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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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you are doing it again saying we want to wreck the economy:loopy: can i remind you we are not out yet and what you are saying is pure guesswork, you keep pulling people up on whats going to happen can you see into the future with your chrystal ball:hihi::hihi:


If no one is going to try and have a crack at the consequences of brexit then this thread is pretty much done.

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There’s no scenario that has us being better off once we leave.


As I’ve asked before if you have any evidence of economic modelling that indicates otherwise just provide it.


Shouldn’t be too difficult. Now who has the crystal ball? :hihi:


how can anyone give you positive proof about whats going to happen when it hasnt happened yet:huh:

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WTF?! Really? I don't think maths is your strong point.


According to British Gas, the UK imports 44% of its gas from Europe. Russian sourced gas accounts for 35% of gas from Europe.


So 35% of 44% is 15.4%. How does that equal 1%? :loopy:


Her is the article fro which I took that data:






"There are no pipelines that allow Russian gas to flow to the UK from Norway (the biggest source of imports)."


"But it's impossible to establish the source of gas flows from continental Europe coming to the UK through pipelines."


"The government estimated in 2016 that Russian gas via this route would make up around 1% of the UK's gas imports."


"We estimate less than 1% of our gas comes from Russia and are in no way reliant on it".


Now who is the loopy one.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 14:11 ----------


Seriously though. Where else is it going to come from as our domestic supplies decline.?


From exactly the same oversea sources as it is now unless the government put sanctions in place and in that case the others will up it. What we receive is what we need and mainly use as very little is stored.

Edited by apelike
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how can anyone give you positive proof about whats going to happen when it hasnt happened yet:huh:

or not even answering my question about what you thought about the statement May made and how the government are going about it. Never mind what reality you want to happen rather than just abuse against remainers or soundbites and lies

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how can anyone give you positive proof about whats going to happen when it hasnt happened yet:huh:
He’s asked for evidence of what is likely to happen (this is what ‘modelling’ means) according to the Brexit camp, not for evidence of what will happen.


The first one is about planning, the most basic example of which is to check the road before crossing it.


The second one is crystal ball territory, and hardly worth bothering about so.

Edited by L00b
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So over the winter just gone if Russia had turned off the supplies to Europe what would have happened?


I’m not overstating anything. We’d have been in serious trouble.


As stated we wouldn't as other suppliers would up their supply and it is that simple.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 14:21 ----------


I think that as someone else has pointed out the European pipelines are supplied by a proportion of gas that comes from Russia. The claimed statistics vary wildly depending on source, but if we get a big chunk of gas from Europe, and Europe gets a big chunk of its gas from Russia, then Russia turning off the tap will affect us one way or the other as Europe will have less gas overall to share with us.


You do realise that its a balancing act designed to help preserve resources from individual suppliers. If Russia reduces or stop supplies then the others will just up theirs. I think its another reason for some to dislike Russia as we have squandered our natural resources while Russia has hardly touched theirs and has plenty in reserve. Which also begs the question.. what do Russia gain from destabilising the West?


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 14:24 ----------


On the one hand Brexiters can be seen to be playing into Russia’s hands. Doing Putin’s bidding. He wants to destabilise the EU and it’s working out well so far. Brexit depends on his plans succeeding in a way.


As before, what would Russia gain by doing this besides sanctions?

Edited by apelike
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how can anyone give you positive proof about whats going to happen when it hasnt happened yet:huh:


I’m not asking for proof.


I’m asking for some evidence of credible economic modelling that indicates the economy will be better off through leaving than remaining.


When you have the links please post them.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 15:09 ----------


Her is the article fro which I took that data:






"There are no pipelines that allow Russian gas to flow to the UK from Norway (the biggest source of imports)."


"But it's impossible to establish the source of gas flows from continental Europe coming to the UK through pipelines."


"The government estimated in 2016 that Russian gas via this route would make up around 1% of the UK's gas imports."


"We estimate less than 1% of our gas comes from Russia and are in no way reliant on it".


Now who is the loopy one.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 14:11 ----------



From exactly the same oversea sources as it is now unless the government put sanctions in place and in that case the others will up it. What we receive is what we need and mainly use as very little is stored.


And as has been pointed out that pipeline network connects directly to Russia.

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---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 15:09 ----------

And as has been pointed out that pipeline network connects directly to Russia.


Yes the European pipeline network connects to Russia via a number of sources. The total gas supplied by Russia to Europe is estimated to be around 35% according to that link from British Gas but that is the total supplied to Europe. Now can you answer what percentage of that comes to the UK from Russian sources?


From Government figures it is estimated to be around 1% of the imported gas fro Europe.

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or not even answering my question about what you thought about the statement May made and how the government are going about it. Never mind what reality you want to happen rather than just abuse against remainers or soundbites and lies
the same as your doing about brexiteers:roll:
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