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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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What kind of sense are you seeking? People vote on what benefits them the most. So for me, it would be the continued reduction of the welfare state and have the money spent on more meaningful projects such as the NHS and public services in general.


If this causes the social divide to widen then so be it as it doesn’t affect me. The “have nots” do not win elections.

They won the Brexit election as they realized that this was the chance to send a message to whatever Government party is in power that you ignore the have not's at your peril .

And that includes Corbyn and his gang of pretend socialists.

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I guess the person who wrote 'Why should the pond life that dragged itself from the estates to the ballot box be allowed to ruin everything for the rest of us?' on a readers comment at the bottom of an article in 'The Independent' after the referendum was a shining example of Remainer inclusivity and empathy?


Equally repugnant.

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The NHS is part of the welfare state - a very substantial part of it.


Not exactly the same as the benefits system which was what I was eluding to.


We should give out food stamps instead of cash to people on benefits.

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Not exactly the same as the benefits system which was what I was eluding to.


We should give out food stamps instead of cash to people on benefits.


Food stamps don't pay for rent, public transport, fuel bills, clothing and many other essentials.

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One that immediately comes to mind was the Digital Region project in South Yorkshire, there was one in Wales the Canolfan Cywain rural heritage centre, and this link is about the waste of the £465m fund to create 10,000 new jobs in Cornwall which only managed to create 3,557 jobs. That works out at £130,728 just to create a job!




And there are plenty more examples of where money was pumped in to projects which never got anywhere near their proposed target.


It seems stupid and a waste of money to take money from developed countries and then give them some money back. After the EU (middle man) have taken their cut in expenses to administer the funds only a portion is left.


So what this is saying,is that the EU gave Cornwall a load of money to get something good going for themselves,and they squandered it.

No wonder private money they expected never materialised,if they knew that the organisers weren't up to the job,it's no surprise.At least the UK government have the names and info on them,so they know not to let them anywhere near any money they might decide to give Cornwall in the non EU future.

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So what this is saying,is that the EU gave Cornwall a load of money to get something good going for themselves,and they squandered it.


No that is what you are saying.. BTW as someone living abroad how can you be a leaver if you don't live here, did you vote leave at all?

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