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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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As a Ukipper I can't see a great deal wrong with the above, just minor bits.


We can't control immigration, that's a given.

Benefits, some do live off them, some don't.

Our schools and health service and housing cannot cope, on the money here.






dont you think its a little odd that since the referendum we dont seem to hear about immigration like we did BEFORE the referendum? before it was in the news daily, even hourly, its not vanished, why dont we hear about it?

even down to the Romanians down page hall etc, have they all buggered off home? :suspect:

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As a Ukipper I can't see a great deal wrong with the above, just minor bits.


We can't control immigration, that's a given.

Benefits, some do live off them, some don't.

Our schools and health service and housing cannot cope, on the money here.







Your honesty is disarming.

There are some who would now shy away from admitting that such issues were very much to the forefront in their decision to vote leave.

My point was that the sensationalism surrounding these topics were very much a Project Fear touted by UKIP and the right wing press.

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I've had a couple of sort of similar calls too..... I think you may be right.


This is interesting.


By September this year a couple of my kids will be settled On the continent and we’re thinking of joining them in a few years. I never thought that my pension pots could be ported across too.

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This is interesting.


By September this year a couple of my kids will be settled On the continent and we’re thinking of joining them in a few years. I never thought that my pension pots could be ported across too.

It's certainly possible whilever freedom of movement of capitals extends to the UK, with a broader choice of service providers (more competition = cheaper) with passporting rights. After 30 March 2019, it'll be a bit more difficult and expensive, I expect...


...and I'm glossing over the likelihood of capital controls in case of a double-whammy of the UK crashing out and Corbyn getting in.


Still, good for your kids :)

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It's certainly possible whilever freedom of movement of capitals extends to the UK, with a broader choice of service providers (more competition = cheaper) with passporting rights. After 30 March 2019, it'll be a bit more difficult and expensive, I expect...


...and I'm glossing over the likelihood of capital controls in case of a double-whammy of the UK crashing out and Corbyn getting in.


Still, good for your kids :)


Hold on, according to Brexiters we are going to be the nexus of a free trade nirvana.


If that is the case surely my capital should be free to move too.....


If not can any Brexiter on here explain why not?


You tell me to leave repeatedly, but are you going to let me take my capital with me?

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Hold on, according to Brexiters we are going to be the nexus of a free trade nirvana.


If that is the case surely my capital should be free to move too...

Whatever happens you'll likely still be free to move your capital as you wish.


It's just that this capital itself won't move as freely ('frictionless') as it has been for the past few decades, i.e. there will be strings (re)attached, and your mileage about their cost will vary.


It's a bit like roaming charges expected to make a comeback post-Brexit: it's just perks (same domestic tariff/plan applies seamlessly across EU) that Brits are losing, not the basic service (mobile telephony in EU).

Edited by L00b
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As a Ukipper I can't see a great deal wrong with the above, just minor bits.


We can't control immigration, that's a given.

Benefits, some do live off them, some don't.

Our schools and health service and housing cannot cope, on the money here.







You think that trade deals with other countries won't involve loads of immigrants heading our way (on top of the tens of thousands already coming that we can control)?


Silly billy.

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As a Ukipper


Our schools and health service and housing cannot cope, on the money here.




Nonsense. Schools, NHS and housing depends on Government policy. Our Government have chosen to keep NHS spending low, in relation to population numbers and an aging population.

It would be quite simple to increase taxes slightly and increase NHS funding.

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Nonsense. Schools, NHS and housing depends on Government policy. Our Government have chosen to keep NHS spending low, in relation to population numbers and an aging population.

It would be quite simple to increase taxes slightly and increase NHS funding.


Are you suggesting that we raise taxes in order to provide for immigrants medical needs and education?

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