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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Afraid not, old chap. The UK is leaving the customs union. Remainers need to start getting used to this. Brexit is coming.


Solve the Irish border question and the sovereignty issue with regards to Gibraltar and you might have a point. Since you are so certain, tell us what the solutions are then.

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The complexities of Brexit are way above my comprehension and googleability.

Never mind.I’ll stick with my gut feelings that Brexit is a bad move for the British economy and therefore for the British people.

I just hope that we have the political leaders to guide us through,but up to now with Johnson,Gove and May,political expediency seems to be the order of the day.


Yeah, if you can’t google it, make it up or say something over and over to convince others you are right, or sound like you know what you are talking about without any basis in fact then you are finished on this thread :)

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Solve the Irish border question and the sovereignty issue with regards to Gibraltar and you might have a point. Since you are so certain, tell us what the solutions are then.


There is no solution that does not involve at least one part of the UK staying in the CU as a minimum. That solution brings Northern Ireland economically closer to the Republic than it would be to Britain, a position the DUP will never accept.


The alternative is a hard border, the termination of the GFA, and a position that would be acceptable to the DUP but would be devastating economically, socially and politically for Northern Ireland. The EU are never going to agree to it.

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There is no solution that does not involve at least one part of the UK staying in the CU as a minimum. That solution brings Northern Ireland economically closer to the Republic than it would be to Britain, a position the DUP will never accept.


The alternative is a hard border, the termination of the GFA, and a position that would be acceptable to the DUP but would be devastating economically, socially and politically for Northern Ireland. The EU are never going to agree to it.

The EU doesn't have anything to agree about or not, in relation to a hard border in NI: that is the default outcome in case of no deal.


It's elementarily simple: the UE cannot agree to no border between RoI ('the EU') and NI ('a third party country after Brexit'), if NI does not remain in the SM, because WTO rules obligate the EU to secure its borders (in relation to trade) with 3rd party countries.


Those WTO rules being the same which obligate the UK to secure its own borders, including in NI, in relation to trade with 3rd party countries (such as the EU after Brexit, and all the others: US, JP, CN, KR, AU, NZ, etc.)


So if NI doesn't remain in the SM (and I mean SM here, not CU: CU in and of itself is insufficient to permit 'no border'...don't believe me? check for yourself about the border between the EU and Turkey, that longstanding CU member ;)), there will be a hard border, period.


Now, the UK may not want to put up its own side of the NI border up come March 2019 or December 2020, and so try and trade outside WTO rules...


...good luck with that one :twisted:

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Being out of the EU but in a/the customs union is the worst of all worlds. You might as well just stay in the EU.


A Eureka moment for you mate.


Well done, after years of delusions.


Now can you tell the rest of your buddies.

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A Eureka moment for you mate.


Well done, after years of delusions.


Now can you tell the rest of your buddies.


My heart told me to vote leave but the brain said stay I voted with my brain. But to stay inside the CU with no say or ability to make our own trade deals would be a betrayal of the people. At the end of the day common sense will get both sides a deal that will suit.

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My heart told me to vote leave but the brain said stay I voted with my brain. But to stay inside the CU with no say or ability to make our own trade deals would be a betrayal of the people. At the end of the day common sense will get both sides a deal that will suit.


How would it be a betrayal if it was clear that leavers didn’t understand what being in/out of the CU actually meant?


Which to be fair is the exact situation we are in.

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