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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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You are aware that the majority of these came from elected British governments?


Trades unions and British governments have done far more to safeguard workers rights in the UK than the EU ever has. Or will.


all uk law comes from the uk government....


some of law which originated in the eu is:


limits on working hours to ensure most people don't work unhealthy hours also prevents under 18's from working more than 8 hours a day.


staff have to have a minimum of 48 hours off work per fortnight and a rest time of at least 11 consecutive hours a day.


protection of night workers so they cannot work an average of more than 8 hours a day and must be offered free health checks


rights to at least 20 days paid annual leave


equal pay has been part of EU law since 1957 and the british government refused to incorporate into uk law the idea that pay should be based on value meaning a woman could only be paid the same as a junior male colleague. this was only changed after the eu commission took action against the uk government.


protection from discrimination of workers on maternity leave and ensuring that things like pension scheme contributions continue to be paid while on maternity leave


guaranteed parental leave and additional time off for other family reasons


banning discrimination on the grounds of age, religion, sexual orientation. disability


protections for agency workers


a whole host of health and safety legislation to ensure that workers get to go home un-injured


---------- Post added 26-04-2018 at 20:12 ----------


The EU is a Bosses club. It has imposed brutal austerity on the workers and pensioners of Greece.


though had the greek government not borrowed quite so much money then maybe the austerity might not have been necessary


---------- Post added 26-04-2018 at 20:26 ----------


As we will no longer be an EU member state, why should we protect the financial interests of a foreign economic protection bloc? Would you see us pay higher prices for goods just so that European capitalists can get richer?


it protects our financial interests too by ensuring we can trade easily with our EU neighbours


tarriffs go to the government and help to keep the taxes on wokers lower, european capitalists will get no richer than they would anyway


Why are you opposed to the UK being able to govern itself as an independent nation?


we have all sorts of international commitments, over and above EU sourced legislation, which limit that


Why do you believe that being able to decide our own laws on trade and domestic policy is a bad thing?


our freedom to decide trade policy is constrained by many things not least our membership of the WTO , a far more capitalist organisation than the EU.


In what way is the fact that the Customs Union exports poverty to Africa and the rest of the developing world 'beneficial'? Punitive tariffs discourage trade and ensure extreme poverty for non-EU agricultural workers, from South Africa to Morocco.


i buy all sorts of foreign sourced food, it doesn't seem too expensive so i'm not sure that the tariffs are that punitive.


The customs union is immoral.


The customs union has ensured our manufacturing industry has taken a major role in cross eu supply chains ensuring lots of jobs for skilled workers, something that's likely to be reduced should we leave it and not replace it with something similar

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It would be extremely humiliating for the UK to stay in the EU’s customs union after Brexit, but have no input into the EU decision-making bodies on trade. We would become just a dependency of the EU. The pro-EU elites in the UK greatly desire for this happen, as they consider it would be a fitting punishment to the masses for daring to vote against their EU masters. It would also be an open door to rejoining the EU as a full member.

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It would be extremely humiliating for the UK to stay in the EU’s customs union after Brexit, but have no input into the EU decision-making bodies on trade. We would become just a dependency of the EU. The pro-EU elites in the UK greatly desire for this happen, as they consider it would be a fitting punishment to the masses for daring to vote against their EU masters. It would also be an open door to rejoining the EU as a full member.


we dont have to stay in the customs union, we could like turkey and a few other places negotiate a customs union which is different to the customs union but gives both sides pretty much everything they need.

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The City of London contains the only global stock exchange in Europe. Whilst it might open branches elsewhere, it doesn't move - to Frankfurt or anywhere else. All the banking and financial services stay with it, like barnacles on a piling.


So, no - 30 year old "well heeled" Tara needn't even consider a move to Frankfurt in spite of the language problem, not enough palaces or expensive enough schools being surmountable obstacles, because no-one's really going there.


The City of London will simply make up its own laws and rules and Brexit will affect precisely nothing within its dominion unless it chooses to comply. Like it has done since time pretty much immemorial.

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Yeah, and then people realised they were sold a pup ;) I see you couldn't respond to the NI border issue question.... so much for "thinking big" eh :suspect:



American meat is 'safe for UK trade deal'




UK car output slumps on poor demand



Our drinking water contains hormones anyway so maybe you should complain about that instead of chucking the chlorinated chicken argument about to back up your remain agenda= http://www.purewaterpeople.co.uk/blog/2014/07/oestrogen-in-tap-water/

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You are aware that the majority of these came from elected British governments?


Trades unions and British governments have done far more to safeguard workers rights in the UK than the EU ever has. Or will.


Problem with that is that some of the leading Brexiters have talked openly about removing the protections.


Your lefty credentials seem fake, and you seem like a wolf in sheeps clothing with a real agenda to support a hard right Brexit


---------- Post added 27-04-2018 at 07:51 ----------


Our drinking water contains hormones anyway so maybe you should complain about that instead of chucking the chlorinated chicken argument about to back up your remain agenda= http://www.purewaterpeople.co.uk/blog/2014/07/oestrogen-in-tap-water/


Such a poor argument. Because our water is compromised it’s ok for our food to be compromised as well? Are you really arguing that.


---------- Post added 27-04-2018 at 07:53 ----------


The City of London contains the only global stock exchange in Europe. Whilst it might open branches elsewhere, it doesn't move - to Frankfurt or anywhere else. All the banking and financial services stay with it, like barnacles on a piling.


So, no - 30 year old "well heeled" Tara needn't even consider a move to Frankfurt in spite of the language problem, not enough palaces or expensive enough schools being surmountable obstacles, because no-one's really going there.


The City of London will simply make up its own laws and rules and Brexit will affect precisely nothing within its dominion unless it chooses to comply. Like it has done since time pretty much immemorial.


Some of them are going there. Dublin and Paris too. The net loss with eventually be tens of thousands of jobs.

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Our drinking water contains hormones anyway so maybe you should complain about that instead of chucking the chlorinated chicken argument about to back up your remain agenda= http://www.purewaterpeople.co.uk/blog/2014/07/oestrogen-in-tap-water/


Clearly you didn't read your own link, oestrogen isn't deliberately added to cover up poor standards and questionable practices!


Your link is telling us how these things getting into the food chain is actually really bad for public health:

The implication is that people in the UK could be consuming oestrogen in tap water that has potentially damaging affects on male fertility.


Not exactly a resounding endorsement of the practice, if anything it highlights exactly why we don't want chlorinated chicken and hormone reared livestock:

Consuming more hormones upsets the natural balance of hormones in our bodies which can have all sorts of repercussions.


So bad infact that the page is extolling the virtues of Aquatec, a company that can remove the oestrogen from the water before you drink it!


Spectacular own goal!


---------- Post added 27-04-2018 at 10:14 ----------


UK economy in weakest growth since 2012



Just keep repeating to yourself blue passports blue passports .....and unicorns!

Edited by Magilla
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Construction has seen a large downturn, having experienced its most dramatic fall since the second quarter of 2012 - falling 3.3% over the first three months of the year.


The sector’s main driver - house building has slipped into decline.


The news in Jan 2018 was "Construction output growth has hit its worst level since 2012, according to new data from the Office for National Statistics."



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"When we leave the EU, we will be leaving the customs union"


The Home Secretary, Amber Rudd MP, has tweeted:



Thanks to the Press Gallery for hosting me at a challenging yet enjoyable lunch. I should have been clearer - of course when we leave the EU we will be leaving the customs union. I wasn't going to get into ongoing cabinet discussions about our future trading relationship.


3:19 PM - Apr 26, 2018

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