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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Dr Philip Lee represents a constituency that voted Leave.


He was elected on a manifesto at the 2017 general election that made clear the UK will be leaving the EU.


He accepted a ministerial post in a government that was committed to Leave - yet it has taken him until today to decide to resign.


I wonder why that is?

its not hard to find out

Justice Minister Phillip Lee said Parliament was being sidelined and that he could not support "how our country's exit from the EU looks set to be delivered".



Mr Lee warned the current approach would damage businesses in his Bracknell constituency.


He accused the government of trying to "limit" Parliament's role and called for another referendum once ministers' chosen path becomes clear.


It is "irresponsible to proceed as we are", he said, calling for the UK to "pause, extend or revoke" the Article 50 process which formally triggered its departure from the EU.



and this is a corker :hihi:

In a statement on his website, he said Brexit was "more complex than was ever envisaged" and he could not support "how our country's exit from the EU looks set to be delivered".


complex? complex?, why i never, i'd have never thunk it.



Edited by melthebell
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So not THAT committed then, or indeed AS committed as it was. I wonder why they're moving production out to Slovakia?


Accoring to the guy from the auto industry on the TV this morning, Brexit.


The Discovery is their best selling model so they're moving out to protect their investment.


As for the "commitment", whatever they're saying now is entirely dependent on "the deal", it will change in an instant on a no-deal Brexit.


---------- Post added 12-06-2018 at 16:14 ----------


We are Leaving the EU. We knew it wouldn't be easy.....


Oh rly? Lol, last week you were saying it was easy and you couldn't figure out what the delay was? :loopy:

Edited by Magilla
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Please post the information regarding the 'destroyed' 750,000 jobs or are you just scaremongering?


Let me join the dots for you.


All European car makers have been warned against using UK manufactured components for their cars because they will no longer count as being part of the 55% EU sourced criteria to enable the cars to be labelled as EU in origin. So tariff free access to the EU market won't apply. As it currently stands NO UK MANUFACTURED car would qualify once we leave the EU.


Couple this with JLR being the first to relocate an entire production line out of the UK to Slovakia. It doesn't take a genius to work out that our car industry is already being derisked at our economy's expense.


There are 750,000 jobs in the car industry from car manufacturers all the way down the supply chain. Each of those jobs are at risk. If you could read carefully, you would notice that I didn't claim that all 750,000 jobs would, but a significant portion will if they lose business to all the EU based car makers.


Not exactly difficult to understand is it?

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Apart from that of Sir Philip Lee who has resigned as a junior minister in protest against the envisaged outcome of Brexit.The cracks continue to propagate as May seeks to be all things to all people.
According to the Torygraph, there are 4 more Ministers waiting to resign in the wings, looking for optimum timing. But off the cuff I’m minded to agree with William Hague, that this could do more harm to the UK’s chances of a “good” Brexit, than good: fragilising May’s premiership could very well empower the contingent of ultras (-Brexiteers), rather than undermine them.


No easy solution, once the wheels start to come off.

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Are you going to answer the question Car Boot instead of bleat about an insult he never made?


---------- Post added 12-06-2018 at 16:23 ----------


Clown car wheels ALWAYS come off


There are insufficent smirks in the world to do your comment justice :)

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Soooooooo Arron Banks has admitted Leave.EU lead people up the garden path.



Leave.EU, which was backed by then UKIP leader Nigel Farage, lost out to Vote Leave in the battle to become the official Leave campaign in the 2016 EU referendum.


It ran a "disruptive" campaign instead, Mr Banks told the committee, adding: "We were not above using alternative methods to punch home our message or lead people up the garden path if we had to."


Mr Wigmore, Leave.EU's director of communications, said "the piece of advice that we got, right from the beginning, was remember referendums are not about facts, it's about emotion and you have got to tap into that emotion".


He said the campaign had aimed to "make fun" of journalists and his role in it had been that of an "agent provocateur".


Asked what the difference was between provocation and lies, he said: "If you are trying to sell something or put a good case over to somebody you will tell the best story. If that's provocation - or a lie, if you want to call it that, yeah."


referendums are not about facts?? Oo :suspect:

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Have you actually read this document or have you just been looking at synopses of it posted on these crackerjack, conspiracy websites you seem to get most of your information from?


I wonder what has happened to Car Boot's young Jeremy Corbyn avatar - and his championing of the working class - and his condemnation of "liberal elites".


I'm sure he will make it all clear ;)

Edited by Longcol
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This made me laugh:


Wetherspoon to stop selling champagne ahead of Brexit



Where to begin tearing it apart? I bet they sell very little, its all Cava and Proscecco - which is conveniently not mentioned. If I'm not mistaken, they're also produced in EU countries and are very cheap to buy wholesale and knock out for a tenner.


And stopping German beers for British ones? Remind me how his little plan to stop selling Heineken worked out.

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