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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Happy with the fact British jobs are lost for your new passport :D


You tell me consequences aren't relevant.


I’ve still got my red passport and don’t give a toss about any blue passport...:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 28-04-2018 at 01:07 ----------


At says the same as the other one, hormones in the foodchain are bad... hmmm, another own goal. :hihi:




Won what? An increased chance of eating stuff that according to the links you provided is pretty bad for human health?


Another own goal. :rolleyes:




Triggered :hihi: LOL


What makes you think I haven't already got an EU & UK passport? :rolleyes:


You really didn’t get the point I made so I’m not bothering and will leave you to spread you chlorinated chicken fears while drinking tapwater containing hormones like Oestrogen.....

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THE SUN SAYS Half-in, half-out is not a viable ‘soft-Brexit’ compromise – it is suicide. Tory rebels wanting to destroy Brexit don't realise half-in and half-out of the EU would mean us taking Brussels’ orders for ever but with no comeback


Brexit in peril


DO the Tory rebels bent on destroying Brexit have any idea of the danger they are flirting with? They are crowing that Theresa May doesn’t have the Commons votes to take us out of the Customs Union.


That she’ll have to keep us in the Single Market too.


They seem to see it all as a political game with no real-world consequences. The rest of Britain won’t.


Membership of a customs union negates Brexit at a stroke.


It wipes out arguably its biggest plus-point, the new power to trade independently with giant global economies. Half-out of the EU, but trapped inside this union, we would take Brussels’ orders for ever but with no comeback.


Our great country, permanently subservient to the same club we voted to leave with the biggest mandate in our history.


A position immeasurably worse than before, foisted on us by foolish Tory MPs under the false pretence, orchestrated in Brussels, that the Irish border problem is otherwise unsolvable. Half-in, half-out is not a viable “soft Brexit” compromise.


It is suicide — a catastrophe obvious to anyone not blinded by devotion to Brussels.


We would be humiliated before the world.


Betrayed voters, including many Remainers who believe the referendum verdict must be properly fulfilled, will not confine their protests to angry letters.


There are mutterings already of violence, even civil war. They are surely overblown.


But what if they’re not?


Tory Anna Soubry and her co-conspirators should not kid themselves British stiff upper lip will prevail. We fear the mayhem they could unleash.


Mrs May must talk them round or her Government could be destroyed. Britain would then be crippled by the worst possible Brexit and potentially finished off by a Marxist Corbyn Government.


The Tories cannot let this happen.

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Construction has seen a large downturn, having experienced its most dramatic fall since the second quarter of 2012 - falling 3.3% over the first three months of the year.


The sector’s main driver - house building has slipped into decline.


The news in Jan 2018 was "Construction output growth has hit its worst level since 2012, according to new data from the Office for National Statistics."




Where have you been, ever tried building in freezing cold weather.

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Source for that supposition please?
I see the UK economy has eventually managed to slow down to just about nil growth, at 0.1%. For context, Ireland's economy grows by that much per week. But, also, that ZHCs are up in the UK.


So you have a point: jobs won't be lost by the armloads. They're being replaced by precarious 'non-jobs' that still attest to near-full employment.


Boiled frog syndrome: you're being turned into the G27's sweatshop, exactly where the hard Brexiteers said they'd take you (Singapore-on-Thames).


Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

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Where have you been, ever tried building in freezing cold weather.


From the ONS


"While some impacts on GDP from the snow in the first quarter of 2018 have been recorded for construction and retail sales, the effects were generally small, with very little impact observed in other areas of the economy."



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Happy that you have just bought a new camera online and put ( in a tiny way ) shop workers jobs at risk ?


Genuinely don’t care about those jobs. Just making sure my money is spent most efficiently. I don’t have a responsibility to a dying industry.

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Where have you been, ever tried building in freezing cold weather.


Ok, so lets look at other countries, I think they have cold weather too


GDP Annual Growth Rate = United Kingdom 1.20

GDP Annual Growth Rate = Ireland 8.40

GDP Annual Growth Rate = Poland 5.10

GDP Annual Growth Rate = Germany 2.90

GDP Annual Growth Rate = Sweden 3.30



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THE SUN SAYS Half-in, half-out is not a viable ‘soft-Brexit’ compromise – it is suicide. Tory rebels wanting to destroy Brexit don't realise half-in and half-out of the EU would mean us taking Brussels’ orders for ever but with no comeback


Brexit in peril


DO the Tory rebels bent on destroying Brexit have any idea of the danger they are flirting with? They are crowing that Theresa May doesn’t have the Commons votes to take us out of the Customs Union.


That she’ll have to keep us in the Single Market too.


They seem to see it all as a political game with no real-world consequences. The rest of Britain won’t.


Membership of a customs union negates Brexit at a stroke.


It wipes out arguably its biggest plus-point, the new power to trade independently with giant global economies. Half-out of the EU, but trapped inside this union, we would take Brussels’ orders for ever but with no comeback.


Our great country, permanently subservient to the same club we voted to leave with the biggest mandate in our history.


A position immeasurably worse than before, foisted on us by foolish Tory MPs under the false pretence, orchestrated in Brussels, that the Irish border problem is otherwise unsolvable. Half-in, half-out is not a viable “soft Brexit” compromise.


It is suicide — a catastrophe obvious to anyone not blinded by devotion to Brussels.


We would be humiliated before the world.


Betrayed voters, including many Remainers who believe the referendum verdict must be properly fulfilled, will not confine their protests to angry letters.


There are mutterings already of violence, even civil war. They are surely overblown.


But what if they’re not?


Tory Anna Soubry and her co-conspirators should not kid themselves British stiff upper lip will prevail. We fear the mayhem they could unleash.


Mrs May must talk them round or her Government could be destroyed. Britain would then be crippled by the worst possible Brexit and potentially finished off by a Marxist Corbyn Government.


The Tories cannot let this happen.


Your entire post is pretty dillusional. The government isn’t going to fall because Brexit hasn’t gone your way. You’re undermining the proportion of the British public that think like you for a start. Also the MPs are under no obligation to act on public opinion either. That isn’t how our parliament works, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding on how our democracy works. Finally, the Tories aren’t in any danger given the lack of credibility of the opposition.


Also, quoting the Sun. Just wow....

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"When we leave the EU, we will be leaving the customs union"


The Home Secretary, Amber Rudd MP, has tweeted:



Thanks to the Press Gallery for hosting me at a challenging yet enjoyable lunch. I should have been clearer - of course when we leave the EU we will be leaving the customs union. I wasn't going to get into ongoing cabinet discussions about our future trading relationship.


3:19 PM - Apr 26, 2018


given she can't tell a consistent story about what she knew or didn't know about the Windrush scandal, I'm not sure what she tweets is any more meaningful than your contributions


---------- Post added 28-04-2018 at 09:58 ----------


Where have you been, ever tried building in freezing cold weather.


there is more to the economy than building and that doesn't seem to be doing particularly well


anyway on a happier note, since you want to go back to your 1970's fantasy I presume you are cheered by abba's reformation

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"When we leave the EU, we will be leaving the customs union"


The Home Secretary, Amber Rudd MP, has tweeted:


And then the reality:-


The CBI warns Liam Fox's Brexit trade plans could bankrupt British companies



If Rudds competance is anything to go by it's almost an admission that we're staying in the CU. :D

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