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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Brexit may have given the traitors in the lords something to ponder over.



The House of Lords is there to check and challenge the government,and if ever a government needed checking and challenging it’s regarding Brexit.

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By going against the will of the people?


But what the givernment is proposing isn't the will of the people.


The people did not know what was being proposed when they voted out, the Lords are just saying that the government has got its current proposal wrong and in fact, the Lords are doing what they are ther to do.

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By some of them going against the will of some of the people.

They are there to debate and question and refer back to the Commons.

Is everyone going to be a traitor who disagrees with Brexit or whatever terms the government agrees to to achieve some form of Brexit.

Perhaps you will think the government are traitors if they do not produce the hard Brexit that most leavers voted for.

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How would it be a betrayal if it was clear that leavers didn’t understand what being in/out of the CU actually meant?


Which to be fair is the exact situation we are in.

I understood what it meant to be in or out of the CU and I'm sure leave voters in the main did as well. I thought it the better the devil you know was best but they didn't and their side of the argument won.

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But what the givernment is proposing isn't the will of the people.


The people did not know what was being proposed when they voted out, the Lords are just saying that the government has got its current proposal wrong and in fact, the Lords are doing what they are ther to do.

The irony of Leavers calling for an ochlocracy with arguments appealing to democracy, is certainly not wasted on me - particularly when they sprinkle anti-democratic jingoistic nonsense on top ;)
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More Brexit Good News


The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today released data concerning the public sector finances, UK, March 2018:




'Public sector net borrowing (excluding public sector banks) decreased by £3.5 billion to £42.6 billion in the latest financial year (April 2017 to March 2018 ), compared with the previous financial year; this is the lowest net borrowing since the financial year ending March 2007'.


Britain’s budget deficit has now dropped to the lowest level since BEFORE the financial crisis. The lowest level for 11 years in fact. This is despite the June 2016 Leave vote which was supposed to cause an economic meltdown.


But didn't.

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The legal system which the treaty itself creates, enforced before the instance and under the procedure written in the treaty and wilfully accepted by the members when they sign the treaty...

Just a topical example, and there are -positively- countless more such international treaties binding the U.K., some recent, others going back decades and even centuries : ECHR, Vienna Convention, Berne Convention, etc, etc, etc. all creating their own -international- jurisdiction.


Treaties ARE contracts.

Which are legally binding - unless the EU decides they are not....

The true answer is that a treaty looks like a contract but is unenforceable- an example of what's loosely called a voidable contract, i.e. binding on its parties until one of them decides not to be bound.

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I understood what it meant to be in or out of the CU and I'm sure leave voters in the main did as well. I thought it the better the devil you know was best but they didn't and their side of the argument won.


I don’t think a lot of them understand even now.


If you had a kid who wanted to play with a lighter and a can of petrol it wouldn’t be a betrayal to tell them they couldn’t do it.

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But what the givernment is proposing isn't the will of the people.


The people did not know what was being proposed when they voted out, the Lords are just saying that the government has got its current proposal wrong and in fact, the Lords are doing what they are ther to do.


Leaving the EU (leaving the single market, the customs union, ending the free movement of people and the primacy of EU law) is what people voted for in the referendum.


The customs union is an essential part of the EU. The EU’s customs union dates from its very inception in 1957, though it was not completed until 1968. British voters gave clear instructions to the political elite that we wish to leave the EU and ALL of it's essential components. We need to negotiate and sign our own trade deals - the EU customs union is a massive barrier to this and will keep us a part of the failing economic and political union.


---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 18:15 ----------



The House of Lords is there to check and challenge the government,and if ever a government needed checking and challenging it’s regarding Brexit.


I've just voted on a UK Government petition to give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords.


'The House of Lords is a place of patronage where unelected and unaccountable individuals hold a disproportionate amount of influence and power which can be used to frustrate the elected representatives of the people'.


110,235 signatures so far!

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