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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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How are you going to deal with the meltdown?


We'll deal with the predicted 'meltdown' in the same way we handled the predicted loss of 820,000 jobs, the predicted emergency budget of £15 billion in cuts and £15 billion in tax rises, and the predicted global conflict which would definitely happen if we voted to Leave the EU.


Economic forecasting has a very poor record precisely because it's difficult to accurately predict what might happen in the future. But there are posters on here who are VERY emotionally invested in the idea of Brexit being an economic disaster. In fact, they greatly desire it to be so with every fibre of their being.


Rather than admitting the very real problems with economic forecasting they keep their faith in the so-called 'experts' and their forecasts no matter how many times economic armageddon fails to materialise.

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We'll deal with the predicted 'meltdown' in the same way we handled the predicted loss of 820,000 jobs, the predicted emergency budget of £15 billion in cuts and £15 billion in tax rises, and the predicted global conflict which would definitely happen if we voted to Leave the EU.


Economic forecasting has a very poor record precisely because it's difficult to accurately predict what might happen in the future. But there are posters on here who are VERY emotionally invested in the idea of Brexit being an economic disaster. In fact, they greatly desire it to be so with every fibre of their being.


Rather than admitting the very real problems with economic forecasting they keep their faith in the so-called 'experts' and their forecasts no matter how many times economic armageddon fails to materialise.

its NEVER been will happen, its always been COULD, bad things COULD happen, just as they COULD be good things happen.

How many times do you win when you gamble? gambling is designed generally so the gambler loses.

All weve ever said is we COULD be worse off, however you and your mates have NEVER once said what COULD happen, just called others names, and spouted soundbites, and twisted things into anti EU tirades.

But then i dont expect anything other than you twisting things

Edited by melthebell
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How does participating in the democratic process make the electorate "mugs"?


It seems a most appropriate description of anyone who believed leaving the EU would "save £350m" a week, help to resolve any of the issues within the UK with regards FoM, or any of the other 'supposed' benefits.


Especially when those 17.4 million people refused to give in to the relentless and unprecedented pressure being brought to bear on them to deliver a Remain vote by the combined might of the establishment, international finance and big business?


... and common sense, seemingly. Prefering instead to rely on soundbites that bare no resemblance to reality and fall at the first hurdle under even the most basic of scrutiny.


The only real 'mugs' who have humiliated themselves and the nation are those who didn't vote in the referendum, some of whom post on this very thread.


Well they didn't fall for the £350m plain faced lie, so they have that.


You are seeking to blame the man and woman on the street for simply wanting a better life. For this, they are "mugs" in your opinion.


If you want a better life and then vote to impoverish yourself and the nation against all common sense then you have to wonder.


Are you aware that since June 2016 when over 17 million people voted to leave the EU virtually none of them have had any say in what has happened since? Do you understand and accept this fact?


Not at all.


Given that pretty much all of the problems laid at the feet of the EU were actually a result of UK government incompetance, the current Brexit shambles was a forgone conclusion. Entirely predictable and indeed, was predicted by many on here before the referendum took place.


You can't absolve yourself of responsibility for this mess I'm afraid, no matter how you try.


Quite sad, really. And those who voted Remain have the sheer audacity to accuse Leave voters of making others feel unwelcome.


Indeed, that you have the sheer audacity to try to absolve yourself of the responsibility for this mess! "It's everyone elses fault"... typical brexiter!

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So you support a public vote on any deal proposed by the government then?
Sh*t out of luck on that score: to the surprise of absolutely no-one with an ounce of common sense and a minute’s worth of attention to news and detail, Barnier just shot down the UK’s proposal in flames. The EU just told the U.K. to either get serious or GTFO. That’s ‘hardball’ btw, for the hard of understanding.


6 months on, the U.K. is no further along than as of last December. On that timescake and in view of the political dead end in the U.K., a deal isn’t going to be agreed in time.

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It seems that's the level of your education.

nerr nerr nerr not listening...........democracy.............nerr nerr nerr not listening...........project fear.............nerr nerr nerr not listening...........remoaners.............nerr nerr nerr not listening...........Sovereignty.............nerr nerr nerr not listening...........take it back.............nerr nerr nerr not listening

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