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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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So according to you , only those educated in the ways of economical and political issues , should have had a vote on it , or it would invalidate the result ?


No, according to Car Boot. He's attempted to argue that people manage to get it together for a referendum but return to ignorance when a pollster approaches them, but hasn't offered any evidence for this. Although I do think if you are going to do anything in life you should try to inform yourself of the likely consequences before acting.

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You will agree that your analysis of the democratic process is rather flawed. Voting is not similar to competing on a game show, but is a personal choice based on many different factors. In-depth knowledge of politics and the economy are NOT required to participate in the democratic process, nor should they be.


Polls, on the other hand, involve an interruption to an individual either on the phone, in the street or over the Internet. Many people desire for this interruption to be over as quickly as possible and will select the quickest route to accomplishing this. Even if it means giving a non-accurate response to a pollster, as has been known to happen.


The EU referendum allowed those who cared about the issue to have their say. Many people preferred to stay at home, including some who participate on this very thread.


It’s Brexiters who don’t seem to understand the democratic process.


See my signature


---------- Post added 06-06-2018 at 08:16 ----------


Absolutely not!


The basis of our democracy is 'one person one vote' and so it should be.


However, a drawback to that system is that it does make those less well educated, prone to manipulation by slogans, rabble rousers and fake news. This was demonstrated particularly by the EU referendum and the last US election.


The EU debate was essentially an economic one but during the whole campaign I don't think I ever came across one leave voter who had any understanding of even basic economics.


No, rather than looking at an 'understanding qualification' for voting, what we really ought to be doing is ensuring that everybody leaves school with a good education and for them to continue that education throughout their life.


It was always fundamentally an economic debate, and that is because the bottom line for almost everyone when it boils down to it is going to be the economy.


But the Brexit campaigns deliberately avoided that discussion.

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It’s Brexiters who don’t seem to understand the democratic process.


See my signature


---------- Post added 06-06-2018 at 08:16 ----------



It was always fundamentally an economic debate, and that is because the bottom line for almost everyone when it boils down to it is going to be the economy.


But the Brexit campaigns deliberately avoided that discussion.


This is why Remain lost the vote. Framing the argument as being purely economic doesnt recognise other issues which are important to people, such as sovereignty and the freedom of movement (mass immigration) inspired competition for low-skilled employment, housing, health care and education etc.


The Remain side deliberately avoided anything but the economic case for remaining in the EU, and lost the referendum. Like all elites throughout history, Remainers were completely unaware that just because being in the EU was good for them and the bankers, it didn't necessarily mean that it was good for everyone.

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This is why Remain lost the vote. Framing the argument as being purely economic doesnt recognise other issues which are important to people, such as sovereignty and the freedom of movement (mass immigration) inspired competition for low-skilled employment, housing, health care and education etc.


The Remain side deliberately avoided anything but the economic case for remaining in the EU, and lost the referendum. Like all elites throughout history, Remainers were completely unaware that just because being in the EU was good for them and the bankers, it didn't necessarily mean that it was good for everyone.


That’s complete and utter nonsense.


Remain lost because the economic case was made strongly but very badly, and portrayed as project fear.


The leave campaigns deliberately avoided economic issues- Dominic Cummings made that very clear. If they had engaged in economic issues they would have lost.

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The amusing thing is, the better educated are going to come out the other side far better. So the majority of people of voted leave will be adversely affected the most :hihi:


Bring it on!


Reap what you sow etc....


I guessed that most of those shouting loudest about furriners and take back control and all that crap would be the hardest hit and it's looking right. Sadly it could leave to large scale civil disorder when they still dont get what they want, and the "liberal left" as they put it seem to have it all

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This is an utterly ridiculous post, 'guessing everything' that might possibly happen after an election (or referendum) vote is simply impossible.

no but you should know if your action "could" make you richer, the same, or worse off, and people with common sense dont normally do actions which they know "could" make them financially worse off. BUT we know hardcore brexiters dont care, its just one massive obsession "project fear" perpetrated by the likes of farage for decades, that the EU is the bane of our lives and we must get out at all costs.

He'll be ok tho

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Like all elites throughout history, Remainers were completely unaware that just because being in the EU was good for them and the bankers, it didn't necessarily mean that it was good for everyone.


Can you remind me again who will be hit hardest by the effects of Brexit according to the government's own 'secret' reports?


I'm sure it wasn't the bankers?

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