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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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And then the reality:-


The CBI warns Liam Fox's Brexit trade plans could bankrupt British companies



If Rudds competance is anything to go by it's almost an admission that we're staying in the CU. :D


Is this the same EU funded, voice of big business, CBI that in the late 1980s supported our joining the Exchange Rate Mechanism, with the disastrous financial consequences that followed? UK membership of the ERM led to interest rates hitting 15% in 1992 and millions of homeowners going into negative equity. Only after the UK crashed out of the ERM on ‘Black Wednesday’ on 16 September 1992 – AGAINST the CBI’s advice – did we enjoy a sustained period of economic growth.


Is this the same EU funded, voice of big business, CBI that in the late 1990s was calling for us to join the Euro or face economic depression?


Is this the same EU funded, voice of big business, CBI that, as part of 'Project Fear', warned that leaving the European Union would cause a serious shock to the UK economy that would lead to 950,000 job losses and cost over £100 billion?


The EU funded CBI and Big business loves the EU because its undemocratic structures favour companies who can afford intensive lobbying of Brussels. The CBI received £1,092,135 from the European Commission between 2009 and 2016.

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Staying in the customs union is completely opposed to the result of the referendum.


Staying in the customs union means giving up our right to set and decide the tariffs which are applied to goods entering the UK from the rest of the world.


Staying in the customs union means obeying the vast range of non-tariff controls on goods. A huge number of rules and regulations governing the production of goods within the UK would have to be kept the same as the EU.


Staying in the customs union means we would be unable to change these rules and regulations in order to benefit British industry or consumers. We would have to update these rules and regulations to match the EU, however damaging the rule change might be to UK interests.


Staying in the customs union will protect the profits of continental producers at our expense. It will be extremely damaging to British consumers who will have to pay well above world prices for food, clothing and footwear because of the EU protection racket.


Staying in the customs union will remove the ability of the UK to govern ourselves as an independent nation and to decide our own laws on trade and domestic policy.


Staying in the customs union will result in the UK being subject to the continuing jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) which regulates the rules of the customs union.

a secret plan to stay in the customs union brewing in Whitehall?



---------- Post added 28-04-2018 at 11:56 ----------


How Brexit "could" change the UK music industry



the bit about a "tour carnet" was interesting, never knew about one of those


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And then the reality:-


The CBI warns Liam Fox's Brexit trade plans could bankrupt British companies



If Rudds competance is anything to go by it's almost an admission that we're staying in the CU. :D


A CBI warning 'reality'?


What planet are you living on? The CBI has got it catastrophically wrong, time and time again. The CBI only represents the bosses of companies - and not the millions of people working in them.


The CBI has been consistently wrong when it comes to the EU, from its disastrous campaign for us to join the ERM (which caused a recession) to wanting us to remain in the ERM after 'Black Wednesday', to adopting the Euro (warning that the City would be greatly damaged if we didn't) and to its undermining of the case for an EU referendum.


The CBI receives large amounts of money from the EU. The CBI has signed an EU contract specifically stating that it won't do or say anything to damage the reputation of the EU. The CBI sells its pro-EU economic data to other leading organisations, including Bloomberg.

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A CBI warning 'reality'?


What planet are you living on? The CBI has got it catastrophically wrong, time and time again. The CBI only represents the bosses of companies - and not the millions of people working in them.


who knows how things will affect companies? the bosses of companies or the workers of companies?

Who will be affected more if a company is affected? the boss of the company or the workers?

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who knows how things will affect companies? the bosses of companies or the workers of companies?

Who will be affected more if a company is affected? the boss of the company or the workers?


The CBI is an enemy of the working class. It claimed that the introduction of the Minimum Wage would lead to large-scale job losses and mass unemployment when in reality it had no measurable impact on the levels of employment


The CBI has constantly opposed further increases in the minimum wage, warning that increases in pay for the poorest workers will damage business and boost the black economy because firms will be forced to take on cheap labour. These warnings have ALWAYS proved false.


The top executives of British industry - who are the driving force behind the CBI - have for many years been receiving very high pay and remuneration increases and are massively opposed to any significant increases for the poor.


It is of no surprise that the anti-worker CBI consistently opposes pay increases for the working poor while supporting our membership of the EU and huge pay increases for the very wealthy.

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The CBI is an enemy of the working class. It claimed that the introduction of the Minimum Wage would lead to large-scale job losses and mass unemployment when in reality it had no measurable impact on the levels of employment


The CBI has constantly opposed further increases in the minimum wage, warning that increases in pay for the poorest workers will damage business and boost the black economy because firms will be forced to take on cheap labour. These warnings have ALWAYS proved false.


The top executives of British industry - who are the driving force behind the CBI - have for many years been receiving very high pay and remuneration increases and are massively opposed to any significant increases for the poor.


It is of no surprise that the anti-worker CBI consistently opposes pay increases for the working poor while supporting our membership of the EU and huge pay increases for the very wealthy.

again, bosses know what can affect firms, minimum wage is good for workers as it gives a decent living, which does knock on to other areas like spending etc.


it is a constant burdon on firms, i do know minimum wage has been mentioned in regards to recent names going bust.

I have also noticed a bigger move towards less staff, more part time staff and more zero hour contracts and more younger staff, i imagine some of this is down partly to the minimum wage and trying to negate staff costs

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I have also noticed a bigger move towards less staff, more part time staff and more zero hour contracts and more younger staff, i imagine some of this is down partly to the minimum wage and trying to negate staff costs


The CBI is very much in support of firms reducing workers hours to boost profits, and a CBI chief executive has stated that zero hours contracts are "vital" to keeping people in flexible employment.


The CBI, which warned that the minimum wage should not be introduced, is a friend to the EU and the Bosses. It is an enemy of the worker and the poor.

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Your entire post is pretty dillusional. The government isn’t going to fall because Brexit hasn’t gone your way. You’re undermining the proportion of the British public that think like you for a start. Also the MPs are under no obligation to act on public opinion either. That isn’t how our parliament works, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding on how our democracy works. Finally, the Tories aren’t in any danger given the lack of credibility of the opposition.


Also, quoting the Sun. Just wow....



I think the post had merit, quite a lot actually.



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