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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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I am surprised the Brexiteers haven't noticed it on here. I would have been thought they would be spitting feathers. But I guess they are a bit slow.


To be honest, I think they realise that the game is up.


It is nearly two years since the referendum and it will be nearly three years by March 2019. Almost all polls now show a growing majority in favour of remaining in the EU and it is time our politicians actually showed some bottle and abandoned this whole ludicrous project. It no longer has any democratic, moral or principled validity and is stagnating our nation and sucking the life out of normal political operation.


Yes a few racists, cranks and extreme right wingers will scream and shout but the majority of Britain will sigh a huge sigh of relief!

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To be honest, I think they realise that the game is up.


It is nearly two years since the referendum and it will be nearly three years by March 2019. Almost all polls now show a growing majority in favour of remaining in the EU and it is time our politicians actually showed some bottle and abandoned this whole ludicrous project. It no longer has any democratic, moral or principled validity and is stagnating our nation and sucking the life out of normal political operation.


Yes a few racists, cranks and extreme right wingers will scream and shout but the majority of Britain will sigh a huge sigh of relief!


It’s fair to say it has run out of steam.


But the damage is already incalculable, and even if we stay this will impact us for a long time.


We have lot goodwill, trust, dignity and integrity.


It’s a miserable mess.

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But all this isn't as bad as it seems as Parliament has already decided on Tuesday that we are going to stay in the customs union.

You sure about that?


Because from where I’m looking, Soubry & Co. were shafted in the HoC by the form of the amendment that was supposed to implement their ‘stay in CU+SM by default’ deal with May.

The former minister Anna Soubry said she and her colleagues felt “badly let down” after they believed they had reached an agreement with the government – only to find the text had been redrafted at the last minute.


"More than a dozen Tory rebels believed they had been given a personal assurance by the prime minister, in a face-to-face meeting on Tuesday, that their concerns about the risk of a no-deal Brexit would be addressed.


"But instead of Grieve’s clause 5C, which would have allowed MPs to “direct” the government in the event of no deal, the new amendment just promised a debate on a motion “in neutral terms”.

(recent Grauniad piece).


And May pushing the ‘meaningful vote’ about it (“more snake oil, vicar?” :lol:) to February 2019 is well past far too late.


Don’t underestimate the power of the hard Brexiteers ‘who matter’. They’re still swinging an awful lot of it, with spare. And the possibility of ‘no deal’ is absolutely not off the table.

Edited by L00b
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You sure about that?


Because from where I’m looking, Soubry & Co. were shafted in the HoC by the form of the amendment that was supposed to implement their ‘stay in CU+SM by default’ deal with May.

(recent Grauniad piece).


And May pushing the ‘meaningful vote’ about it (“more snake oil, vicar?” :lol:) to February 2019 is well past far too late.


Don’t underestimate the power of the hard Brexiteers ‘who matter’. They’re still swinging an awful lot of it, with spare. And the possibility of ‘no deal’ is absolutely not off the table.


Have a look at the amendment that was passed on Tuesday WITHOUT debate on the Northern Ireland border issue.


Seriously, read the text that has passed. Ken Clarke was a god damn genius for tabling it the way he did. There is no way we can have any border of any kind that is effectively deemed as more restrictive as it is now. No check points, no form of ANY border infrastructure at all! So tell me how that can happen without being in a customs union. Serious question, please solve this conundrum which no one has been close to resolving. The ultimate driver for this is rightly the preservation of the Good Friday Agreement.

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Have a look at the amendment that was passed on Tuesday WITHOUT debate on the Northern Ireland border issue.


Seriously, read the text that has passed. Ken Clarke was a god damn genius for tabling it the way he did. There is no way we can have any border of any kind that is effectively deemed as more restrictive as it is now. No check points, no form of ANY border infrastructure at all! So tell me how that can happen without being in a customs union. Serious question, please solve this conundrum which no one has been close to resolving. The ultimate driver for this is rightly the preservation of the Good Friday Agreement.

By isolating NI from the rest of the U.K. jurisdictionally (special status, border in the sea).

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You sure about that?


Because from where I’m looking, Soubry & Co. were shafted in the HoC by the form of the amendment that was supposed to implement their ‘stay in CU+SM by default’ deal with May.

(recent Grauniad piece).


And May pushing the ‘meaningful vote’ about it (“more snake oil, vicar?” :lol:) to February 2019 is well past far too late.


Don’t underestimate the power of the hard Brexiteers ‘who matter’. They’re still swinging an awful lot of it, with spare. And the possibility of ‘no deal’ is absolutely not off the table.


There seems to have been another amendment related to NI passed by HoC, that leaves no wiggle room to avoid single market + CU for the UK. At least this is what Ken Clarke is claiming.


---------- Post added 15-06-2018 at 10:13 ----------


Which brings down the government because the DUP has a red line for that.


Who's to say May et al won't cause that to happen though....

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I am surprised the Brexiteers haven't noticed it on here. I would have been thought they would be spitting feathers. But I guess they are a bit slow.


Wow. Its still the same old Remainers on here attacking the democratic outcome of the referendum and abusing Leave voters, day in and day out. Who's actually reading your comments, keyboard warriors? This thread has become a Remain echo chamber, which also increasingly resembles the majority of the (establishment) views held in the out of touch Westminster bubble.


Charlie Mullins, owner of 'Pimlico Plumbers', a fanatical Remainer and main funder of the legal challenge to Brexit in November last year, has just lost a Supreme Court ruling that will give more rights to workers in the gig economy. Mullins has labelled this ruling 'disgraceful' and has threatened to take his case to the kangaroo European Court of Justice (ECJ). The ECJ always puts the rights of business before the rights of workers. The EU's 'four freedoms' were created to benefit big business. The very wealthy Mullins knows this, it's why he and many others like him support the EU.


Brexit will be a success in the long term. It's in both the UK and the EU's interests to form a trade deal. We will have control of our borders, our laws and eventually a lot more money than we had before, which is what the EU elites really hate.


The aggressive response of the protectionist EU since the referendum has only strengthened this view. They have made it clear that the UK should pay for daring to leave the glorious project - once again failing to truly understand why we have decided to leave.

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This thread has become a Remain echo chamber...


........Brexit will be a success in the long term.


To be honest I, and many others have repeatedly asked leave supporters what evidence they have for thinking that Brexit will be anything other than a complete disaster for the UK and we have repeatedly been met with silence.


Yet again we have 'Brexit will be a success in the long term' with absolutely nothing to back it up.


At the end of the day it is real people who will be sacrificed on your extreme ideology.

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Wow. Its still the same old Remainers on here attacking the democratic outcome of the referendum and abusing Leave voters, day in and day out. Who's actually reading your comments, keyboard warriors? This thread has become a Remain echo chamber, which also increasingly resembles the majority of the (establishment) views held in the out of touch Westminster bubble.


Charlie Mullins, owner of 'Pimlico Plumbers', a fanatical Remainer and main funder of the legal challenge to Brexit in November last year, has just lost a Supreme Court ruling that will give more rights to workers in the gig economy. Mullins has labelled this ruling 'disgraceful' and has threatened to take his case to the kangaroo European Court of Justice (ECJ). The ECJ always puts the rights of business before the rights of workers. The EU's 'four freedoms' were created to benefit big business. The very wealthy Mullins knows this, it's why he and many others like him support the EU.


Brexit will be a success in the long term. It's in both the UK and the EU's interests to form a trade deal. We will have control of our borders, our laws and eventually a lot more money than we had before, which is what the EU elites really hate.


The aggressive response of the protectionist EU since the referendum has only strengthened this view. They have made it clear that the UK should pay for daring to leave the glorious project - once again failing to truly understand why we have decided to leave.


You still managed to still not answer the fact we as a country will be in a customs union after Brexit.

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