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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The headline you posted says that it is costing YOU. Nowt wrong with my reading skills fella. Also nice sidestep - how about the bigger picture? Too complicated?


Simple fact is that there are a lot of 'foreigners' in the UK, so there will be a proportion of them in jail, it comes with the territory. Not going to do the sums, but to me it seems that 140 million on 2.4 billion is either below representation (ie. proportionally fewer foreigners are in British jails than live in this country) or close to accurate.


Why don't you do the sums?


Are you saying that it's not, you can pay my share.


Your reading skills are limited.

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A Romanian in the UK is about a hundred times more likely to be in jail than a UK native.


Sums are ace.


A function of poverty, not country of origin. :roll:


Correlation, not causation, confounding variables, direction of causality, interpreting the numbers to avoid our own prejudices is ace.

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A Romanian in the UK is about a hundred times more likely to be in jail than a UK native.


Sums are ace.


'EU migrant risks’ Romanians are EIGHT times more likely to be jailed as Britons.




As its a newspaper headline, I will take it with a pinch of salt.

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It's a function of them being caught committing a hundred times more crime.


And a Malian man risked his life in France to save a kid dangling from a balcony, hes been hailed a hero, but France will generally still hate immigrants

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The arguments pro Brexit seem to be getting more desperate as the reality begins to dawn .

Back to the racial stereotypes and ignore the risks to our economy as May tries to be all things to all factions.

The Conservative party is as divided as ever and no one will be happy with the outcome.

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