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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Which again informs us that nothing much has changed since the June 2016 referendum. Although some polls were predicting that Remain was 10 points ahead of Leave just before the vote.


Because the EU is determined to administer a financial punish beating to British voters for daring to vote Leave, and the predicted economic meltdown by 'experts' has failed to arrive, if there were another referendum the Leave vote would probably be much bigger than last time.


Apart from Remain being in front of course...

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You keep harping on about how more people want leave than ever..these polls prove you wrong..


The polls 'proved' me wrong back in June 2016 as well. I especially enjoyed the one that claimed Remain had a 10 point lead over Leave.


But Leave still won the vote.

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The polls 'proved' me wrong back in June 2016 as well. I especially enjoyed the one that claimed Remain had a 10 point lead over Leave.


But Leave still won the vote.


Yeah, and then people realised they were sold a pup ;) I see you couldn't respond to the NI border issue question.... so much for "thinking big" eh :suspect:



American meat is 'safe for UK trade deal'


Chlorine-washed chicken and hormone-injected beef should be part of a UK/US free trade deal


UK car output slumps on poor demand


The Society of Motor Manufacturing and Traders (SMMT) said the UK must stay in the customs union to ensure "frictionless trade".
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If the remain side won a new vote would it be binding? Or would the leave side then get another vote. Then the remain side gets another chance. We'd end up with a neverendum.


No idea but at least people might have more of a clue about what they were voting for......

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No idea but at least people might have more of a clue about what they were voting for......

I understood what we were voting for last time and I'm sure most others did to. I voted to remain and would do again but I'm against another referendum fo the reason I gave in an earlier post.

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If the remain side won a new vote would it be binding? Or would the leave side then get another vote. Then the remain side gets another chance. We'd end up with a neverendum.
You mean, like general elections, council elections,...? ;)


Democracy is still the least worst option, amongst all the alternatives.


As for the binding character of a second referendum, that would be entirely contingent on whether Parliament makes it so (like it did for the AV referendum) or not (like it did for the first EU referendum).


(FWIW, I still highly doubt that a second referendum will be offered; but if it was, then I believe it would be made binding, precisely to try and forestall the problem you highlight)

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Carolyn Fairbairn CBI


We've hit the visa cap(non EU) for the last 4 months.. so we can't get engineers into the country.. the reason for that is fewer nurses are coming from the EU.. so more are coming from outside & using all the visas.. that is madness for our economy


Not really a fan of petitions but this one might be worth a look:-

Investigate whether David Davis lied to Parliament about Impact Assessments


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