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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Two separate nationalities with different traditions and religion claiming the same land. One side claiming it for Britain, the other for Ireland. It may be nonsense to you or I, but do not underestimate the power of nationalism and identity.


---------- Post added 02-06-2018 at 13:52 ----------



The voting options were decided by those who greatly desire the UK to Remain in the EU, and were positioned to give prominence to the Remain option.


The actual ballot paper stated:


Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?


Remain a member of the European Union


Leave the European Union


It was thought by various working groups that by placing the Remain option above the Leave option more people would opt for the status quo. Remainers decided on the wording of the question and the order in which remain and leave appeared. Remainers were responsible for the referendum full stop.


I don't care who came up with the wording, it was still crap. I don't live in the binary world where if a remainer did something it's automatically good or bad. I just think people should be given adult options to choose from. I also think it's deeply suspicious when anyone claims to know what kind of Brexit people voted for, since they were only given one option.

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People voted for the idea of leaving the EU but no specifics. The 'leave' option as printed on the ballot was "Leave the EU". I think that is a very poor option. If people had been given various options including "Leave the EU but remain in some form of customs union" and "Leave the EU but keep a soft border in Ireland" then they would have had to better inform themselves of the different options and the standard of debate would have been improved. I also suspect the turnout would have been lower as some people would have struggled to understand the various options. What people were asked to do was vote on whether to leave and then leave the detail to Britain's idiot political class - enter David Davis!


The question was quite clear "Leave the EU" the answer was quite clear "Leave the EU", apparently the hard of understanding can't quite get their heads around a simple question, and they call Brexiteers thick.

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The question was quite clear "Leave the EU" the answer was quite clear "Leave the EU", apparently the hard of understanding can't quite get their heads around a simple question, and they call Brexiteers thick.


Rather than insulting everyone maybe you should give us your vision of what comes next.


Which is really what were all trying to discuss

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Rather than insulting everyone maybe you should give us your vision of what comes next.


Which is really what were all trying to discuss


Whatever comes next,


it's the remainers who have crystal balls.

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Whatever comes next,


it's the remainers who have crystal balls.


Well if you care so little about what comes next then I don't know why you are objecting to a possible deal which preserves as much as possible of our existing relationship.

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Well if you care so little about what comes next then I don't know why you are objecting to a possible deal which preserves as much as possible of our existing relationship.


I have as much influence as to what comes next as you have,

our existing relationship with the EU is we give them everything and receive nothing.

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I have as much influence as to what comes next as you have,

our existing relationship with the EU is we give them everything and receive nothing.

project fear over the past 20 years told you that didnt they? :hihi:

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