Fear' and the Remain side's deception at the referendum, as almost the entire Remain campaign was built on a foundation of scaremongering and strengthened with desperation and outright lies about impending doom.


The very last thing the undemocratic EU cares about is ordinary working people. Goods that people buy as necessities, such as clothing and food, are artificially higher due to the protectionist policies of the EU (which hurts the poorest the most). Much cheaper alternatives are available outside of the EU.


Unskilled and low-skilled wages are compressed due to the high immigration levels of unskilled workers. No wonder big business greatly favours our continued membership of the EU. It's one huge protectionist racket.


No wonder the country voted to leave. No wonder the polls have barely changed.






London may be viewed internationally as a very expensive city, but in our survey it was second cheapest for groceries. Some things appear crazily cheap – for example, bananas in Tesco are half the price of those at Auchan in Paris and a quarter of those in Loblaws in Toronto. Milk is also a fraction of the price charged in other international cities, and eggs too. But these super-low prices have attracted controversy. When Tesco slashed the price of a four-pint 2.27 litre carton from £1.39 to £1 earlier this year, it prompted howls of outrage from dairy farmers. The Fairtrade Foundation says the price war over bananas is seriously damaging developing countries.





But British shoppers fare poorly in some areas. Duties make wine prices high while, oddly, Tesco sells Coca-Cola at almost three times the price we found in New York. And what explains why Tesco sells beef lean steak mince for £8 a kg in the UK , while in Dublin it sells Irish lean steak mince at £4.31 a kg (mind you, that's about the only bargain in Ireland)?




Ask a boutique selling pricey luxury goods in France or Italy who their top customers are and the answer probably won’t be French or Italian buyers. More likely than not, their main source of sales are Chinese tourists on an international spending spree.

Chinese customers are among the most important—if not the most important—clienteles of many of the big international luxury brands. Globally they account for 30% of all spending on personal luxury goods, but for years they’ve done most of their buying outside of China. One big reason they’re so eager to get their Louis Vuitton bags and Prada shoes while on vacation is it’s much, much more expensive to buy them back home. Shopping in Europe is so much cheaper that many Chinese shoppers have come to regard it as “the world’s largest in-season outlet,” as Bain & Company put it.

A recent research note to investors from Exane BNP Paribas broke down the price differential across different regions, and found that luxury goods in China cost about 21% more than the global average. In France and Italy, by comparison, they’re about 22% less











The clothes are identical to the USA, except in price. I went home with two suits for about the price of what one would have cost me in the USA. Remember that tax is included on price tags in Europe, but that’s about 20% factored into the price. Ask for a VAT receipt and you can save another 15-20%.

Edited by chalga
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So let’s get back on topic.


Move on from failing the test, although I’m sure you were happy when you thought you had grounds for denial. For a time at least.


I’m glad you now acknowledge that they chanted it, and there is a connection between racism and Brexit. Job done.


---------- Post added 12-03-2018 at 15:25 ----------



You still haven’t answered the question.


The economy has been impacted by the actions of the remoaners blubbing and trying to hold up Brexit?

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The economy has been impacted by the actions of the remoaners blubbing and trying to hold up Brexit?

so its not been held up brexiters who dont actually have any ideas or facts on how it will actually work? and held up by a government fighting each other over how it will work? and how all the intricate complicated bits will function during and after?

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