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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Nope, referendums are advisory when they arent legally binding, but will go through in some form as the government darent do otherwise or get voted out at the next election.


17.4m people voted for Brexit - which is the biggest mandate in British political history. Ever.


I hope all Remainers will please respect the biggest mandate in British political history and not seek in some way to frustrate the will of the people.


---------- Post added 13-03-2018 at 23:11 ----------


Such jingoistic claptrap.

Smacks of a Nationalist leaning which has been the cause of virtually every conflict throughout history.

England is geographically and economically part of Europe and there is absolutely no conflict or disloyalty in trying to forge ever closer bonds between neighbours.

I want to be English. British and European.

Where are your borders.Sheffield,Yorkshire,England,Britain .

Are you flying the Cross of St.George or the Union Flag.

Why do you want to isolate us from the world?.


I do get the distinct impression that most of the concern about leaving the EU comes from people who are already very wealthy and fear that the future may mean less material wealth for them.


Whilst those who are happy to wave goodbye to the EU appear to get little financiall well being from the current membership arrangement. Isn't the EU, with its fake commitment to workers rights, supposed to be the guiding light to lead us all to the top of the equality mountain where we all share equally in the proceeds of capitalism - rather than provoking the Brexit scenario which has rejected it?


EU fat cats milking the system is the real reason why so many people voted to leave.

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We accept that it is likely that we will have to live with “it”whatever “it”turns out to be after negotiations.

That is altogether different to respecting the apparent reasons for leaving the EU.

We are so far apart in how we believe the interests of the U.K. will best be served ,and we have very real concerns about both the intentions of Brexit,and the way that things are shaping up.Probably two different things!

So I doubt that “respect” in meaning we should just shut up is not going to happen.


---------- Post added 13-03-2018 at 23:37 ----------


17.4m people voted for Brexit - which is the biggest mandate in British political history. Ever.


I hope all Remainers will please respect the biggest mandate in British political history and not seek in some way to frustrate the will of the people.


---------- Post added 13-03-2018 at 23:11 ----------



I do get the distinct impression that most of the concern about leaving the EU comes from people who are already very wealthy and fear that the future may mean less material wealth for them.


Yeah,I am dictating this to one of my secretaries whilst I rest in sumptuous luxury.Must remember to get the chauffeur to warm up the Roller for an early start tomorrow.

More claptrap.

I get the distinct impression that those with Concern about Brexit have a more compassionate and caring attitude towards their fellow man.Quitethe opposite ,again,of your view.

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EU fat cats milking the system is the real reason why so many people voted to leave.


like MEP expenses-millionaire Sir Nige’ ?


Who’s also claiming a £70,000+ MEP pension from the EU ?


Is he the type of EU fat cat who milks the system that caused so many low-paid British workers to vote Leave ?

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17.4m people voted for Brexit - which is the biggest mandate in British political history. Ever.


I hope all Remainers will please respect the biggest mandate in British political history and not seek in some way to frustrate the will of the people.


The 2016 referendum had only 32K more votes to leave than the 1975 one to stay which at the time represented more than 2/3rd of the population (compared to just 52%) and yet you seem quite happy ignoring the mandate that was given then.


What gives you the right to choose to overturn one mandate and then claim that there shouldn't be a Davis moment with a change of mind again...?


Oh, I remember why - because you're a brexiteer!

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So what about that promise don’t you understand.


Or are you saying it should have said something: hypothetically we could fund our NHS instead, just an idea like and it’s not necessarily a promise but maybe a government could do it but we put it on the bus anyway and we hope that enough of you mugs think it’s actually a promise and will fall for it and vote for us. Then later on we’ll use political double-speak and deny we ever promised anything. And the £350m figure we’ we know that’s wrong but we put it on this anyway.


Get bigger buses next time fella

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So what about that promise don’t you understand.


Or are you saying it should have said something: hypothetically we could fund our NHS instead, just an idea like and it’s not necessarily a promise but maybe a government could do it but we put it on the bus anyway and we hope that enough of you mugs think it’s actually a promise and will fall for it and vote for us. Then later on we’ll use political double-speak and deny we ever promised anything. And the £350m figure we’ we know that’s wrong but we put it on this anyway.


Get bigger buses next time fella


There was no promise just a suggestion, the fact that the remoaners can't understand, they are too thick.

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17.4m people voted for Brexit - which is the biggest mandate in British political history. Ever.


Hilarious, one of the closest run votes ever and you think that's a large mandate.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 10:08 ----------


So, the latest estimate for the cost of leaving, 37 billion.



And won't be repaid until 2067 was it? So people who didn't even get to vote, will work their entire lifetime (given current retirement norms) and retire before the cost of leaving is repaid.


But blue passports, right, totally worth it.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 10:10 ----------


There was no promise just a suggestion, the fact that the remoaners can't understand, they are too thick.


I think you mean that it was a lie. A bald faced lie. They knew full well that there wouldn't be any saving, not £350 million/week, not £3.50 a week. Instead there's a massive, huge, cost. There won't be any extra money for anything, there'll be more and more austerity, the NHS will be sold to the USA (if the tories stay in power), the poor and working class and middle class will get much poorer, the rich will get richer.

And you turkeys keep supporting it. You didn't only vote for xmas, you're lighting the oven and basting yourself!

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Hilarious, one of the closest run votes ever and you think that's a large mandate.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 10:08 ----------


So, the latest estimate for the cost of leaving, 37 billion.



And won't be repaid until 2067 was it? So people who didn't even get to vote, will work their entire lifetime (given current retirement norms) and retire before the cost of leaving is repaid.


But blue passports, right, totally worth it.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 10:10 ----------



I think you mean that it was a lie. A bald faced lie. They knew full well that there wouldn't be any saving, not £350 million/week, not £3.50 a week. Instead there's a massive, huge, cost. There won't be any extra money for anything, there'll be more and more austerity, the NHS will be sold to the USA (if the tories stay in power), the poor and working class and middle class will get much poorer, the rich will get richer.

And you turkeys keep supporting it. You didn't only vote for xmas, you're lighting the oven and basting yourself!


So you'd rather give any money away than fund the NHS, the amount makes no odds you'd rather fund the EU than the NHS, education seems lacking in the supposed educated.

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So you'd rather give any money away than fund the NHS, the amount makes no odds you'd rather fund the EU than the NHS, education seems lacking in the supposed educated.


Funding the NHS is down to our governments policy and is dependent on having a strong enough economy to support this as well as all the other services that are associated with a developed country.

The basic argument is whether you feel that the U.K. will benefit by being outside the EU.

No one ,including Theresa May has been able to make a convincing argument as to why this should be the case.

This is so fundamental ,but it is not the reason why the Brexiteers campaign succeeded.

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