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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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That’s because we have a remainer at heart prime minister....


We've got a clueless prime minister driving around blind folded with a bunch of idiots giving different directions from the back seat. In fairness it would be a similar split if labour was in charge. We couldn't have a worse set of politicians to go through such a challenge.

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That’s because we have a remainer at heart prime minister....


It's much more likely that it is because she is attempting to turn a disparate bunch of shouty slogans into government policy which is rapidly proving to be impossible.


Do you really thing a Brextremist Prime Minister would fare any better?

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That’s because we have a remainer at heart prime minister....


We've got a Tory party split down the middle and totally at odds with their natural allies like the CBI. Remember how happy BoJo and Gove looked (not) the morning after the referendum - wasn't meant to happen and they'd no idea of where to go next - BoJo wanted to boost his leadership chances on the back of a campaign that lost but appealed to the ageing Tory rank and file in thrall to the Daily Mail.


Agree with tfh - Labour are as split and we've a set of politicians who are overwhelmingly moderately incompetent to downright useless.

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I realise that some people still feel quite embittered about the fact that of those people that were motivated enough to have expressed a preference the majority chose to leave. That process is called democracy btw.


I would suggest to those people that the european union of which they wish to remain a part is still I believe accepting migrants from the UK. So rather than stay here whingeing why not take a positive step and go and live there permanently. A win win situation all round I think. You will remain in the EU for what ever reason and we will be rid of you, your whingeing and your inability to accept that the majority are allowed to want something you don't . and we will be spared your pathetic attempts to drag out the democratically selected option of leaving


I'd like to say I wish you well with your new future in your new countries but I am not given to telling lies.

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I realise that some people still feel quite embittered about the fact that of those people that were motivated enough to have expressed a preference the majority chose to leave. That process is called democracy btw.


I would suggest to those people that the european union of which they wish to remain a part is still I believe accepting migrants from the UK. So rather than stay here whingeing why not take a positive step and go and live there permanently. A win win situation all round I think. You will remain in the EU for what ever reason and we will be rid of you, your whingeing and your inability to accept that the majority are allowed to want something you don't . and we will be spared your pathetic attempts to drag out the democratically selected option of leaving


I'd like to say I wish you well with your new future in your new countries but I am not given to telling lies.


Another one who doesn’t understand democracy.


See my signature.

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:love::love::love: Get a room you two . Truth is nobody knows what will happen in the future ( except Loob) :)
Thanks for the vote of confidence, there, hackey, but I don’t know what will happen in the future any more, or better, than you or e.g. Jeffrey.


I merely have a highly-informed opinion about what is likely to happen, and post, and have made life choices, according to my strength of conviction.


Notwithstanding that what “will” happen may be what I currently believe is “likely” to happen, there is quite a semantic difference between what is “likely” to happen in my opinion, and what “will” happen as a matter of (future) fact, I’m confident you can appreciate it.


I’m no different in that respect, to Brexiteers posting and voting and making life choices over the past 2 years or so, according to their strength of conviction.


Where the difference lies, is best explained in this recent little piece about Bojo’s Y2K bug noises last week: I come to my beliefs and opinion about Brexit and it’s aftermath from analysing factual information (statutes, statistics, statements, political acts and decisions) and following known default rules (TEU, TFEU, Conventions, Directives, etc.), ie ‘testing’ (‘if this happens, then that happens because Article X says this’).


Not from hearsay or slogans or other unverified assertions (“they need us more than we need them”, “car manufacturers will bend Merkel”, etc.), because they have little to no objective (factual) basis.



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We've got a clueless prime minister driving around blind folded with a bunch of idiots giving different directions from the back seat. In fairness it would be a similar split if labour was in charge. We couldn't have a worse set of politicians to go through such a challenge.


Exactly. If we come out of this anything like OK it will be by more luck than judgement.


In some ways the EU was a Godsend for UK politicians. They could use it to blame many ills on and they didn't have to do too much work, with a lot of the big decisions being taken in Brussels. Now, they may have to take responsibiity for actually running the country and it terrifies them.

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I realise that some people still feel quite embittered about the fact that of those people that were motivated enough to have expressed a preference the majority chose to leave. That process is called democracy btw.


I would suggest to those people that the european union of which they wish to remain a part is still I believe accepting migrants from the UK. So rather than stay here whingeing why not take a positive step and go and live there permanently. A win win situation all round I think. You will remain in the EU for what ever reason and we will be rid of you, your whingeing and your inability to accept that the majority are allowed to want something you don't . and we will be spared your pathetic attempts to drag out the democratically selected option of leaving


I'd like to say I wish you well with your new future in your new countries but I am not given to telling lies.


So after every election, those who voted labour should leave?


Here is a better idea, you and the rest of the brexiters - make the damn thing work without destroying the country!

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We've got a clueless prime minister driving around blind folded with a bunch of idiots giving different directions from the back seat. In fairness it would be a similar split if labour was in charge. We couldn't have a worse set of politicians to go through such a challenge.



That sums the situation up pretty well.




---------- Post added 11-06-2018 at 10:49 ----------


I realise that some people still feel quite embittered about the fact that of those people that were motivated enough to have expressed a preference the majority chose to leave. That process is called democracy btw.


I would suggest to those people that the european union of which they wish to remain a part is still I believe accepting migrants from the UK. So rather than stay here whingeing why not take a positive step and go and live there permanently. A win win situation all round I think. You will remain in the EU for what ever reason and we will be rid of you, your whingeing and your inability to accept that the majority are allowed to want something you don't . and we will be spared your pathetic attempts to drag out the democratically selected option of leaving


I'd like to say I wish you well with your new future in your new countries but I am not given to telling lies.



Sums the situation up, time the whingers got on board and accepted the democratic will of the majority who could be bothered to vote.



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