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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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---------- Post added 14-05-2018 at 23:41 ----------



You are aware that project fear came from the remainers, don’t you?


---------- Post added 14-05-2018 at 23:42 ----------



Showing your ignorance now


---------- Post added 14-05-2018 at 23:43 ----------







Even Farage admits that immigration is needed.


In consequence, some of our spend on infrastructure and services will be for the benefit of immigrants.


It’s only if you let your imagination go a bit mad and start thinking about hypothecated pots of money that are spend only on services for immigrants then there could be a problem, or if for example immigrants were a net drain on the economy. But that isn’t what is happening.

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You are aware that project fear came from the remainers, don’t you?


The project fear that I refer to is that of the Brexiteers.

Just read back a few posts and you might be able to follow the argument sensibly



I did, you seem to be infused as to the origins of project fear. It’s a little to fresh in people’s mind to start saying it came from Brexit.

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Even Farage admits that immigration is needed.


In consequence, some of our spend on infrastructure and services will be for the benefit of immigrants.


It’s only if you let your imagination go a bit mad and start thinking about hypothecated pots of money that are spend only on services for immigrants then there could be a problem, or if for example immigrants were a net drain on the economy. But that isn’t what is happening.



The bogey in the room is, no one knows how many "foreigners" of all kinds are in the Country. So how can it be assumed that "foreigners" are not a net drain on the Country. I disagree and think they are, but have no authenticated figures to prove it.



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The bogey in the room is, no one knows how many "foreigners" of all kinds are in the Country. So how can it be assumed that "foreigners" are not a net drain on the Country. I disagree and think they are, but have no authenticated figures to prove it.




If you have no evidence to support your claim, why do you believe it's true?

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I did, you seem to be infused as to the origins of project fear. It’s a little to fresh in people’s mind to start saying it came from Brexit.

look what the likes of the BNP, UKIP, Farage and the media have been banging on and on and on for the past 20 years or so, slowly ramping up the frequency and venom.

Until..........................the referendum, and then.................


nothing, immigration doesnt really get mentioned these days, unless its regarding brexit negotiations.

Before the referendum, there was a massive fear, panic almost, about hordes of immigrants coming....did they all go home again? ALL?

Angelfires already posted his world view of it, and looks like hes sucked it all in, the world is coming to an end, the NHS, housing and schools cant cope, the immigrants are here.


THAT is project fear.


and it won

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I did, you seem to be infused as to the origins of project fear. It’s a little to fresh in people’s mind to start saying it came from Brexit.


Did you mean confused....because I am not.

Project fear is oft quoted by the Brexiteers referring to the predictions of George Osborn and the Bank of England as to the impact of Brexit on our economy.

These were certainly expressed to persuade voters to stay in the EU.

Whether these prove to be more or less accurate remains to be seen when the terms of Brexit become clearer than they are now.

I am saying that there has been a far more insidious Project fear carried out by Farage,UKIP and right wing nationalists supported by elements of the right wing press.

This appeals to those who wish to blame all problems on immigration and foreigners.

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The bogey in the room is, no one knows how many "foreigners" of all kinds are in the Country.
Even if that was true (which I don’t believe for a second, since HMBF and the Home Office have the dataset from airports, ferry operators and Eurotunnel for declared migrants), whose fault would it be? The EU’s, or the UK’s?


Remember that the U.K. is not part of the Schengen group, for a start, then have a think.

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look what the likes of the BNP, UKIP, Farage and the media have been banging on and on and on for the past 20 years or so, slowly ramping up the frequency and venom.

Until..........................the referendum, and then.................


nothing, immigration doesnt really get mentioned these days, unless its regarding brexit negotiations.

Before the referendum, there was a massive fear, panic almost, about hordes of immigrants coming....did they all go home again? ALL?

Angelfires already posted his world view of it, and looks like hes sucked it all in, the world is coming to an end, the NHS, housing and schools cant cope, the immigrants are here.


THAT is project fear.


and it won






The British government must stop forcing doctors, banks and landlords to enforce “hostile environment” immigration laws, a United Nations expert has said.




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Yeah it gets brought up occasionly, BUT not like it was pre referendum, it was panic stations all day every day, hordes of em all charging here from the continent, its all you read virtually in the papers.

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Yeah it gets brought up occasionly, BUT not like it was pre referendum, it was panic stations all day every day, hordes of em all charging here from the continent, its all you read virtually in the papers.


Quite, those links all show the results of the nastiness that has been emboldened by Brexit, they are entirely different to anything during the referendum (other than remainers said stuff like this would happen).


Can only assume Peter has spectacularly failed to understand your point :suspect:


---------- Post added 15-05-2018 at 13:50 ----------


If you have no evidence to support your claim, why do you believe it's true?


Farage's "Project Fear" in action, kinda proves RJRBs point:rolleyes:

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