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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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but what would you replace it with?


we've all seen the effect of a question which had simple yes/no option and had no sense of what comes next


you cant mess with individual bits of our constitutional arrangements without causing more problems than you solve


Probably my fault,but it was Car Boot who was voting for the abolition of the House of Lords .I didn’t agree as detailed in #8490.

(I just want to maintain my 100 % disagreement with Car Boots views :wink::bigsmile:)

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Poll after poll, it's only going one way.. Bregret and BRINO.


It turns out that most leavers weren't prepared to pay the price of Brexit afterall, what a huge surprise!


The government isn't doing any of the things it needs to do if we're to actually leave the customs union, so far, nothing? :suspect:


You are thinking small again. Perhaps you might learn to think big?


You are putting your trust in pollsters who were the farthest out from the actual referendum result. The recent poll was commissioned by an extremist capitalist think tank, Global Future, who claim that we need to import one million people, net, every five years just to survive the consequences of Brexit. They want our population to increase by a million people EVERY five years!


And they also fanatically support the EU, big business and globalisation.

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Attended a Brexit-themed event tonight held by the British Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg. The event and discussion panel was finance-biased (what else in Lux, really?) and the panel included very clued-up people, including Brits (asset management & e-payment processors) and a couple with an inside track into the negotiations (eg BIL chairman, ex-Lux FinMin who attended very many EU FinMin meetings during the not-so-distant Greek years).


The consensus was unequivocal, across the board: Brexit will deffo happen, passporting is deffo going, clearing will suffer most at term, London is haemorraging FinTech startups to Berlin and elsewhere, and there isn't a single fin outfit (trading, asset management, insurance, reinsurance) who isn't already engaged in contingency implementation. London (the City) will survive of course, and remain an important fin nexus...but the global top spot is lost for good, and durably.


The compaire ran a show-of-hand poll with us about who believed a deal would be reached, and who didn't. The totals were pretty close (I voted no deal, I believe that will happen through accident due to the timescales involved and the political deadlock in the UK).


Networking around after the talks, I got to speak with the British ambassador in attendance for 15 mins or so. Charming typical Oxbridge type chap, quite personable, so I held back on asking him what it was like working for Boris...might need his help with the British Mrs in times to come, so I played nice :D

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you’ve said this before, and I’ve called you out on this before, and you’ll keep ignoring it as you did before.


Why do you constantly refer to the EU as a rich man capitalist club, when the Leave campaign was run by Sir Nige’ and BoJo the Clown and Rees-Smug who have nothing in common with ordinary working-class folk like me?


What on earth makes you think the leaders of the Leave campaign have my interests in mind?


Don't waste your breath..I've asked him similar questions loads of time and got no answer..


---------- Post added 25-04-2018 at 23:03 ----------


Which basically tells us that in a second referendum, if one were to be held, 62% would support Leave and 38% would support Remain (instead of 65% supporting Leave in the June 2016 referendum and 35% backing Remain).


Look at this one..




Remain in front..a cumulative result of 23 different polls...

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you’ve said this before, and I’ve called you out on this before, and you’ll keep ignoring it as you did before.


Why do you constantly refer to the EU as a rich man capitalist club, when the Leave campaign was run by Sir Nige’ and BoJo the Clown and Rees-Smug who have nothing in common with ordinary working-class folk like me?


What on earth makes you think the leaders of the Leave campaign have my interests in mind?


The EU is a rich man’s club and a protectionist economic trading bloc, not a safety net for workers and the poor. Remaining in the EU single market and the customs union protects bosses’ profits and EU rules on opening up public services to 'competition' prevent nationalisation.


EU rules have also prevented workers from going on strike because it hinders profit-making for the wealthy elite who benefit from the EU. Weakening the EU bosses’ club is a massive boost to every anti-austerity struggle in Europe and around the world.

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The EU is a rich man’s club and a protectionist economic trading bloc, not a safety net for workers and the poor. Remaining in the EU single market and the customs union protects bosses’ profits and EU rules on opening up public services to 'competition' prevent nationalisation.


EU rules have also prevented workers from going on strike because it hinders profit-making for the wealthy elite who benefit from the EU. Weakening the EU bosses’ club is a massive boost to every anti-austerity struggle in Europe and around the world.


Yep the terrible EU rules ..I mean who wants limits on working hours,at least 11 hours off a day,paid annual leave as a legal right,equal pay for men and women,maternity rights,parental leave,anti discriminatory laws,compensation for victims of discrimination,agency worker protection and health and safety rules... none of them do the working man any good at all do they...

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Don't waste your breath..I've asked him similar questions loads of time and got no answer..


---------- Post added 25-04-2018 at 23:03 ----------



Look at this one..




Remain in front..a cumulative result of 23 different polls...


Which again informs us that nothing much has changed since the June 2016 referendum. Although some polls were predicting that Remain was 10 points ahead of Leave just before the vote.


Because the EU is determined to administer a financial punish beating to British voters for daring to vote Leave, and the predicted economic meltdown by 'experts' has failed to arrive, if there were another referendum the Leave vote would probably be much bigger than last time.

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