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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Wow. Its still the same old Remainers on here attacking the democratic outcome of the referendum and abusing Leave voters, day in and day out. Who's actually reading your comments, keyboard warriors? This thread has become a Remain echo chamber, which also increasingly resembles the majority of the (establishment) views held in the out of touch Westminster bubble.


Charlie Mullins, owner of 'Pimlico Plumbers', a fanatical Remainer and main funder of the legal challenge to Brexit in November last year, has just lost a Supreme Court ruling that will give more rights to workers in the gig economy. Mullins has labelled this ruling 'disgraceful' and has threatened to take his case to the kangaroo European Court of Justice (ECJ). The ECJ always puts the rights of business before the rights of workers. The EU's 'four freedoms' were created to benefit big business. The very wealthy Mullins knows this, it's why he and many others like him support the EU.


Brexit will be a success in the long term. It's in both the UK and the EU's interests to form a trade deal. We will have control of our borders, our laws and eventually a lot more money than we had before, which is what the EU elites really hate.


The aggressive response of the protectionist EU since the referendum has only strengthened this view. They have made it clear that the UK should pay for daring to leave the glorious project - once again failing to truly understand why we have decided to leave.



Please answer our questions with facts not with hollow rhetoric - the empty vessel etc.

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Which brings down the government because the DUP has a red line for that.

Not too sure the DUP would now want to bring this government down.The election of a Corbyn government which is a strong possibility, would be a nightmare for them with his views on Ireland

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Not too sure the DUP would now want to bring this government down.The election of a Corbyn government which is a strong possibility, would be a nightmare for them with his views on Ireland


That's very true.


Corbyn has always supported the principle of a united Ireland and a pro-Brexit Corbyn government would certainly be tempted to unite Ireland as a way of solving the Irish border question.


If Teresa May had an ounce of political savvy she would be charging the DUP to preserve the status quo rather shaking the magic money tree!

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Not too sure the DUP would now want to bring this government down.The election of a Corbyn government which is a strong possibility, would be a nightmare for them with his views on Ireland


Maybe an election would solve nothing. Labour and the Tories have no chance of an outright majority.


Not a hope.

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Another one who doesn’t understand democracy.


See my signature.


If you don't like the truth change the subject have you considered politics as a career?


Like it or not we won they lost and some of us are sick of hearing the losers whinge.


Was there this much fuss after some voted to enter the common market? NO!


And there was no real fuss at all when we became without consultation or consent a subservient pawn of a political union instead of a member of a supposedly mutually advantageous collective trade agreement.


You win no argument with your superficial smart talk

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I cannot see whats bad about this . Despite claims on here ,Brexit was Never about , No immigration , it was about controlled immigration . Allowing skilled people into the UK to do jobs that are needed


So why are the NHS having such a difficult time recruiting from within the EU? Why was such a niche change required?

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I cannot see whats bad about this . Despite claims on here ,Brexit was Never about , No immigration , it was about controlled immigration . Allowing skilled people into the UK to do jobs that are needed

Because its been changed? because it was stopping the NHS getting the correct people they needed, so the policy WASNT working, it was too strict....or targetting the wrong people

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Because its been changed? because it was stopping the NHS getting the correct people they needed, so the policy WASNT working, it was too strict....or targetting the wrong people


Yes it wasn't working , so they changed it , whats wrong with that ? Not all policies work perfectly

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Yes it wasn't working , so they changed it , whats wrong with that ? Not all policies work perfectly


It means the government’s prediction of how the effects of its immigration control was completely wrong. If they can get this wrong, it doesn’t give you a lot of faith in the rest of their home office policies.


Also, what about other highly skillled jobs in other sectors, should they not get the same treatment?

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