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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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They won the Brexit election as they realized that this was the chance to send a message to whatever Government party is in power that you ignore the have not's at your peril .


Not sure 'won' is the right word to use in the circumstances, as it is the 'have nots' who stand to lose most from Brexit!

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No that is what you are saying.. BTW as someone living abroad how can you be a leaver if you don't live here, did you vote leave at all?



It's what I am saying,and what the report is saying.


What are you saying then?

Who squandered the money?


I already explained why I am a leaver,because I want the UK out of the EU.....wherever I live,and no,I didn't vote at all.

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What kind of sense are you seeking? People vote on what benefits them the most. So for me, it would be the continued reduction of the welfare state and have the money spent on more meaningful projects such as the NHS and public services in general.


If this causes the social divide to widen then so be it as it doesn’t affect me. The “have nots” do not win elections.


You sound like a Tory supporter! :hihi:

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Im not the one that jumped off the cliff knowing all the facts, im not the one that knows economically we'll be fine, im not the one that doesnt care what happens to us as long as we leave the "corrupt" EU, im not the one that sucked in all the lies.


Still no answer then ?

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