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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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There is a very strong democratic mandate for Brexit.


More people voted for Leave in the referendum than have EVER voted for anyone, or anything, in the entire British electoral history.


The vote by MPs to trigger Article 50 in 2017 was carried by a MAJORITY of 372, which started a two-year countdown to our inevitable EU withdrawal.


The general election in June 2017 saw more than 80 per cent of voters cast their ballots for parties committed to delivering the referendum result and leaving the EU.


Any reversal of Brexit would be a betrayal of millions of voters and the end of democracy as we know it.


---------- Post added 13-03-2018 at 16:11 ----------



Those people who feel no loyalty to the UK, but are loyal to the EU, should reflect upon their reasons for being in this country. Are they still valid? Perhaps these people might consider relocating to the paradise union after we leave.


You couldn’t be more wrong.


It’s because people care about the U.K. that they are making a stand.


When you try and play the patriotism card and allude to loss of citizenship it’s a sign you’ve lost the argument.


Neither will help the Brexiters win hearts and minds. And the threats won’t be forgotten.

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Why would we be isolated when we were not isolated before we joined the EEC?

1: times have changed over the decades, business has got harder?

2: we wernt leaving then we were already out, theres a difference.


couple of possibilities to be going on with ;)

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Quite an interesting site, especially the facility to sort news items by source/bias. A few eye openers there!


Wow what a surprise, a biased site that states from the outset "The EU referendum saw the leave campaign produce an unprecedented number of lies." Not one mention of the lies peddled by George Osborn and other remainers then..

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Why would we be isolated when we were not isolated before we joined the EEC?


You hark back to the tail end of the Empire.We still had a major ,if declining merchant shipping trade,coal industry,shipbuilding ,steel,armaments.

The world has changed around us.

If you can’t recognise the difference in our relative importance in the world nowadays to what it was 60 years ago,I cannot help you.

We need allies ,not estrangement.

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Wow what a surprise, a biased site that states from the outset "The EU referendum saw the leave campaign produce an unprecedented number of lies." Not one mention of the lies peddled by George Osborn and other remainers then..


Presumbly all those articles from pro-brexit sources showing what a disaster Brexit is turning out to be are also lies. :suspect:

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Why would we be isolated when we were not isolated before we joined the EEC?


That's exactly why the UK joined the EEC,to end the isolation and the mistakes of before.The sick man was isolated,as sick people usually are.

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Why would we be isolated when we were not isolated before we joined the EEC?


Our economy was in serious trouble before we joined the EEC. We’d suffered rapid loss of colonies, and most of our major industries were in decline and being out-gunned by high quality imports (e.g. from Japan)


You’re looking back to a history that never existed.

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