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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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They seem keen to keep fishing UK waters
Unsurprisingly, economic actors in the EU27 are as keen to maintain the status quo as economic actors in the UK.


But we all know how much traction economic arguments have been getting and continue to get in the Brexit ideologic debate, don't we?


The UK waters' catch is replaceable, like everything else the UK supplies to the EU27. It's the very nature of free market economics and, somehow, I doubt that the EU27 will struggle to do that replacing, if and when it should come to it: 500m consumers vs 65m, is all that needs to be said.


Plus side for you is, your fish should come cheap after 2020, when you get your waters back. Pity local fish is not to the current UK consumer tastes, though (80% of UK-consumed fish is imported, 80% of UK-caught fish is exported; ballpark figures, but they paint the UK retail problem).

Edited by L00b
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Unsurprisingly, economic actors in the EU27 are as keen to maintain the status quo as economic actors in the UK.


But we all know how much traction economic arguments have been getting and continue to get in the Brexit ideologic debate, don't we?


The UK waters' catch is replaceable, like everything else the UK supplies to the EU27. It's the very nature of free market economics and, somehow, I doubt that the EU27 will struggle to do that replacing, if and when it should come to it: 500m consumers vs 65m, is all that needs to be said.


Plus side for you is, your fish should come cheap after 2020, when you get your waters back. Pity local fish is not to the current UK consumer tastes, though (80% of UK-consumed fish is imported, 80% of UK-caught fish is exported; ballpark figures, but they paint the UK retail problem).


So cheaper fish and the UK will be able to source it's needs from other than the EU, now tell us the UK'S deficit with the EU, and how the EU is going to make up the Brexit hole in it's budget, they've already got the begging bowl out to the UK, trying to blackmail it into filling their bowl.

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So cheaper fish and the UK will be able to source it's needs from other than the EU


Of course, the UK will also have to spend a fair wedge on all the stuff it's being kicked out of, and going to need or replace. Let me see if I can remember: £350m a week for the NHS (£18bn), £40bn to the EU, £18bn for a customs system (HMRC estimate), £5bn for satellites, £32bn for exporters and importers in paperwork, £1bn to NI, 10.000 extra civil servants, infrastructure and farming subsidies...if I remember correctly, the net cost of EU membership to the UK was around £9bn?


Don't try it on with the economic argument, retep. You're not doing yourself any favours.

now tell us the UK'S deficit with the EU, and how the EU is going to make up the Brexit hole in it's budget, they've already got the begging bowl out to the UK, trying to blackmail it into filling their bowl.
Look at that hospital mocking charity :hihi:
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Do you think that a man who has made enormous wealth from destabilising national currencies and markets, including the UK, is a fit and proper person to fund the 'Best for Britain' campaign?


Is a man who has used currency speculation to attack the UK economy for personal gain a role model for Remainers?


OK, your understanding of history is just wrong. it isn't even a bit wrong. It's totally wrong. Nothing unexpected from the uneducated spouting propaganda.


Do you have any idea what Black Wednesday in 1992 was actually about? Are you seriously telling me that a man who is worth $8bn is able to crash the UK economy of $1.18 TRILLION in 1992. So 0.0007% of of currency shorting crashed an entire economy out of NOWHERE. REALLY? Do you even understand why Black Wednesday even happened in the first place? It wasn't because he suddenly turned up and said, lets crash the UK economy and make some money. It was because he saw the ridiculous position the UK government was in, in trying to artificially peg the Pound against the Mark.

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Of course, the UK will also have to spend a fair wedge on all the stuff it's being kicked out of, and going to need or replace. Let me see if I can remember: £350m a week for the NHS (£18bn), £40bn to the EU, £18bn for a customs system (HMRC estimate), £5bn for satellites, £32bn for exporters and importers in paperwork, £1bn to NI, 10.000 extra civil servants, infrastructure and farming subsidies...if I remember correctly, the net cost of EU membership to the UK was around £9bn?


Don't try it on with the economic argument, retep. You're not doing yourself any favours.

Look at that hospital mocking charity :hihi:


Has the EU got the £40 billion yet, let's see the EU fill that hole, £5billion for satellites probably cheaper than what we'll finish up paying the spongers, farming subsidies yes they will hurt the EU more with lost sales to the UK , 10,000 civil servants reassigned to the UK.


And a bit of good news,


"TERRIFIED bureaucrats from across Europe are calling on Brussels to strike a trade deal with the UK to prevent the prospect of a hard Brexit with border controls and tariffs which could clobber ports which rely on trade with Britain."


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George Soros has made a mint by reading the markets and backing his own judgement.

I would have thought that his opinions and beliefs should carry more weight than whatever a Coronation Street script writer has to say.

Meanwhile our special relationship with the US is hit by 25% tariffs on steel products.

The only meaningful response will be to hit back in a major way.

This is possible by being a member of a major trading bloc,and much less so as a minor player on the world stage.

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Has the EU got the £40 billion yet, let's see the EU fill that hole, £5billion for satellites probably cheaper than what we'll finish up paying the spongers, farming subsidies yes they will hurt the EU more with lost sales to the UK , 10,000 civil servants reassigned to the UK.


And a bit of good news,


"TERRIFIED bureaucrats from across Europe are calling on Brussels to strike a trade deal with the UK to prevent the prospect of a hard Brexit with border controls and tariffs which could clobber ports which rely on trade with Britain."



If £40bn is all the EU has to worry about then they really have nothing to worry about. Since it literally is a drop in the ocean for an economy of £11tn.


I really don't understand why you think the EU should be afraid of us. If we leave the EU under a so called hard Brexit, then we are TOTALLY screwed. Every single trade agreement we have via the EU would be thrown out. How long do you think a trade agreement takes to negotiate? We'll have over 100 to make. We have a year to make 100 trade agreements. Really? We can't even work out how to leave one!


Is the express really your own source of information? You really need to go back to school to learn what a credible source is.

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OK, your understanding of history is just wrong. it isn't even a bit wrong. It's totally wrong. Nothing unexpected from the uneducated spouting propaganda.


So you believe that what I have posted on this thread about the financial speculator George Soros is 'totally wrong'. I wonder why that is? Perhaps this 'uneducated' Leave supporter can change your mind without being accused of 'spouting propaganda'?


Do you have any idea what Black Wednesday in 1992 was actually about?


I have a suspicion that Black Wednesday was when the UK was forced to leave the Exchange Rate Mechanism on 16 September 1992 because the Bank of England couldn't keep the value of the pound above its agreed lower limit.


Without going into too much detail, George Soros in the months leading up to Black Wednesday had built up a huge short position (sell first, buy later) of pounds sterling which he gambled he could sell at a higher price than what he would buy it for later. This he achieved by selling a massive amount of pounds on the market the day before Black Wednesday, weakening and devaluing an already depreciating pound. Other traders followed suit.It was reported that Soros made at least £1 billion profit, while the Bank of England's reserves were nearly exhausted from trying to prop up the value of the currency by buying pounds. The UK entered into recession shortly after.


Are you seriously telling me that a man who is worth $8bn is able to crash the UK economy of $1.18 TRILLION in 1992.


I have never stated that George Soros 'crashed' the UK economy. I stated that he is notorious for 'breaking the Bank of England' and destabilised the national currency, damaging the economy by costing the UK taxpayer £billions.


So 0.0007% of of currency shorting crashed an entire economy out of NOWHERE. REALLY?


Where did I state that the George Soros currency destabilisation came out of nowhere? It was staunch pro-Europeans in the Conservative government that created the conditions for financial vampires like Soros to profit at the UK's expense. The establishment elite who greatly desire the UK to remain in the EU were responsible for Black Wednesday.


Do you even understand why Black Wednesday even happened in the first place? It wasn't because he suddenly turned up and said, lets crash the UK economy and make some money. It was because he saw the ridiculous position the UK government was in, in trying to artificially peg the Pound against the Mark.


Soros didn't create the conditions that led to Black Wednesday. I have never claimed that he did. Soros did admit that his actions had benefited no one but himself. The cost to the UK taxpayer was roughly £3.3 billion.


Now Soros is a man of the people, willing to use his huge fortune to keep the UK in the EU. Alleged Russian interference during the EU referendum was very bad for democracy according to Remainers, yet a Hungarian £billionaire with US citizenship wanting to overturn the democratic result is a good thing?

Edited by Car Boot
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