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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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According to this report in 'The Independent' (20/09/2017) the EU wants CETA to become a "new global court system – giving big business their own permanent international legal system to obstruct troublesome governments which try to put the environment or social protection ahead of corporate interests."




According to Jean Blaylock, policy officer at 'Global Justice Now':


“The only winners from this deal [CETA] will be the big corporations who will be getting a raft of new powers that enable them to sue governments, have enormous influence to weaken important protections on the food we eat and lock in the privatisation of vital public services like the NHS”.



Theresa May's celebration of Ceta is telling of the type of Brexit we are heading toward

A Ceta type deal is exactly what some of her colleagues would like to sign with the EU. Gone are the human rights, environmental protections and free movement provisions of EU membership


Does the title not worry you?


the title of YOUR own post tells us

A: Theresa May wants the exact thing (well thats capitalism and globalisation at its biggest.

B: they also want to strip all the good points we had in the EU

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Does the title not worry you?


the title of YOUR own post tells us

A: Theresa May wants the exact thing (well thats capitalism and globalisation at its biggest.

B: they also want to strip all the good points we had in the EU


There are very few good points to being in the EU.


Remain lost because there aren't simply enough convincing reasons for us to Remain a member.


At the end of the day, we had a referendum and democracy won. Accept it and be happy.

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There are very few good points to being in the EU.


Remain lost because there aren't simply enough convincing reasons for us to Remain a member.


At the end of the day, we had a referendum and democracy won. Accept it and be happy.


Yeah. Reluctantly I agree.


I think that's a good place to end it tbh.

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Remain lost because there aren't simply enough convincing reasons for us to Remain a member.

I take issue at this point


remain lost BECAUSE people were suckered in with the lies, people have slowly had their tolerance levels whittled away with the terrorist attacks since 2001, the migrants crisis, phoney wars, and the recession and subsequent 10 year austerity programme with which UKIP finally managed to instil enough hatred and paranoia over

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I take issue at this point


remain lost BECAUSE people were suckered in with the lies, people have slowly had their tolerance levels whittled away with the terrorist attacks since 2001, the migrants crisis, phoney wars, and the recession and subsequent 10 year austerity programme with which UKIP finally managed to instil enough hatred and paranoia over


So it was a lack of TOLERANCE for the EU that lost Remain the referendum vote?


We don't require tolerance for those things we like or agree with, only those things we don't like or disagree with.


Such as toothache, or unwelcome loud noise - which we tolerate.


But we no longer tolerate the EU.


As the European project has always been about exploiting the lower social classes to benefit those above, I would suggest that no longer tolerating the EU is a positive and very welcome social development. If the EU is such a positive thing, as claimed by many Remainers, why do we need to tolerate it?

Edited by Car Boot
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So it was a lack of TOLERANCE for the EU that lost Remain the referendum vote?


We don't require tolerance for those things we like or agree with, only those things we don't like or disagree with.


Such as toothache, or unwelcome loud noise - which we tolerate.


But we no longer tolerate the EU.


As the European project has always been about exploiting the lower social classes to benefit those above, I would suggest that no longer tolerating the EU is a positive and very welcome social development. If the EU is such a positive thing, as claimed by many Remainers, why do we need to tolerate it?


Taxes are generally a positive thing as the let Govts provide services and are generally tolerated by people.


Similarly inconveneint laws like speed limits, not beating the crap out of people with loud exhausts etc are also tolerated.

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So it was a lack of TOLERANCE for the EU that lost Remain the referendum vote?


We don't require tolerance for those things we like or agree with, only those things we don't like or disagree with.


Such as toothache, or unwelcome loud noise - which we tolerate.


But we no longer tolerate the EU.


As the European project has always been about exploiting the lower social classes to benefit those above, I would suggest that no longer tolerating the EU is a positive and very welcome social development. If the EU is such a positive thing, as claimed by many Remainers, why do we need to tolerate it?

as usual TWIST things to suit your views, funnily enough JUST like the leavers did back then :roll:


and surprising you mentioned..............NONE of the things that i said people were actually losing tolerance because of :roll:

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So it was a lack of TOLERANCE for the EU that lost Remain the referendum vote?


We don't require tolerance for those things we like or agree with, only those things we don't like or disagree with.


Such as toothache, or unwelcome loud noise - which we tolerate.


But we no longer tolerate the EU.


As the European project has always been about exploiting the lower social classes to benefit those above, I would suggest that no longer tolerating the EU is a positive and very welcome social development. If the EU is such a positive thing, as claimed by many Remainers, why do we need to tolerate it?


Why does the EU need to be tolerated? I embrace it. There are many many advantages to being in the EU which many of us utilise. Just because you can't or won't is not our fault.


Why for example is the ECJ a bad thing? Why is it we shouldn't have a legal avenue to challenge government on any legal argument? The ECJ in my opinion is a far more independent legal body than our own Supreme Court.

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Why does the EU need to be tolerated? I embrace it. There are many many advantages to being in the EU which many of us utilise. Just because you can't or won't is not our fault.


The EU has to be tolerated, not celebrated, because it is a Bosses club that has an unwavering ideological preference for privatisation, austerity and a democratic deficit.


The rules of normal union membership don't apply to the EU. Members of a union, any union but particularly an economic union, try to protect each other in times of financial crisis. The EU has done the opposite. It has opportunistically used the economic crisis to impose deep austerity and privatisation of public services on member states.


Instead of protecting jobs and investment, EU austerity has led to deep public sector cuts and privatisation, which have hurt the poorest the most. Austerity has been enforced in countries which have received EU 'bailouts'. Cuts to the minimum wage for the lowest paid workers and measures to make labour markets more flexible, have massively weakened job security.


The advantages of being a part of the EU are weighted in favour of the bosses. The disadvantages lay mainly with the workers.

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