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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Another Benefit of Brexit


Our membership of the EU is almost certainly responsible for the UK's low level of business investment. British firms invest a lot less than their counterparts elsewhere in Europe in training and raising the skill levels of staff.


Your claims seem to make less and less sense.


If you are claiming that UK businesses are investing less in their staff than other European businesses, then logically that would appear to be a decision made by UK businesses alone rather than being forced to by the EU. Otherwise why aren't other European businesses ALSO sacking off investment instead relying on migrant labour?


The reality is workers' standards of living, terms and conditions, health and safety, negotiating rights and pensions are much higher in almost all EU states. One of the biggest protections from exploitation of UK workers' rights in recent years is the EU Working Time Directive. In fact one of the business arguments made by Leavers during the campaign was that British business would thrive once free of the yoke of EU regulation.


Far from suppressing British workers' rights, ironically the EU has been the only safeguard for British workers during decades of obsessive free market economic policy during the Thatcher years and continued by Tony Blair.

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A Benefit of Brexit


As a direct result of the EU referendum austerity has been reduced and the arch Remainer and chief architect of Project Fear George Osbourne's extreme austerity targets have been abandoned. Brexit has led to the reduction of the severe austerity economic policy favoured by both the EU and leading Remain fanatics.


Austerity as an economic tool was always the method of choice for the proud Europeans.


God, even for you that's a stupid statement.


And in no way based on fact.

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Another Benefit of Brexit


Our membership of the EU is almost certainly responsible for the UK's low level of business investment. British firms invest a lot less than their counterparts elsewhere in Europe.


If other EU countries invest more than the UK, how is it the fault of the EU?


It is the fault of the elected Goverenment.

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A Benefit of Brexit


As a direct result of the EU referendum austerity has been reduced and the arch Remainer and chief architect of Project Fear George Osbourne's extreme austerity targets have been abandoned. Brexit has led to the reduction of the severe austerity economic policy favoured by both the EU and leading Remain fanatics.


Austerity as an economic tool was always the method of choice for the proud Europeans.


And Boris Johnson, David Davis, Liam Fox, Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees Mogg are revolutionary socialists :cool:

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hahahahahaha cardoor just gets dafter and dafter in his march to blame EVERYTHING on the EU, its funny but actually scary that there is people so obsessed with certain things out there.

and it really is pointless posting facts as he just doesnt want to know, obsession has consumed him and theres no changing it.

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The point is that car bot’s posts are driven by a socialist agenda, but are also heavily supportive of hard right neoliberals, who are more rabid than those in the EU he claims to hate.


Maybe he sees Brexit as the Trojan horse that will bring about a British socialist utopia.

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The point is that car bot’s posts are driven by a socialist agenda


National socialist agenda, given his concern seems to be exclusively for what he sees as the indigenous population.


A worker from Sheffield is equal to a worker from Sofia in the eyes of a true socialist.

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National socialist agenda, given his concern seems to be exclusively for what he sees as the indigenous population.


A worker from Sheffield is equal to a worker from Sofia in the eyes of a true socialist.


An environmentalist would accept that the developed world has ravaged the earth; and climate change does not respect borders, so we must think about all the citizens of the world.

But that does not mean that people that have paid no UK taxes should be treated the same as a UK resident.

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