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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The EU doesn't export to us - we are part of the EU. You don't export to yourself....


Delude yourself.


---------- Post added 11-05-2018 at 12:34 ----------


Funny how you avoid answering the point I made about British producers (who currently sell to the EU27 at these ‘high prices’ as do EU27 producers to the U.K., all on the same basis), with a redundant poke to the EU: the EU27 producers will not have to “find another customer”, they’ll just compete with all other suppliers to supply the tariff-less, free-for-all UK.


Less profits to be made in the UK for them, sure (and perhaps becoming so unprofitable as not being worth the effort indeed, for some of them). But not a closed door.


And U.K. producers, their employees and whole socio-economic chains that rely on them will bear the brunt of it all just the same. Same story for any UK producer of any other commodity product (beside agristuffs) with foreign (non-EU) competition based in a substantially lower cost base country (that’ll be the world minus the G7 or G20, then).


Beware what you wish for. You don’t have to kill your national economy for the sake of achieving Brexit.


Nice of you to show how the UK is propping up the EU.

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Delude yourself.
The UK is (still) part of the EU until 23:00 on 29 March 2019. I’ll let readers work out the delusion issue for themselves.

Nice of you to show how the UK is propping up the EU.
No problem.


Nor with EU27 businesses buying from profit-making U.K. businesses and propping up the U.K., either :)

Edited by L00b
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Are you seriously claiming that we are not part of the EU at the moment?


I know some Brexiters have a slightly twisted view of reality but thats insane.


We are just a cash cow, but you keep deluding yourself.

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You make your own mind up,


Was Britain Taken Into The EU Illegally?



From the totally unbiased Vernon Coleman of UKIP and English Democrats...as well as being totally against the EU he is also very anti-vaccine...he's not someone who's views I would be taking with anything other than a very large pinch of salt...but if he floats your boat .......

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We are just a cash cow, but you keep deluding yourself.


Are we a member of the EU at the moment?


Simple question....


You make your own mind up,


Was Britain Taken Into The EU Illegally?



LOL, just shows, brexiters do not live in the real world and just cannot answer straight forward questions without soundbites and deluded, skewed links

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So there we have it. Your average Brexiter can't even figure out if we are a member of the EU....
Meanwhile, and not without some irony considering the sub-topic du jour (not to mention a fabulous sense of timing, as our U.K. solicitor just reported the completion of our U.K. house sale earlier this afternoon), a Frankfurt-based British IFA just asked me about ‘headhunting’ my British pension pot and assets moments ago.


They have a fair bit of local competition in Lux, so this’ll be an interesting chat :D


Clearly, they’re trawling LinkedIn for Brexit refugee professionals, so U.K. pension providers should get worried.

Edited by L00b
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