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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Joint UK / EU status for NI?



this bit made me laugh

The Labour MP Chris Leslie, a supporter of the Brexit-opposing Open Britain campaign, said: “If there was an award for coming up with unnecessarily complicated and convoluted solutions to self-inflicted problems, David Davis would win it every year.”


also an interesting factoid

According to the Sun, Davis was ready to drop his support for technological solutions, after police said systems, such as number plate recognition cameras, could become a target for sectarian attack.

shows how complicated it actually is

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If £40bn is all the EU has to worry about then they really have nothing to worry about. Since it literally is a drop in the ocean for an economy of £11tn.


I really don't understand why you think the EU should be afraid of us. If we leave the EU under a so called hard Brexit, then we are TOTALLY screwed. Every single trade agreement we have via the EU would be thrown out. How long do you think a trade agreement takes to negotiate? We'll have over 100 to make. We have a year to make 100 trade agreements. Really? We can't even work out how to leave one!


Is the express really your own source of information? You really need to go back to school to learn what a credible source is.


They are certainly making a song and dance about losing our funding, you need to go back to school and learn about credibility it seems you have none.

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Or conversely how very simple it is!


Ireland is one geographical entity.


Ireland has one cultural identity (even Ulster Unionists identify as 'Irish')


Since 1918 a large majority of the citizens of that Island have been in favour of a unified constitutional and political status (a United Ireland)


While Ireland and the U.K. are members of one economic area (the EU) the border is pretty much an irrelevance (it runs through some people's living rooms and there is a large area of woodland in Fermanagh/Cavan where the border has never even been mapped*)


The VAST MAJORITY of people in Ireland want NO FORM OF BORDER whatsoever. The former Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern said on Channel Four News last month "if a border is reimposed in Ireland it will not be the paramilitaries who will tear it down, it will be the ordinary people of Ireland."


If the Brextremists really want Britain to leave the EU they must take seriously the prospect that one cost may be the reunification of Ireland. The enormous irony is that most Brextremists are also Unionists and if Scotland goes too they will have facilitated the break up of the United Kingdom, leaving the UK just England and Wales.


Democratically, that may be the fairest outcome. Remember that at the end of the day, it was only England and Wales who wanted out of the EU.


(*40 odd years ago, a body was found in woodland on the Fermanagh/Cavan border. This ended in a series of phone calls between diplomats in Dublin and London to determine whether the death should be investigated by the RUC or the Garda Siochana. It was then that it was discovered that neither government had a map of the border accurate enough to determine whether the location of the body was in the North or South.)

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Iain Duncan Smith has spoken: if you don't like Brexit then:


'Either live with it or find somewhere else to live'



A nasty piece of work if ever there was one.


The vast majority of people in the UK DID NOT vote for Brexit. Where on earth (literally!) does he think potentially up to 48 million people should go?

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The vast majority of people in the UK DID NOT vote for Brexit. Where on earth (literally!) does he think potentially up to 48 million people should go?


Those that did counted, some couldn't, some couldn't be bothered, those that did won, that's democracy, if you don't like democracy try North Korea, kim seems in a good mood you'll be fine.

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They are certainly making a song and dance about losing our funding, you need to go back to school and learn about credibility it seems you have none.


Brexit strategy no 1 - avoid answering the question by means of <spurious irrelevacne quote>


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 14:33 ----------


Those that did counted, some couldn't, some couldn't be bothered, those that did won, that's democracy, if you don't like democracy try North Korea, kim seems in a good mood you'll be fine.


Strategy number 2 - whine about "democracy" and wave it like some magic banner to all ills.

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Brexit strategy no 1 - avoid answering the question by means of <spurious irrelevacne quote>


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 14:33 ----------



Strategy number 2 - whine about "democracy" and wave it like some magic banner to all ills.


thats all they have, soundbites and magic words to wave around willy nilly (like democracy, project fear) no facts

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Those that did counted, some couldn't, some couldn't be bothered, those that did won, that's democracy, if you don't like democracy try North Korea, kim seems in a good mood you'll be fine.


While Brexiteers keep banging on and on about the referendum, the elephant in the room which they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge is that the vast majority of people in the UK did NOT vote to leave the EU (for a variety of reasons, and then only in England and Wales) so while there may be a shaky democratic argument, there is certainly no moral argument for the minority imposing a potentially disastrous outcome on the majority of people in the UK.

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While Brexiteers keep banging on and on about the referendum, the elephant in the room which they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge is that the vast majority of people in the UK did NOT vote to leave the EU (for a variety of reasons, and then only in England and Wales) so while there may be a shaky democratic argument, there is certainly no moral argument for the minority imposing a potentially disastrous outcome on the majority of people in the UK.


If they did not vote they have no say, quite simple really, you'll get the hang of it eventually, the winner is the one who comes first in a two horse race.


No use complaining after the fact.

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