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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Blame the immigrants eh?


Maybe pressure on services, housing, education and health is really as a result of living under a system which massively favours the rich and powerful over the workers, unemployed, the poor and the sick.


People need to lobby to change that system instead of listening to anti working class elements like you who act in the interests of the rich and powerful by urging people to fight among each other for scraps off the table when they should be demanding a seat at the table.


You do understand that there would be no mass immigration if the rich and powerful didn't greatly desire it? Surely nobody actually believes that it's the poorest in society who crave the importation of cheap migrant labour? Rather than a wealthy elite who see increased competition as one way to help maximise profits.


Remaining in the EU and it's Thatcherite Single Market protects bosses profits and stops governments from implementing pro-worker policies. EU rules on opening up public services to 'competition' block the full nationalisation of services.


Time to dump the single market and customs union.


Time to dump the bosses front, the EU.

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You do understand that there would be no mass immigration if the rich and powerful didn't greatly desire it? Surely nobody actually believes that it's the poorest in society who crave the importation of cheap migrant labour? Rather than a wealthy elite who see increased competition as one way to help maximise profits.


Remaining in the EU and it's Thatcherite Single Market protects bosses profits and stops governments from implementing pro-worker policies. EU rules on opening up public services to 'competition' block the full nationalisation of services.


Time to dump the single market and customs union.


Time to dump the bosses front, the EU.


You don't get this economics thing do you.....

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