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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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About as much chance of that as Brexit delivering on any of it's promised "advantages", meanwhile the Lords move on and inflict a 14th defeat ;)


You drama queen,


"It sounds dramatic: the government has been defeated 14 times in the House of Lords on the EU Withdrawal Bill. But only two of those defeats will be tricky for Theresa May to reverse when the bill returns to the the House of Commons."



---------- Post added 10-05-2018 at 10:32 ----------


Me too. Are the regulations for other countries where requirements are stricter?


Or will it lead to the bad old days of sausages being full of fat and filler? Or will it lead to more intensive farming?


Love or hate the EU and its regulations, but I can't help that its made this country cleaner and healthier.


This article is worth a read:


lowering of standards and poorer quality food in supermarkets



You could always stick to the alternative, and join the 60,000


"The strain of hepatitis E (HEV) has been linked to pig farms on the Continent after the tropical virus mutated to infect livestock."


Edited by retep
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You drama queen,


"It sounds dramatic: the government has been defeated 14 times in the House of Lords on the EU Withdrawal Bill. But only two of those defeats will be tricky for Theresa May to reverse when the bill returns to the the House of Commons."



---------- Post added 10-05-2018 at 10:32 ----------



You could always stick to the alternative, and join the 60,000


"The strain of hepatitis E (HEV) has been linked to pig farms on the Continent after the tropical virus mutated to infect livestock."


bad things do happen thats a given, but why remove ALL regulations and checks that keep us safe, thats just stupidity, as i said if it was the case why do we need food cheaper than it already is? its already cheap with yer aldis, lidls and supermarket price wars

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You drama queen


I'm not the one getting all hysterical and calling for the Lords to be scrapped!


Calm down dear :hihi:


"It sounds dramatic: the government has been defeated 14 times in the House of Lords on the EU Withdrawal Bill. But only two of those defeats will be tricky for Theresa May to reverse when the bill returns to the the House of Commons."



I guess you didn't bother to read it?


The two amendments on which Theresa May faces defeat are the customs union and the so-called meaningful vote. On the customs union there are certainly more than 12 Tories prepared to vote against their government – enough to overturn May’s majority.


As the damage starts to become more apparent, Mays job is going to get harder.


A few more announcements like this certainly aren't going to help:


Brexit to 'force work on Galileo sat-nav system out of UK'



Slow clap for the Brexiters ;)


Northern Labour MPs to demand a second Brexit referendum



Seems like their constituants might be getting concerned.


.. and then the farmers, who despite voting to leave a "protectionist racket" (apparently), now love protectionist rackets


Source public sector food from UK post-Brexit, farmers say



.. at public expense ofcourse :suspect:


Brits have suddenly stopped shopping — and it's a worrying omen for the economy


Numbers from the British Retail Consortium out today show year-on-year consumer sales growth collapsed by -4.2% in April. The expectation had been -0.8%. The index didn't get that low at any point during the 2008 financial crisis, when it dipped to -3.3 in 2009.


Why Theresa May is heading for a major Brexit U-turn on the customs union



Get your tissues out Peter, you'll be needing them!

Edited by Magilla
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Me too. Are the regulations for other countries where requirements are stricter?


Or will it lead to the bad old days of sausages being full of fat and filler? Or will it lead to more intensive farming?


Love or hate the EU and its regulations, but I can't help that its made this country cleaner and healthier.


This article is worth a read:


lowering of standards and poorer quality food in supermarkets



From the article you posted: >>>Environment secretary Michael Gove has called for the UK to become a world leader in terms of food sustainability and environmental stewardship. Crossley welcomed the intention but said the UK must now back up those words with action.

“If we want the UK to be a leader on good, fair food, we really need to seize this moment, learn from what other countries are doing and become a beacon of excellence across the board.”<<<


Surely they should have seized the moment when they first joined the Common Market? They've only had 50 odd years to sort it out? When we joined them, our growing/manufacturing rights were given to other countries where the greatest profit could be made for unscrupulous businessmen, and very little is produced here now.

There has been more scope for scammers than ever before.



It didn't matter to us that the likes of Marks and Spencer 'invested' (not) in third world sweat shops, because we were supposedly going to get cheaper goods..... But all the companies that ditched Britain for third world goods are now up against the wall. It took a while for the penny to drop.. a few horrendous documentaries about the appalling conditions and exploitation of those workers, making cheap unregulated goods which were sold to us for top dollar . We have had it rammed down our throat how superior it was going to be in the EU, but nothing of the sort happened. Instead our shops have been filled with throw away junk and eventually people began to wake to the fact that we have been played.

We have been paying through the nose, to have rules and regulations imposed on us, that could have been delivered by our own Government.. If they and their cronies had not invested so much in making mega profits on the backs of impoverished people.


>>>In taking that 'mighty gamble' back in the 1960s and 1970s, it has very much looked as though we backed the wrong horse - and, simply in economic terms, we have paid a colossal price for it.


Switching the main focus of our trade away from the English- speaking world to Europe, has turned out to be a very one-sided deal indeed. In the past 30 years, so much more do our European partners sell to us than we sell to them that we have run up a staggering deficit on our dealings with the EU, amounting to £300 billion.


Without our trade with America and the rest of the world - for which we do not need to take on the deadweight of all those EU directives and regulations estimated to cost us a further £120 billion a year - we should long since have gone bankrupt.


The ultimate proof of how well we might have survived outside the EU is that, even today, both Norway and Switzerland, two of the richest countries in Europe, export a higher percentage of their products to the EU than we do, without having had to join it?? <<<


Read the whole article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-426827/What-Britain-HADNT-joined-EU.html#ixzz5F5vkMoUZ

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From the article you posted: >>>Environment secretary Michael Gove has called for the UK to become a world leader in terms of food sustainability and environmental stewardship. Crossley welcomed the intention but said the UK must now back up those words with action.


Become: to come, change or grow to be (dictionary.com 2018 )


Excellent, sounds like a nice easy process that should be completed before 2019 /sarcasm


The ultimate proof of how well we might have survived outside the EU is that, even today, both Norway and Switzerland, two of the richest countries in Europe, export a higher percentage of their products to the EU than we do, without having had to join it??


European Economic Area - EFTA members and others. The exact thing Brexiteers are looking to leave behind for some unknown reason. Norway exports oil and gas to the EU in enormous quantities as part of their GDP, Switzerland exports money in enormous quantities as part of their GDP.


Try equal sized trade partners for comparison.

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I'm not the one getting all hysterical and calling for the Lords to be scrapped!


Calm down dear :hihi:




I guess you didn't bother to read it?




As the damage starts to become more apparent, Mays job is going to get harder.


A few more announcements like this certainly aren't going to help:


Brexit to 'force work on Galileo sat-nav system out of UK'



Slow clap for the Brexiters ;)


Northern Labour MPs to demand a second Brexit referendum



Seems like their constituants might be getting concerned.


.. and then the farmers, who despite voting to leave a "protectionist racket" (apparently), now love protectionist rackets


Source public sector food from UK post-Brexit, farmers say



.. at public expense ofcourse :suspect:


Brits have suddenly stopped shopping — and it's a worrying omen for the economy




Why Theresa May is heading for a major Brexit U-turn on the customs union



Get your tissues out Peter, you'll be needing them!


Seems like you are already using them, and I don't mean on tears :hihi:

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Er, no. UK goods shipped via EU to elsewhere are cleverly categorised by the EU as UK-EU trade.

Your sentence justifying your "Er, no." doesn't contradict what I've said. It also works both ways as it would also include goods shipped to/from the EU27 to/from outside the EU via the UK.


As Catpus was talking specifically about the anglophone world perhaps you should both look at this: Trade with the English-speaking world.

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