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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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And then the reality:-


The CBI warns Liam Fox's Brexit trade plans could bankrupt British companies



If Rudds competance is anything to go by it's almost an admission that we're staying in the CU. :D


Do you also consider the CBI's warnings against introducing the minimum wage, and increasingly dire warnings against raising the minimum wage for the poorest workers as being based on 'reality'?

Edited by Car Boot
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CarBoot - as you seem all knowing... how would you solve the Irish border problem?


The one which threatens to block brexit?


---------- Post added 28-04-2018 at 19:17 ----------


Do you also consider the CBI's warnings against introducing the minimum wage, and increasingly dire warnings against raising the minimum wage for the poorest workers as being based on 'reality'?


You seem to pick and choose your sources when it suits you...

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Do you also consider the CBI's warnings against introducing the minimum wage, and increasingly dire warnings against raising the minimum wage for the poorest workers as being based on 'reality'?


Attack the messenger, avoid the message like the plague. Don't want to get bogged down by reality :hihi:


In case you hadn't noticed, it's not just the CBI saying things like this, their view is pretty universal :suspect:


Time is running out, there's no chance we'll have the majority of trade deals sorted out before we're set to leave (another leaver lie), those that (apparently) will roll over fall foul of country of origin rules so we're disadvantaged by default and when the others do eventually materialise they'll be worse than we already enjoy!


Growth down to 0.1%!


It'll be interesting to hear your "project fear" views if we enter recession. No doubt it'll be everyone else's fault and nothing to do with your vote.. but don't worry, there'll be plenty of people to remind you where the fault lies ;)


You're getting more hysterical by the day... get those tissues ready.....



---------- Post added 29-04-2018 at 09:32 ----------


CarBoot - as you seem all knowing... how would you solve the Irish border problem?


Indeed, time's running out. Come on Car Boot, where's this "big thinking" when we need it?

Edited by Magilla
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Attack the messenger, avoid the message like the plague. Don't want to get bogged down by reality :hihi:


In case you hadn't noticed, it's not just the CBI saying things like this, their view is pretty universal :suspect:


Time is running out, there's no chance we'll have the majority of trade deals sorted out before we're set to leave (another leaver lie), those that (apparently) will roll over fall foul of country of origin rules so we're disadvantaged by default and when the others do eventually materialise they'll be worse than we already enjoy!


Growth down to 0.1%!


It'll be interesting to hear your "project fear" views if we enter recession. No doubt it'll be everyone else's fault and nothing to do with your vote.. but don't worry, there'll be plenty of people to remind you where the fault lies ;)


You're getting more hysterical by the day... get those tissues ready.....



---------- Post added 29-04-2018 at 09:32 ----------



Indeed, time's running out. Come on Car Boot, where's this "big thinking" when we need it?


Great news for me. I want a recession. Inflation will climb and my pay with it. I am embracing this train wreck. I get better paid and the poorer becomes poorer. I don’t have a problem with this.

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Do you also consider the CBI's warnings against introducing the minimum wage, and increasingly dire warnings against raising the minimum wage for the poorest workers as being based on 'reality'?


You’re all over the place with this.


Leading Brexiters want to remove wage controls.


So, do you think we should have a minimum wage and/or a living wage?


Tell us what you really think instead of spewing out posts and links like you’re working from a script

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You’re all over the place with this.


Leading Brexiters want to remove wage controls.


So, do you think we should have a minimum wage and/or a living wage?


Tell us what you really think instead of spewing out posts and links like you’re working from a script

hes trying to portray himself as a "working class hero", a Robin Hood fighting for the poor and downtrodden. The trouble is like you say, his postings are all over the place politically and economically.

AND IF the economy DOES take a slide AFTER the actual brexit, the POORER folks WILL be the ones that suffer the most.

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again, bosses know what can affect firms, minimum wage is good for workers as it gives a decent living, which does knock on to other areas like spending etc.


it is a constant burdon on firms, i do know minimum wage has been mentioned in regards to recent names going bust.


Now I have to ask what planet are you living on?


The minimum wage gives an absolute bare minimum income to workers. It DOES NOT give a decent living to those who barely survive on it.


Raising the minimum wage to £10 an hour (for EVERYONE, regardless of age) is more genuinely reflective of a real living wage.


Your words make you appear to be an apologist for the bosses in their aim to keep more of their profits to themselves and away from the people who create those profits - the workers. You certainly know your place.

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Now I have to ask what planet are you living on?


The minimum wage gives an absolute bare minimum income to workers. It DOES NOT give a decent living to those who barely survive on it.


Raising the minimum wage to £10 an hour (for EVERYONE, regardless of age) is more genuinely reflective of a real living wage.


Your words make you appear to be an apologist for the bosses in their aim to keep more of their profits to themselves and away from the people who create those profits - the workers. You certainly know your place.


I am a worker and I am very well renumerated. Why should "everyone" deserve £10/hr? I deserve far more distinction than your average cleaner because of what I do.

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