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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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It's more healthy to be blessed with ridiculously optimistic wishful thinking than to adopt a ridiculously pessimistic attitude because the result of a democratic referendum wasn't as expected or the result you wanted.

Realism is not the same thing as pessimism.


I suggest you watch the documentary about Syria tonight at 9.00pm called the World’s War on BBC2. We are all blessed to live in a rich country that has a democratic Government which gave the people a choice about their future. The people of Syria would love to swap places with the people of the UK.

Are you really reduced to pointing out that Brexit won't be as bad as living in Syria? Hardly a ringing endorsement is it.

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India manage to do it and while we are sending them money :confused:

Also still sending foreign aid to China.


---------- Post added 03-05-2018 at 22:07 ----------


Realism is not the same thing as pessimism.



Are you really reduced to pointing out that Brexit won't be as bad as living in Syria? Hardly a ringing endorsement is it.

Just being optimistic :)

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We will still trade with the EU. Both sides need each other and business is pragmatic. They will come to an agreement that suits most of them.


Britain has been negotiating trade deals for hundreds of years with other countries, friend and foe alike, which hasn't involved us being forced to pay into their political system or being governed by their rules as a precondition to that trade.


Except in two cases. The Romans and the Normans. Both of which were invasions.


Now the the EU wants the same terms as that demanded by victorious conquerors.


Better off out.

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Britain has been negotiating trade deals for hundreds of years with other countries, friend and foe alike, which hasn't involved us being forced to pay into their political system or being governed by their rules as a precondition to that trade.


Except in two cases. The Romans and the Normans. Both of which were invasions.


Now the the EU wants the same terms as that demanded by victorious conquerors.


Better off out.

you mean all those nasty other 27 countries have been picking on us, poor little britain, blub blub?

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you mean all those nasty other 27 countries have been picking on us, poor little britain, blub blub?




It's the EU Commission that has been using threatening rhetoric towards the UK. The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michael Barnier, has warned that a transition period for the UK government “is not a given” following the UK’s reluctance to accept new EU rules during the transition period.


The UK has stressed time and again it's commitment to European cooperation, trade, and security. Theresa May has even stated that “we may be leaving the EU, but we are not leaving Europe.”


The only option we have now is to move immediately to WTO terms without any transition period and not contribute to any further wasteful EU spending.


We should spend the £35 - 39 billion saved on the NHS.

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We should spend the £35 - 39 billion saved on the NHS.


Well until the Tories spend the savings on the NHS, rather than giving huge tax cuts and juicy PFI contracts to their wealthy chums, or waste £billions on Crossrail for Tory voters in the South East, then we need the EU to ensure that UK government money (ie, my taxes and your taxes) is spent in poorer areas of Northern England.


By leaving the EU, we’re allowing the UK government to distribute funding, and they’ve made it quite clear that we simple folk Oop North don’t deserve anything nice.

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