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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Circa 46.9 million eligible voters in the UK in 2016, would you care to amend your maths?


No need to.


I was responding to the claim that 'more than half the country', supported Brexit.


(and we both know that even taking only eligible voters into consideration, it still means that less than 40% voted for Brexit!)

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I just love this. Hopefully it will leave a bitter taste in the mouths of the Brexit lot whenever they use their precious little (big?) blue one!


UK passports 'to be made in France after Brexit'



Why would you love the UK losing business, have you got your EU passport sorted, it seems you don't like a British one.

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Why would you love the UK losing business, have you got your EU passport sorted, it seems you don't like a British one.


Brexiters have already said that they don't mind what financial/economical damage happens to the UK as long as Brexit happens.........maybe you should ask them?

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Given that every credible economic source says that the UK leaving the EU will lead to the loss of a ton of business, maybe we should be asking you 'why would you love the UK losing business?'


Maybe we should be asking you and others on here where your loyalty to the UK lies, it seems you cant wait for it to fail.

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It has very definitely been explained to you more than once that the approximately 52% of those that voted who chose leave is not the same as 52% of the population. Your continued adherence to this line of falsehood proves that you are a very deliberate liar. It is also another good demonstration of how Brexit campaigners and voters have tended to the twisting of information to tell lies to sell their argument.


When I mentioned "more than half the country" in my previous post I was referring to those people who were eligible to vote and did indeed vote to Leave in the June 2016 referendum. I didn't believe that it would require any further explanation that I meant more than half of the electorate who voted as I foolishly presumed that I was communicating with politically aware adults. My mistake.


The majority of the population voted to Leave. I do not include those who didn't, or couldn't vote, in that statement. Why would I?


I will be clear that 52% of those who voted leave does mean the referendum resulted in a democratically determined choice to leave, but your continued suggestion that this means a majority of the population voted to leave is incorrect, you know this is true, please stop telling lies, it only undermines the basis of anything else you claim and renders the debate with you pointless.


A majority of the voting population did indeed vote to Leave. When it comes to elections or referenda, this is the only population that counts. Why you are so concerned about those who decided not to exercise their right to vote, or were ineligible, is unclear. 52 per cent of voters backed Leave, a majority of the voting population.


When we discuss a majority of the population voting, we are in fact discussing a turnout of the electorate. It's not rocket science!


With regards the issue of threatening of psychological identity, I was very disappointed by the result, but far more horrified by the reasoning and adherence to the lies and half truths shown by those who voted for it, especially in the face of overwhelming data that demonstrated that most of the myths stated around the EU are just that, - Myths. I think the leave vote has a far bigger problem with its identity, - the lack of willingness to accept that most of what they believed to be true is in fact a pack of lies.


I was truly horrified by the deliberate lies and attempts to frighten people into voting Remain at the referendum by the use of distortion and 'doomsday' scenarios.


What I have found when discussing the result with Remainers is the idea that they are an empathetic bunch who clearly understand what is best for people. Sadly, I suspect that their empathy stretches no further than their front door.

Edited by Car Boot
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Maybe we should be asking you and others on here where your loyalty to the UK lies, it seems you cant wait for it to fail.


You answer it,why would Brexiters want UK business and people to suffer financial consequences for the sake of Brexit?.........Why are the UK government giving work to French companies instead of UK companies and so causing investors and backers of that UK business to suffer financial consequences.

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