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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Here we go again.


Were's your justification that everyone who voted leave also wanted to leave the customs union and single market?

And there you go again writing things I haven't stated. I haven't stated that everyone who voted to leave also wanted to leave the customs union and single market. I stated if someone wanted the UK to stay in the customs union and single market, then they will have voted to remain in the EU. If someone wanted the UK to stop the free movement of people, then they will have voted to leave the EU because they understood a vote to leave meant a vote to leave the single market, thus ending the free movement of people.

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And there you go again writing things I haven't stated. I haven't stated that everyone who voted to leave also wanted to leave the customs union and single market. I stated if someone wanted the UK to stay in the customs union and single market, then they will have voted to remain in the EU. If someone wanted the UK to stop the free movement of people, then they will have voted to leave the EU because they understood a vote to leave meant a vote to leave the single market, thus ending the free movement of people.


Your words......again


"Staying in the single market and custom union would mean the UK would only be leaving the EU in name, which wouldn't be carrying out the wishes of the people who voted to leave the EU."

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Your words......again


"Staying in the single market and custom union would mean the UK would only be leaving the EU in name, which wouldn't be carrying out the wishes of the people who voted to leave the EU."

The UK's current membership of both the single market and custom union is because we are currently members of the EU. It's not rocket science to comprehend that the UK would only be leaving the EU in name only, if the UK remained members of both the single market and customs union.

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The UK's current membership of both the single market and custom union is because we are currently members of the EU. It's not rocket science to comprehend that the UK would only be leaving the EU in name only, if the UK remained members of both the single market and customs union.


So where's your justification that everyone who voted leave, also wanted to leave the the customs union and the single market?


How about those who voted leave and wanted the UK to have arrangements similar to Norway or Switzerland? You'll remember both countries cited as examples of working outside the EU.


How about those who voted leave but believed Owen Paterson when he said that "only a mad man would leave the Single Market"?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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Here we go again.


Were's your justification that everyone who voted leave also wanted to leave the customs union and single market?


Where's your justification that everyone who voted to Leave also wanted to stay in the customs union and single market?

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You are obsessed with spinning the facts. You know a non EU member that is in the single market has to agree to free movement of people. You also know a non EU member that is a member of the custom union are not allowed to arrange their own trade agreements with non EU countries. The freedom of movement and the prospect of the UK being in control of their own trade negotiations were important issues before and during the referendum campaign. You know a person wishing for the UK to stay in both the Single Market and Custom Union will have voted to stay in the EU and not voted to leave the EU. I agree with Mrs May's stance regarding both the Custom Union and Single Market. Mrs May voted to remain in the EU just like I voted to remain in the EU. I am not a closet anything, I just respect democracy and support Mrs May who is also trying to respect the democratic decision the UK people made in the referendum vote
LOL, look at the pot calling the kettle black :rolleyes:


I don't need a whole paragraph 'spinning facts' to make the elementary point that the referendum asked a simple Yes/No question about EU membership alone.


Not about Customs Union membership, or about Single membership, or about immigration, or about the UK's capacity to make own trade deals, etc.>: all that was tagged on by politicians after the referendum, as a matter of interpretation of the result.


Well, I have news for you: someone's interpretation, being an opinion, is no more valid than someone -anyone- else's. The elementary facts, as you like to appeal to them, are that:

  • people were asked about EU membership;
  • EU membership is distinct from SM membership and CU membership

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So where's your justification that everyone who voted leave, also wanted to leave the the customs union and the single market?


How about those who voted leave and wanted the UK to have arrangements similar to Norway or Switzerland? You'll remember both countries cited as examples of working outside the EU.


How about those who voted leave but believed Owen Paterson when he said that "only a mad man would leave the Single Market"?


Again you are writing things I haven't stated.


There were only two options on the ballet paper. Anyone voting to remain were reasonable to assume a remain victory, would mean the UK staying in both the single market and custom union because the UK would have voted to remain in the EU. Likewise anyone voting to leave the EU are reasonable to expect the UK to leave both the single market and custom union because the leave vote won the election and the UK are leaving the EU. Anybody voting leave, who want the UK to have arrangements similar to either Norway and Switzerland took a big gamble hoping for that scenario and perhaps should have voted to remain in the EU. Likewise anybody in Newcastle voting to leave the EU because they wanted Sunderland car workers to lose their jobs should have stayed at home on voting day.


Sorry still have no interest in what Owen Paterson said.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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Again you are writing things I haven't stated.


There were only two options on the ballet paper. Anyone voting to remain were reasonable to assume a remain victory, would mean the UK staying in both the single market and custom union because the UK would have voted to remain in the EU. Likewise anyone voting to leave the EU are reasonable to expect the UK to leave both the single market and custom union because the leave vote won the election and the UK are leaving the EU. Anybody voting leave, who want the UK to have arrangements similar to either Norway and Switzerland took a big gamble hoping for that scenario and perhaps should have voted to remain in the EU. Likewise anybody in Newcastle voting to leave the EU because they wanted Sunderland car workers to lose their jobs should have stayed at home on voting day.


Sorry still have no interest in what Owen Paterson said.


Completely asinine.

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I am determined to see the democratic result of the June 2016 referendum enacted.


As the democratic result of the 1975 referendum was enacted.


Unfortunately we have very wealthy aristocrats in the House of Lords now attempting to completely reverse the result because they were born into the ruling elite.

I can never follow your agenda that to remain plays into the hands of the bosses,the wealthy,the elite etc whilst the common man will be favoured by Brexit.

The wealthy elite will remain so because no government has been able to narrow the gap between the haves and have nots,

The common man needs job security and fair wages,which is largely dependent upon successful businesses in a growing economy.

I fail to see that Brexit will deliver this,and leaving the CU will add costs to the goods that we wish to buy.

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