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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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The former Vote Leave chairman, Nigel Lawson, is applying for residency in France, LOL


You know the place where you work is in trouble when the first person to apply for voluntary redundancy is the finance director.

Edited by Mister Gee
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Seeing as you seem to be a bit thick I'll make it plainer, they voted to leave the EU.


People voted for the idea of leaving the EU but no specifics. The 'leave' option as printed on the ballot was "Leave the EU". I think that is a very poor option. If people had been given various options including "Leave the EU but remain in some form of customs union" and "Leave the EU but keep a soft border in Ireland" then they would have had to better inform themselves of the different options and the standard of debate would have been improved. I also suspect the turnout would have been lower as some people would have struggled to understand the various options. What people were asked to do was vote on whether to leave and then leave the detail to Britain's idiot political class - enter David Davis!

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Even Farage is now saying he never said Brexit would be a success. But the main thing he says is we’ll be in control.


That’s like saying you’re happy to swap your Bentley for a Ford Focus, with Trump looking after the keys and the PM of India demanding it gets serviced by Indian immigrants for an extortionate price.

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Shouldn’t have a problem in letting the people decide on the final deal then as that is how democracy works.


---------- Post added 01-06-2018 at 17:30 ----------



You know that every single scenario that has been forecast to date where we fall on to WTO rules will mean that we will suffer the most economically. There will be no free trade with anyone. We will not have time to negotiate a single trade deal by the time we leave.


The more it drags on like this, the more convinced I am that Brexit will not happen. If the government was serious about leaving, we would have worked it out by now. If there was the will, there will be away.



I remember the Remoaners telling the Brexiteers that the world would stop revolving, that the stars would fall from the sky and the seas would dry up if the leave vote won. Well leave duly won the referendum and non of the aforementioned disasters have happened. So why would any one believe what the remoaners are whining on about now. We are leaving that's a given, just accept it and get over it.



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I remember the Remoaners telling the Brexiteers that the world would stop revolving, that the stars would fall from the sky and the seas would dry up if the leave vote won. Well leave duly won the referendum and non of the aforementioned disasters have happened. So why would any one believe what the remoaners are whining on about now. We are leaving that's a given, just accept it and get over it.




In truth you remember none of those things,they are figments of your imagination.

What you may remember for the future is that the perceived benefits of Brexit will be outweighed by the costs in terms of residual payments to the EU,and the greater cost to our economy.

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In truth you remember none of those things,they are figments of your imagination.

What you may remember for the future is that the perceived benefits of Brexit will be outweighed by the costs in terms of residual payments to the EU,and the greater cost to our economy.



Easy solution, leave and pay nothing. Go onto WTO and chuff the corrupt EU.



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Easy solution, leave and pay nothing. Go onto WTO and chuff the corrupt EU.




That is practically the most stupid thing we could ever do. The consequences would be devastating for us.

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So you opt for WTO rules which will be detrimental to both manufacturing and services in the U.K.

The EU community accounts for 50% of our trade and is made up of some of the least corrupt countries of the world.

You can’t trade with many countries outside of the EU without under the counter payments and favours.

Leave certainly means leave,plus a multitude of other factors that the referendum voters were totally unaware of and now choose to ignore.

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That's nonsense!


They look the same, they speak the same language, they have the same accent, they dress the same, they believe in the same god (those that can be bothered), they watch the same soaps and crappy talent shows on TV, they do the same lottery, they drink the same beer, they eat the same takeaways, they get the same illnesses, they drive the same cars, they pay the same gas and electricity bills, they vote in the same elections, they follow the same celebrities, they go through the same education system, they live in the same poor housing schemes, they tell the same jokes, they go to the same hospitals, they want the same things for their children, they have the same debts, they have the same bad diets, they follow the same sports.


If they lived next to each other in Hull, Harwich or Harlesden you wouldn't be able to tell them apart! It is only the bizarre constitutional situation they find themselves in which has forced any differences on them.


Two separate nationalities with different traditions and religion claiming the same land. One side claiming it for Britain, the other for Ireland. It may be nonsense to you or I, but do not underestimate the power of nationalism and identity.


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 13:52 ----------


People voted for the idea of leaving the EU but no specifics. The 'leave' option as printed on the ballot was "Leave the EU". I think that is a very poor option. If people had been given various options including "Leave the EU but remain in some form of customs union" and "Leave the EU but keep a soft border in Ireland" then they would have had to better inform themselves of the different options and the standard of debate would have been improved. I also suspect the turnout would have been lower as some people would have struggled to understand the various options. What people were asked to do was vote on whether to leave and then leave the detail to Britain's idiot political class - enter David Davis!


The voting options were decided by those who greatly desire the UK to Remain in the EU, and were positioned to give prominence to the Remain option.


The actual ballot paper stated:


Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?


Remain a member of the European Union


Leave the European Union


It was thought by various working groups that by placing the Remain option above the Leave option more people would opt for the status quo. Remainers decided on the wording of the question and the order in which remain and leave appeared. Remainers were responsible for the referendum full stop.

Edited by Car Boot
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That's nonsense!


They look the same, they speak the same language, they have the same accent, they dress the same, they believe in the same god (those that can be bothered), they watch the same soaps and crappy talent shows on TV, they do the same lottery, they drink the same beer, they eat the same takeaways, they get the same illnesses, they drive the same cars, they pay the same gas and electricity bills, they vote in the same elections, they follow the same celebrities, they go through the same education system, they live in the same poor housing schemes, they tell the same jokes, they go to the same hospitals, they want the same things for their children, they have the same debts, they have the same bad diets, they follow the same sports.


If they lived next to each other in Hull, Harwich or Harlesden you wouldn't be able to tell them apart! It is only the bizarre constitutional situation they find themselves in which has forced any differences on them.

so tell me again why theyve been having a sectarian war for 50 years?

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