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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Can you explain how the Uk will be better off when we're out of the EU? You can show your figures and working out if you want to...



Imagine if you can, you can shop anywhere you want with no restrictions, or be forced to shop at waitrose, which would you prefer?

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Imagine if you can, you can shop anywhere you want with no restrictions, or be forced to shop at waitrose, which would you prefer?


I can choose from any number of supermarkets - and can't see that I'm restricted to buying EU produce.


But the post does show the main problem failing of Brexiteers - they focus on cheap imports - not our exports.

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I can choose from any number of supermarkets - and can't see that I'm restricted to buying EU produce.


But the post does show the main problem failing of Brexiteers - they focus on cheap imports - not our exports.


Not while you are in the EU you can't, on a world wide scale you are limited.

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So who is prevented from setting up shop over here?


(Noted that exports were evaded - surprise :cool:)


Apparently no one, as is apparent by the number of foreign traders.


Our imports of cheap EU tack over ride our exports of quality UK exports by £billions.

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Imagine if you can, you can shop anywhere you want with no restrictions, or be forced to shop at waitrose, which would you prefer?


Shop at Waitrose. Food is better quality and I won’t be sold chlorinated chicken.

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Apparently no one, as is apparent by the number of foreign traders.


shouldn't you be trumpeting that as a good thing as were supposed to be open to the world and have been even as members of the eu?


Our imports of cheap EU tack over ride our exports of quality UK exports by £billions.


so how do you address that imbalance?


and in particular how does removing tariffs on imports and moving to a situation where additional tariffs are placed on our exports because we are out of the EU make that better?

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Apparently no one, as is apparent by the number of foreign traders.


Our imports of cheap EU tack over ride our exports of quality UK exports by £billions.


I thought most of the cheap tat came from china? What rubbish do the EU supply and why do we buy it?

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Imagine if you can, you can shop anywhere you want with no restrictions, or be forced to shop at waitrose, which would you prefer?


There is a very good farm shop close to us but it specialises in large orders for freezers. Waitrose is another M&S Food, in respect of it’s shelf goods, and as useless as Tesco and Sainsbury’s if you want a fish boned with skin off. So it’s fishmonger, butchers and fruit and veg shops for me.

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