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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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" Cataclysm" Wow another scary word thrown into the argument :hihi: When are the plagues of locusts due ? Please tell so I can protect my vegetable garden :)


The problem with your position is that EVERY reputable economic forecaster predicts that leaving the EU will be very damaging for our economy at best and a total disaster at worst. If I asked you to provide a credible economic assessment which shows that the UK would actually be better off outside the EU, I guarantee you would not be able to do so.


I have asked repeatedly on this and other threads for such evidence and all anyone can ever come up with are links to highly partial articles in the Mail, Sun or Express which claim that the UK economy is improving slightly. So constantly accusing Remainers of scaremongering while at the same time refusing to provide any evidence to the contrary makes you look stupid or worse, someone who really doesn't care what the consequences are as long as your extreme xenophobic political aspirations are achieved.


If you refuse to seriously consider credible economic arguments you may as well still believe in Santa Claus or goblins.


Maybe you do.


Edited to add:


If even your own pro-Brexit government's economic reports are so negative in their outlook that the government tried to hide them from MPs, never mind the people, does that not make you stop and think that this whole thing may not be a particularly good idea?

Edited by Top Cats Hat
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Its not theft Im worrying about , its the cataclysm :hihi::hihi::hihi:
You are? I didn't have you down as a worrier type, but as more of an optimist. Sunlit uplands and all that?

Its not theft Im worrying about , its the cataclysm :hihi::hihi::hihi: Have you got a little notebook , full of handwritten words and sayings such as Cataclysm , Apocalypse , End of days etc which you refer to when talking about brexit ?
Do you want me to start CAPITALIZING them for emphasis like The Express? :hihi: Edited by L00b
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The problem with your position is that EVERY reputable economic forecaster predicts that leaving the EU will be very damaging for our economy at best and a total disaster at worst. If I asked you to provide a credible economic assessment which shows that the UK would actually be better off outside the EU, I guarantee you would not be able to do so.


I have asked repeatedly on this and other threads for such evidence and all anyone can ever come up with are links to highly partial articles in the Mail, Sun or Express which claim that the UK economy is improving slightly. So constantly accusing Remainers of scaremongering while at the same time refusing to provide any evidence to the contrary makes you look stupid or worse, someone who really doesn't care what the consequences are as long as your extreme xenophobic political aspirations are achieved.


If you refuse to seriously consider credible economic arguments you may as well still believe in Santa Claus or goblins.


Maybe you do.


May be I do and Maybe im sick to the back teeth of certain people pulling this country down . It will still be here after brexit , whatever the naysayers ( losers ) say . Fully expecting a comeback saying we will be losers but you know what, so be it .


---------- Post added 30-05-2018 at 23:40 ----------


You are? I didn't have you down as a worrier type, but as more of an optimist. Sunlit uplands and all that?


Always sunny around here :)

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Maybe im sick to the back teeth of certain people pulling this country down.


This claim always amuses me!


Tell me this. Who cares more about this country? Those who see real harm on the horizon and try to warn others of that harm or those who don't seem to care what happens to the country one way or another as long as their narrow ideological wishes are fulfilled?

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Some of them are going there. Dublin and Paris too. The net loss with eventually be tens of thousands of jobs.


And tens of thousands of people with them, at a ratio of precisely 1:1


How is that going to affect the unemployment figures?

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This claim always amuses me!


Tell me this. Who cares more about this country? Those who see real harm on the horizon and try to warn others of that harm or those who don't seem to care what happens to the country one way or another as long as their narrow ideological wishes are fulfilled?


which ideological are you talking about, the EU ones or your own Countries you are trashing?

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May be I do and Maybe im sick to the back teeth of certain people pulling this country down . It will still be here after brexit , whatever the naysayers ( losers ) say . Fully expecting a comeback saying we will be losers but you know what, so be it .

You know what, thats one of the stupidest things i have ever read on here...and ive posted enough myself :suspect:


on one hand you say you are fed up of the country been pulled down, but then on the other you fully accept it if it happens because of your actions Oo

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Funnily enough with all the talk of the fishing industry needing brexit THIS never got mentioned and its only a couple of days old.




shellfish need to be kept alive and additional delays at borders could wipe out the shellfish industry


---------- Post added 31-05-2018 at 11:26 ----------


The former Vote Leave chairman, Nigel Lawson, is applying for residency in France, LOL




as usual hypocrite springs to mind.

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Funnily enough with all the talk of the fishing industry needing brexit THIS never got mentioned and its only a couple of days old.




shellfish need to be kept alive and additional delays at borders could wipe out the shellfish industry


---------- Post added 31-05-2018 at 11:26 ----------





as usual hypocrite springs to mind.


Well they'll be ruining their own food supply, may be a light at the end of the tunnel for toilet paper manufacture.

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