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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Got bored with all the know it alls on here, so lost interest.

What I have noticed is that despite the doom mongering from certain quarters nothing has changed.

Got a job, money in my pocket, savings and still loving my travel to Europe.

Go on then, tell me it will all collapse come 2019.

Reminds me a bit of that religion where they keep changing the date of the end of the world because it’s not happening.

Have a lovely summer all xxx

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Got bored with all the know it alls on here, so lost interest.

What I have noticed is that despite the doom mongering from certain quarters nothing has changed.

Got a job, money in my pocket, savings and still loving my travel to Europe.

Go on then, tell me it will all collapse come 2019.

Reminds me a bit of that religion where they keep changing the date of the end of the world because it’s not happening.

Have a lovely summer all xxx

If you're not on dialysis, not much, beside possibly much higher travel insurance (no EHICs) and other visa shenanigans, so your spare change/holiday budget may vary (and some more if the £ takes another nosedive in 2019).


But if you're on dialysis, them travels to Europe shall get nigh-on impossible (no EHICs and so uninsurable). You can still go to Skegvegas, though, so contributing to national economy and freeing up sunbeds for us in the EU - everybody wins :thumbsup:


The date is unchanged at 30 March 2019 btw. Whatever the Lords and Parliament may vote about it (like today), because it's the term of Article 50 TEU kicked off by Mrs May. Which, last I checked, is an international agreement outside the UK jurisdiction (that means only the other parties to the agreement, ie the EU27, can wave it off; the UK can't do anything about it).


Happy travels :)


[too early to tell you what will collapse I'm afraid, since the UK still doesn't know what kind of Brexit it wants 2 years on]

Edited by L00b
Typos, damn iPad
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Is that it then ? I can’t see anything there that will stop me travelling
Lucky you, then (and far from it, as I haven't touched on air travel restrictions, validity of UK driving licenses and insurances, and a ton more niceties in store depending on the eventual flavour of Brexit...wouldn't want to come across as a know-it-all, like :hihi:)


PS: I would advise that you check the small print very carefully when you book your 2019 holidays, though ;)

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I have travelled to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia,USA, Mexico, Cuba, Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Lebanon, Syria ( admittedly before the unrest) Jordan,Algiers, Egypt et al and never had any issues with travel, insurance, driving licence, customs or immigration

How would travelling to Spain or France be any more difficult?

Why would I need to check small print when I make my own arrangements?

I cannot recall the last time I ‘ booked’ a holiday!


Tell me again, when is the end of the world going to be?

Edited by monkey104
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The EU starts free trade talks with Australia & New Zealand today.


For the avoidance of doubt: the U.K. DTI will be part of those talks until Brexit day (30 March 2019) but not thereafter. The Brexiting U.K. gets automatically shunted to the back of that queue in about 10 and a bit months’ time.


In other news today, the U.K. DTI is shedding 10% of trade promotion jobs to balance its budget.


Well played U.K. :D


There's always a silver lining,


"Euro falls to lowest level of 2018 after more gloomy data"


Edited by retep
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There's always a silver lining


Quite so:-


Another defeat in EU Withdrawal Bill



The government has suffered another defeat over its Brexit plans after peers voted to instruct ministers to negotiate the UK's continued membership of the European Economic Area.


Labour peers were under orders to abstain when members of the Lords voted on a cross party amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill which was designed to keep the UK in the European single market.


In spite of Labour's decision to abstain, the amendment was approved by 245 votes to 218, a majority of 27.


It is the government's 13th defeat during the report stage of the bill.

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I have travelled to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia,USA, Mexico, Cuba, Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Lebanon, Syria ( admittedly before the unrest) Jordan,Algiers, Egypt et al and never had any issues with travel, insurance, driving licence, customs or immigration

How would travelling to Spain or France be any more difficult?

Why would I need to check small print when I make my own arrangements?

I cannot recall the last time I ‘ booked’ a holiday!

I’ll let you work it out for yourself, since you apparently have nothing (more) to learn about travelling :)

Tell me again, when is the end of the world going to be?
What an odd question. About which I can’t help you in the slightest.


---------- Post added 09-05-2018 at 08:38 ----------


There's always a silver lining,


"Euro falls to lowest level of 2018 after more gloomy data"


Our U.K. house sale is due to complete on Friday, talk about a silver lining indeed! Lower still, please, at least until the middle of next week :thumbsup:
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