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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Are you suggesting that we raise taxes in order to provide for immigrants medical needs and education?


What he is saying is that the government's path of squeezing funding for the last 10 years or so has negatively impacted on healthcare and education throughout the country. It isn't to pay for 'immigrants medical needs and education' it is for everybody's healthcare and education.

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Are you suggesting that we raise taxes in order to provide for immigrants medical needs and education?
Do you believe that immigrants don’t pay tax or something?


Regardless, the U.K. is about to be put on notice to quit fannying and get down to brass tacks. Not looking good. Tic-toc-tic-toc...

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Are you suggesting that we raise taxes in order to provide for immigrants medical needs and education?


Some of the baseless prejudices are beginning to show.

The Project Fear based on xenophobia and racism was a major factor in the referendum.

Some voters were unable to differentiate between free movement of EU nationals and illegal,uncontrolled immigration.

The result will be that we could lose many valued ,tax paying workers in health care,services and agriculture,and still be unable to control immigration.

Brilliant !

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Do you believe that immigrants don’t pay tax or something?


Regardless, the U.K. is about to be put on notice to quit fannying and get down to brass tacks. Not looking good. Tic-toc-tic-toc...


Oh come on - the average Brexiters view of immigrants is a horde of people come to rob our banks rape our women and plunder our fields, they just assume "immigrants" are not honest and out for plunder... The fact that they may actually pay taxes - and may even pay more than them simply never registers...

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Are you suggesting that we raise taxes in order to provide for immigrants medical needs and education?


All in comers should be assessed as to whether they are coming here on holiday, or other reasons. People visiting this country should pay their way via a compulsory one off payment or insurance.

After 5-10 years they will have paid taxes just like the rest of us, and if we want them to stay, should be treated the same as everyone else.

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Originally Posted by ANGELFIRE1 View Post

As a Ukipper


Our schools and health service and housing cannot cope, on the money here.





Nonsense. Schools, NHS and housing depends on Government policy. Our Government have chosen to keep NHS spending low, in relation to population numbers and an aging population.

It would be quite simple to increase taxes slightly and increase NHS funding.



I find it difficult to reply to an answer that blindly fails to address the post I made.


Schools are in the news constantly, many failing their pupils, class sizes are always in the news as to the number of pupils in a class, it needs a drastic reduction so more time can be spent on each pupil. Many schools are in need of some kind of repair to their buildings.


NHS, apparently listening to the News or discussion programmes the whole system is on its knees and about to collapse.


Housing is a given, we require upward of 250,000 built every year just to keep the status quo. Last year was a record for house building, 217,000. So do the math here, every year the housing situation gets worse and worse.



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As a Ukipper I can't see a great deal wrong with the above, just minor bits.


We can't control immigration, that's a given.

Benefits, some do live off them, some don't.

Our schools and health service and housing cannot cope, on the money here.


This just sums up the complete stupidity of Brexit and Brexiters in a nutshell.


All of the above are as a direct result of UK government policy/mismanagement, nothing whatsoever to do with the EU.


EU migrants pay £20bn more in taxes than they receive


The analysis showed that “EU 15” migrants contributed 64 per cent more in taxes to the UK than they received in benefits, and the A10 group – comprising countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania – contributed 12 per cent more than they received.

By comparison, the UK-born population was a net cost.


EU migrants are propping up our public financies and institutions like the NHS, not depleting them!

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Originally Posted by ANGELFIRE1 View Post

As a Ukipper


Our schools and health service and housing cannot cope, on the money here.








I find it difficult to reply to an answer that blindly fails to address the post I made.


Schools are in the news constantly, many failing their pupils, class sizes are always in the news as to the number of pupils in a class, it needs a drastic reduction so more time can be spent on each pupil. Many schools are in need of some kind of repair to their buildings.


NHS, apparently listening to the News or discussion programmes the whole system is on its knees and about to collapse.


Housing is a given, we require upward of 250,000 built every year just to keep the status quo. Last year was a record for house building, 217,000. So do the math here, every year the housing situation gets worse and worse.




This just sums up the complete stupidity of Brexit and Brexiters in a nutshell.


All of the above are as a direct result of UK government policy/mismanagement, nothing whatsoever to do with the EU.


EU migrants pay £20bn more in taxes than they receive




EU migrants are propping up our public financies and institutions like the NHS, not depleting them!


its everything to do with the past 20 years of "project fear" that the likes of the BNP and UKIP and the media have been portraying on a daily almost hourly basis.

Its everything to do with "project fear" from the likes of BNP and Ukip over the past 20 years projecting everything wrong in the country onto the EU

Its funny how those in power, and were in power over the past years and those few taking all the money from the poorer many dont even get a mention.


Yet again we at the bottom fight each other for the crumbs that fall from the rich mans table........and i can only see it getting worse after brexit, not better

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EU migrants are propping up our public financies and institutions like the NHS, not depleting them!


For those from the EU the picture was most positive: they were estimated to have contributed £1.34 for every £1 they took out.

The same research found those from outside the EU put in £1.02 for every £1 received.


Immigrants here for longer contribute less to public funds


The same research looked at all immigrants living in the UK between 1995 and 2012—these people could have arrived decades ago in some cases. For EU immigrants the contributions were smaller and those from outside the EU took out more than they put in.




The whole argument is nonsense. Its up to the Government to tax people, fairly.


People cannot just come into this country at 64 and claim a pension when they are 65, can they?

So should they be able to get other services Scot free, from day one?

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