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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Remainers on here are getting more bitter and abusive as we nearer the brexit date, leave them to it.

They will be howling like banshees come Xmas time!


Are you suggesting that leave voters have not been motivated by bitterness and resentment and that they have not been abusive?


---------- Post added 22-03-2018 at 08:27 ----------


Alas, I fear that you are correct.


I think Remainers are gradually coming to the realisation that more than half the country is opposed to them on the subject of our EU membership, and this threatens a core part of their psychological well being and identity.


A minority may even feel some guilt for not better understanding the majority of people they share the country with. Remainers, lets face it, are deeply out of touch with how most ordinary, decent people think and feel.


Denial of the democratic result was the first stage of their coping mechanism. Now we are in the rage stage. Later will come acceptance.


It has very definitely been explained to you more than once that the approximately 52% of those that voted who chose leave is not the same as 52% of the population. Your continued adherence to this line of falsehood proves that you are a very deliberate liar. It is also another good demonstration of how Brexit campaigners and voters have tended to the twisting of information to tell lies to sell their argument.


I will be clear that 52% of those who voted leave does mean the referendum resulted in a democratically determined choice to leave, but your continued suggestion that this means a majority of the population voted to leave is incorrect, you know this is true, please stop telling lies, it only undermines the basis of anything else you claim and renders the debate with you pointless.


With regards the issue of threatening of psychological identity, I was very disappointed by the result, but far more horrified by the reasoning and adherence to the lies and half truths shown by those who voted for it, especially in the face of overwhelming data that demonstrated that most of the myths stated around the EU are just that, - Myths. I think the leave vote has a far bigger problem with its identity, - the lack of willingness to accept that most of what they believed to be true is in fact a pack of lies.

Edited by Fogey
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I just love this. Hopefully it will leave a bitter taste in the mouths of the Brexit lot whenever they use their precious little (big?) blue one!


UK passports 'to be made in France after Brexit'



It's a Brexit victory for the people over big business:






De La Rue issued a profit warning on Tuesday, telling investors its profits for the coming year are likely to be “at the lower end of the current consensus range” – but without giving further details.

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Remainers on here are getting more bitter and abusive as we nearer the brexit date, leave them to it.

They will be howling like banshees come Xmas time! ??

I doubt it fella, currently its looks more and more like brexiters will be doing the howling, theyve already kicked off over fishing rights during the transition period, what other rights will we hand over for 2 years without a say?

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Remainers on here are getting more bitter and abusive as we nearer the brexit date, leave them to it.

They will be howling like banshees come Xmas time!


Like your "The 350m didn't make any difference claim"? LOL :loopy:


By Xmas time it'll be clear we'll be staying in all but name :D

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I think Remainers are gradually coming to the realisation that more than half the country is opposed to them on the subject of our EU membership


Brextremists having trouble with their maths again.


UK population is 66,500,000


Brexit voters numbered 17,500,00


17.5/66.5 x 100 = 26%.


So just over a quarter of the country voted for Brexit. Just under three quarters of the country didn't. :o

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Brextremists having trouble with their maths again.


UK population is 66,500,000


Brexit voters numbered 17,500,00


17.5/66.5 x 100 = 26%.


So just over a quarter of the country voted for Brexit. Just under three quarters of the country didn't. :o


Circa 46.9 million eligible voters in the UK in 2016, would you care to amend your maths?

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