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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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If £40bn is all the EU has to worry about then they really have nothing to worry about. Since it literally is a drop in the ocean for an economy of £11tn.


I really don't understand why you think the EU should be afraid of us. If we leave the EU under a so called hard Brexit, then we are TOTALLY screwed. Every single trade agreement we have via the EU would be thrown out. How long do you think a trade agreement takes to negotiate? We'll have over 100 to make. We have a year to make 100 trade agreements. Really? We can't even work out how to leave one!


Is the express really your own source of information? You really need to go back to school to learn what a credible source is.



If we pull out, as we should do on WTO and pay the the failed EU nothing, then others will follow - for sure. The failed EU machine will sink faster than the Titanic did. The EU gravy train is heading for the buffers, the sooner the better.


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 15:29 ----------


The vast majority of people in the UK DID NOT vote for Brexit. Where on earth (literally!) does he think potentially up to 48 million people should go?



I must be on another Planet, I thought the vast majority of the people who voted, voted for Brexit. The non voters had their chance, no vote, no say.



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Brexit strategy no 1 - avoid answering the question by means of <spurious irrelevacne quote>


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 14:33 ----------



Strategy number 2 - whine about "democracy" and wave it like some magic banner to all ills.


If that's the best you can do I'd give it up kid.:hihi:

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the vast majority of people in the UK did NOT vote to leave the EU (for a variety of reasons, and then only in England and Wales) so while there may be a shaky democratic argument, there is certainly no moral argument for the minority imposing a potentially disastrous outcome on the majority of people in the UK.


And in the 2017 general election the Tories got 42% of the vote, factor into that 30% of the population not voting at all; a bad result, but the Tories still won.

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Those that did counted, some couldn't, some couldn't be bothered, those that did won, that's democracy, if you don't like democracy try North Korea, kim seems in a good mood you'll be fine.


Shouldn’t have a problem in letting the people decide on the final deal then as that is how democracy works.


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 17:30 ----------


If we pull out, as we should do on WTO and pay the the failed EU nothing, then others will follow - for sure. The failed EU machine will sink faster than the Titanic did. The EU gravy train is heading for the buffers, the sooner the better.


You know that every single scenario that has been forecast to date where we fall on to WTO rules will mean that we will suffer the most economically. There will be no free trade with anyone. We will not have time to negotiate a single trade deal by the time we leave.


The more it drags on like this, the more convinced I am that Brexit will not happen. If the government was serious about leaving, we would have worked it out by now. If there was the will, there will be away.

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That is only your opinion.


You still don't answer the question 'Why should the will of the minority be imposed on the majority?'


It was in David Cameron's general election manifesto of 2015, insisting that 50% of union members in the public sector vote in ballots that approve industrial action.

Which would be barking if it actuaqlly became law. If that same law applied to the EU referendum, our economy would be doing much better now.

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That is only your opinion.


You still don't answer the question 'Why should the will of the minority be imposed on the majority?'


It's not, the majority won get over it.


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 18:05 ----------


Shouldn’t have a problem in letting the people decide on the final deal then as that is how democracy works.


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 17:30 ----------



You know that every single scenario that has been forecast to date where we fall on to WTO rules will mean that we will suffer the most economically. There will be no free trade with anyone. We will not have time to negotiate a single trade deal by the time we leave.


The more it drags on like this, the more convinced I am that Brexit will not happen. If the government was serious about leaving, we would have worked it out by now. If there was the will, there will be away.


They already have, haven't you noticed, and they call Brexiteers thick.

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If we pull out, as we should do on WTO and pay the the failed EU nothing, then others will follow - for sure.


no they wont, because they will see the damage it causes the economy.


if whatever deal we end up with destroys the just-in-time supply chains which forms a major part of our exports then the other eu countries will be all too willing to step up


you only have to look at his actions over the last couple of days to see how a deal with mr trump will pan out.

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They already have, haven't you noticed, and they call Brexiteers thick.


Not disagreeing with you on what brexiteers are.


However, are you really telling me that all 17m voted for the same idea of Brexit? Are you telling me that no one thought their idea of Brexit was to follow the Norway model? No one thought they would like the Canada style trade agreement? No one thought that the Swiss relationship with the EU would have been their idea of Brexit?


Are you really telling me that all 17m people want a hard Brexit? You can categorically say that all 17m people had exactly the same idea of Brexit as you?

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