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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Although another referendum is possible I think it highly improbable, and that Parliament itself would not allow it to go ahead. Maybe we could have a poll of the House of Commons as that would give us a better idea. :)


A second referendum which is a repeat of the first is unlikely and will probably produce a similar result to the first, though maybe the other way round.


A referendum on the final deal is more likely, especially if the government and the rest of parliament cannot agree on it. The problem is not what happens in the event of a yes but in the event of a no.

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A referendum on the final deal is more likely, especially if the government and the rest of parliament cannot agree on it. The problem is not what happens in the event of a yes but in the event of a no.


I really cant see that happening. Even if any final deal is not agreed by parliament all that will do is delay the inevitable and Brexit will go ahead regardless. Its in parliaments interest to pass any deal just as they passed A50.

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A poll I took last night in my front room (which has about the same validity as the one you quote) showed 100% support for remain.


The question was: Do you want to commit your children and your children's children to a lifetime of economic hardship and destitution by voting to leave the EU?


100% of the people in the room said no!


Going well while we are in the EU init :rolleyes:,



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yes but the point is, once we take back our soveignty will it get worse?




10X worse


we wont know until it happens, but to me its the biggest leap of faith we will ever do, and one that i think shouldnt be taken.

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By all measures far better than it will be after we leave, especially since the issue you highlight in your link falls at the feet of the UK government, not the EU.


Unfortunately our EU membership over the decades has mainly benefited the establishment elite and it's affluent middle-class liberal lickspittles.


The EU was designed to help big business, not the workers. An aim it has performed exceedingly well.

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Unfortunately our EU membership over the decades has mainly benefited the establishment elite and it's affluent middle-class liberal lickspittles.


Yet all the examples of how bad the EU are end up being largely the fault of the UK government in the final analysis! :suspect:


---------- Post added 02-04-2018 at 15:11 ----------


A referendum on the final deal is more likely, especially if the government and the rest of parliament cannot agree on it. The problem is not what happens in the event of a yes but in the event of a no.


The Cabinet is slowly but surely gaining an understanding of what Brexit really means, and it's not good.


Theresa May’s Brexit baskets are full of holes



She's backed down on every "red line" so far


Brexit: A managed surrender



A majority of British people regret voting for Brexit



Unless there's some seriously good news approaching, which seems unlikely, in a years time the vast majority will be happy/relieved to stay in the customs union and/or single market.

Edited by Magilla
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In June 2016 the whole of the UK had a vote to decide this very issue.


The majority of those who took part decided that we should leave the EU, as many people had already experienced a lifetime of economic hardship and destitution because we were in the EU.


You ought to ask the former miners in Barnsley who closed the pits.

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Yet all the examples of how bad the EU are end up being largely the fault of the UK government in the final analysis! :suspect:

I've said it before ill say it again its a lie, a big fat stonking lie, people use the EU as a scapegoat, why? because they are obsessed by it, UKIP are, Cardoor is, Peter, the lot of them, obsessive hatred against the EU and will use any excuse to bolster their hate.

Its because really its almost impossible to unpick the bits that the EU have done and the bits that our government have done, so they pile it all on the doorstep of the EU as it feeds into their political game.


During the past few decades all i have known we have been in the EU.


We have also had a succession of tory governments, apart from the nu labore one which really were tory light as they were far more right than normal labour.


Yet all the ills we have in our local communities, regions, country is all down to the EU.

I blame one person for this obsession, Nigel Farage he has pumped out all these lies over the past couple of decades, telling everybody who'll listen its the EUs fault

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By all measures far better than it will be after we leave, especially since the issue you highlight in your link falls at the feet of the UK government, not the EU.


Which we can vote out.


---------- Post added 02-04-2018 at 16:16 ----------


I've said it before ill say it again its a lie, a big fat stonking lie, people use the EU as a scapegoat, why? because they are obsessed by it, UKIP are, Cardoor is, Peter, the lot of them, obsessive hatred against the EU and will use any excuse to bolster their hate.

Its because really its almost impossible to unpick the bits that the EU have done and the bits that our government have done, so they pile it all on the doorstep of the EU as it feeds into their political game.


During the past few decades all i have known we have been in the EU.


We have also had a succession of tory governments, apart from the nu labore one which really were tory light as they were far more right than normal labour.


Yet all the ills we have in our local communities, regions, country is all down to the EU.

I blame one person for this obsession, Nigel Farage he has pumped out all these lies over the past couple of decades, telling everybody who'll listen its the EUs fault


Whatever they have done for the UK, the UK has paid for, you just don't get it do you.

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