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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Should be interesting to see the tack the Mail takes moving forward now Dacre is out and the new editor is a remainer (apparently).


The Express is now owned by Mirror group as well.


We should see sentiment in these paper track away from hard Brexit as they seek to disassociate themselves from the Government's mess.

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I definitely think things are shifting now. Not only have the latest polls shown that more people oppose leaving the EU since the referendum but on Question Time last night, the Brexiteers in the audience were quite angry and shouty as opposed to their usual smugness!


I suspect they realise that the game is up!:(

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There's a very strong argument that some of those areas would be even worse off if it wasn't for EU intervention.

of course there is, i have benefited from various sources of funding for training and learning myself that has come from the ESF, everywhere i look things are funded from the ESF.

NOT much comes from our own government.

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of course there is, i have benefited from various sources of funding for training and learning myself that has come from the ESF, everywhere i look things are funded from the ESF.

NOT much comes from our own government.


Apart from the money to pay for it.:rolleyes:

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We do pay towards the ESF so retep makes a valid point....

we pay money to the EU, so do 27 other countries, the point is would we actually get money directed into such training and learning which help the low paid, unemployed and youngsters if left to our own government?

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we pay money to the EU, so do 27 other countries, the point is would we actually get money directed into such training and learning which help the low paid, unemployed and youngsters if left to our own government?


A lot less than now I'll wager. Not least because leaving the EU is, as has already been demonstrated, going to cost far more than our EU contributions ever did. That was apparent to anyone with half a brain cell.


Hell, they haven't even started the tender processes for many of the new systems/facilities that are going to be needed in less that a year, because when they do realistic costs will appear and then everyone is going to freak out!


2 years on and Brexit now stands revealed as an unmitigated, multi-dimensional disaster.


The "so called patriots", Boris, Gove, Farage, JRM & the 17m mugs who voted for this nonsense have utterly humiliated their country.

Edited by Magilla
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we pay money to the EU, so do 27 other countries, the point is would we actually get money directed into such training and learning which help the low paid, unemployed and youngsters if left to our own government?


No. No it won't. A Tory government won't go out of its way to help deprived areas. Neither will a labour one for that matter.

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The "so called patriots", Boris, Gove, Farage, JRM & the 17m mugs who voted for this nonsense have utterly humiliated their country.


How does participating in the democratic process make the electorate "mugs"?


Especially when those 17.4 million people refused to give in to the relentless and unprecedented pressure being brought to bear on them to deliver a Remain vote by the combined might of the establishment, international finance and big business?


The only real 'mugs' who have humiliated themselves and the nation are those who didn't vote in the referendum, some of whom post on this very thread.


You are seeking to blame the man and woman on the street for simply wanting a better life. For this, they are "mugs" in your opinion. Are you aware that since June 2016 when over 17 million people voted to leave the EU virtually none of them have had any say in what has happened since? Do you understand and accept this fact?


Quite sad, really. And those who voted Remain have the sheer audacity to accuse Leave voters of making others feel unwelcome.

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