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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Actually, most people think that the politicians should just get on and do it, Leave the EU.


I think my version is closer to the mark :)


14th straight YouGov poll shows Britain wishes it had never voted to leave the EU



They, and I, can't understand why it is taking so long. There is nothing remotely difficult about it.


Clearly then, you haven't been paying attention :loopy:

Edited by Magilla
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You obviously didn't read before the vote how 'Project Fear' warned that just voting to Leave the EU would cause a major recession with 820,000 jobs lost and quite possibly lead to conflict on a global scale.


But do you disagree with my comments on the currency speculator George Soros?


He is not a UK citizen. He became extremely wealthy through currency trades which damaged the UK economy, and admitted that his actions had benefited nobody but himself. He has also damaged other economies in his mission to increase his vast wealth.


Do you believe that a rich foreign £billionaire knows what is best for Britain? Soros has an agenda, and its not what is best for Britain.


i didnt say i didnt agree with it, i dont know much about him, what i do now is you put that paragraph there as project to fear to accentuate your view

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i didnt say i didnt agree with it, i dont know much about him, what i do now is you put that paragraph there as project to fear to accentuate your view


What I wrote in the paragraph about George Soros was not based on any predictions by so-called 'experts'. It is past history, and easily checkable. 'Project Fear' uses scaremongering to frighten people about what it says might happen in the future.


You don't appear to understand the difference. I, for one, am not the least bit surprised.

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is that your answer to a possible issue then? "toilet roll" :suspect:



There is no issue, unless the EU want to go without seafood, if they leave it languishing at the border they'll be queuing up ten deep at the toilets.

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Given the position of all these ultra-wealthy hardline Brexiteers like Rees-Mogg, the irony in Car Boot's posts about Soros is reaching positively EPIC levels! :D


Do you think that a man who has made enormous wealth from destabilising national currencies and markets, including the UK, is a fit and proper person to fund the 'Best for Britain' campaign?


Is a man who has used currency speculation to attack the UK economy for personal gain a role model for Remainers?

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There is no issue, unless the EU want to go without seafood, if they leave it languishing at the border they'll be queuing up ten deep at the toilets.
Going by your logic, you'd swear EU(27) seafood traders can't source alternative suppliers away from the UK. Odd.
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Going by your logic, you'd swear EU(27) seafood traders can't source alternative suppliers away from the UK. Odd.


They seem keen to keep fishing UK waters, they'll have to catch more frogs and snails.

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You know what, thats one of the stupidest things i have ever read on here...and ive posted enough myself :suspect:


on one hand you say you are fed up of the country been pulled down, but then on the other you fully accept it if it happens because of your actions Oo


Just to clarify . I meant that I fully expected a comeback from Remainers saying that we , the country will be losers . Not that the country Would be losers

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Do you think that a man who has made enormous wealth from destabilising national currencies and markets, including the UK, is a fit and proper person to fund the 'Best for Britain' campaign?


Is a man who has used currency speculation to attack the UK economy for personal gain a role model for Remainers?


Do you think people with links to disaster capitalists are the best people to direct Brexit?

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